Homeopathy Remedy Rhus Toxicodendron

Toes.- Spasmodic contractions. Sticking in l. fourth; in l. great; in ball of l. great; from great to middle of l. chest when standing; burning, between fourth and fifth in evening when walking and at night in bed; jerklike, as if a boil were about to break, in affected ball of great, in the evening throbbing in it. Pain in several at some distance from joints, then about hips and small of back, then in l. gluteals, then at connection of l. tendo-achillis with calf, the last three early in a walk; drawing, in r. great, with warmth.

Clinical Loss of coordination in lower extremities. Various forms of rheumatism and rheumatoid pains.


      Hard and like leather; then desquamation; H. on back of hand, and stiff, cracked and hot. Hands seem coated with nitrate of silver. A black welt, which becomes sore, cuticle sloughs off and leaves a circular cicatrix. Yellow and sunken between knuckles. Blue color of scars when exposed to cold air. Inflammation at inner side of l. nates, with excoriated feeling; a wound becomes inflamed and surrounded by vesicles.

Redness of whole body at 2 P.M.; R. as far as four fingers’ breadth above umbilicus; extending downward from scrotum, becoming striped at middle of thigh; in a hot spot on r. hip, with burning pain; in round spots on upper part of arm; (in round spots in ball of foot); erysipelatous, of l. side of face, with burning and smarting.

Swelling of nose, ears and neck; head, neck and chest as far as umbilicus; every year, with itching, burning and vesicles; of whole body, eyes closed and penis so swollen that he could not urinate; of lips and nose, and then pale S. of face, later with burning pain in face, lids closed by swelling, lachrymation, face covered with vesicles full of yellow water, S. lasts longest below chin and then fine desquamation there; of face, lids and lobes of ears, with itching; of face, with redness, then scarlet exanthema over whole body, with itching biting, later, backs of hands and legs covered with blisters that burst and slowly desquamated; of face, with itching and burning on forehead and about eyes, difficulty in opening lids, vesicles filled with watery fluid; r. side of face, with inflammation, itching and burning; of face till eyes are shut, with inflamed vesicles covering neck, hands and arms, inflammation of skin and symptoms resembling those of “milk sickness” of face, with heat, itching and stinging; of face, which was blistered and mottled, lids swollen so that she could not see, burning smarting over face and head and fever; erysipelatous, of face and neck; erysipelatous, of face and lids, and finally phlyctenae over whole body; of face, neck and throat, with rash resembling measles; of face, ears and neck, with erysipelatous redness of them hands swollen and blistered; sudden, of l. check, upper lip and lids, next night S. of forearm, skin leathery, with itching and heat, after four days pustules on hands and forearms, bursting and discharging clear liquid; hot, of face and hands in evening; red, in a fan shape from root of nose towards scalp, becoming hot, next day face swollen, eyes closed, or r. temple a red, itching and burning circular elevation, in afternoon the circular blotch was covered with minute vesicles and vesication had begun on other parts, later the vesicles appeared milky whitish, on back of r. hand and back of several fingers vesicles limpid at their apices, the fluid was transparent, changed blue litmus to deep blue, which faded after drying and left no discoloration; red, of face, hands and fingers, with itching, then heat, pain, vesication and fever, the vesicles on inside of fingers were large and added to the pain by pressing against each other; lurid red, of face and ears, and vesicles dripping with fluid, neck, chest and abdomen red, with patches of flattened papules and vesicles and moist excoriations, genitals swollen and scrotum running with serum, swelling of arms and legs, with vesicles, itching and irritability so that no clothes could be worn, sleep impossible without powerful anodynes. Hard swelling under l. ramus of jaw, causing chin to rest on r. shoulder. Swelling of head, limbs, eyelids and cervical glands, the last sore to touch, with smooth red eruption over whole body, and burning, then vesicles, which ran together in places, later desquamation and itching. Swelling of lids and lobules of ears, with burning, itching and prickling. Dark red swelling of l. eyelid, exuding yellow-white pus from tarsal margins, anterior part of r. forearm covered with minute vesicles, burning and stinging, next day r. eye involved, later blisters on fingers, which discharged a yellowish-white serum, yellowish-brown scab on arm, then peeling of cuticle of r. arm and fingers. Swelling of l. ear, with itching and bursting of skin of lobule of r. ear. Swelling of l. side of trunk from axilla to below ribs, with pain. Swelling extending to groin and inside thigh, pubes and abdomen, as far as navel, with itching. Swelling on arms and hands, with erysipelas, pustules, burning and itching; of arm, with vesicles containing yellowish fluid, then on other parts; tense, of l. arm and both legs, with strong resemblance to a denuded blister in a suppurating state; of forearm, with sudden roughness, itching and heat; of forearms, with redness and small transparent vesicles like eczema, arms stiff, face swollen and erythematous, penis and scrotum red, swollen and painful, with inflamed elevations on inner side of thighs, the inflamed parts painful, sometimes numb, sometimes stinging, the pain (<) night owing to heat, and (<) forearms, later the red patches extended up arms and down legs, afterwards at margins of the large patches were reddish spots as at the outset of measles, the large patches resembling the redness of scarlet fever, later the redness extended to back and clavicle, except region of sternum, while the eruption was spreading on lower half of body the upper half was recovering; S. of l. hand, increasing to bursting of skin, with itching; hands, wrists, penis, scrotum, hypogastrium and part of thighs, prepuce swollen and distended by fluid, almost transparent, phimosis, hiding the glans; hands and wrists, with itching and pimples, then vesicles, which became filled with yellowish serum, swelling of head and eyelids so that he could not see, the itching spreading over body, (<) scalp and privates, desquamation of wrists, which had exuded much serum, and he was cured of a warts which he had had on wrists for more than six years; S. on little finger, later another on thumb, increasing till it covered lower joints of thumb and finger, changing to a callus, which fell off as a scab; on tibia and loins, with induration.

Erysipelas, with high fever; E. appearing below l. eye at 1 P.M.; that burst and secreted a slimy liquid; on face, the inflammation spread over forehead and into scalp, eyes closed, ears, cheeks and lips swollen and pitting on pressure features not recognizable’ on limbs and face, sometimes on whole body, with pruritus, tingling, smarting, with stinging and burning vesicles and blebs crowded together upon a red and swollen base, when these broke and dried, then eczematous crusts, sufficient irritation caused ulceration; of face, with sweat of face; a sort of phlegmonous E. of face and head; vesicular, on face and hands, with fever.

Eruption about mouth and chin; near l. corner of mouth; scurfy, over body; scurf on face; crusty, near l. wing of nose and below nose; burning itching, on hands; painful, burning, itching, (<) scrotum, prepuce, eyelids and eyes, with swelling of these become confluent and discharge, also vesicle on arms and loins, many of these large pustules or ulcers slowly suppurate, are surrounded by red areola, become extended and heal slowly, the small confluent, pustules rapidly dry and desquamate after a few days. Tetter around mouth and nose, at times with jerking and itching, burning pain. Red phlegmonous patch over l. hip. Pemphigus eruption followed the eschar, such as might be caused by nitrate of silver. Eruption similar to urticaria. Desquamation of face; from cheeks, then heat and roughness; from affected parts, with itching of l. hand.

Pimples below lower lip; on r. side of chest and half of back, with pain as if sore and raw and sticking extending outward; hard, on hands, with burning biting itching; inflamed. above middle joint of ring finger, with itching burning pain, that sometimes changes into a slow stitch, not (>) rubbing and scratching; like the itch, on inner surface of wrist and lower part of cheek, with burning itching and smarting after scratching; coalescing into blisters filled with yellow watery fluid, with itching, (<) after midnight, only (>) rubbing with something rough till blisters are opened; miliary, on scalp, forehead, face and mouth, with biting itching; red and warm, on hand itching next morning, then vesicles, a cluster of vesicles on cheek, scratching aggravated the inflammation and caused watery discharge; itching red, behind ears and on neck, next day eyelids and face red and swollen, cervical glands tumid and tender, syncope, later the rash extended over face and hands and between toes and things, with burning itching, later the papules became vesicle, which coalesced on face and burst, emitting an acrid serum, which formed a crust so dense that movement of facial and buccal muscles was painful, nose, lids and lips swollen, afterwards unusual irritability (to flannel, etc.) of skin and hypersensitiveness to cold air. Tough pimple at bend of r. elbow; above l. nipple, scratching caused redness, burning and smarting. Deep-seated and irritable to touch on upper lip, opposite l. posterior bicuspid; on median side of nates; on nates, (<) median line, near os coccygis; on dorsum of l. hand, over smallest metacarpal bone, preceded by stinging.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.