Homeopathy Remedy Rhus Toxicodendron

Forehead. Shooting inward in l. side, with throbbing; s. outward above eye when eating, then nausea and fulness and warmth rising internally. Sudden pain behind eyes as if brain were torn to pieces, as after intoxication by brandy, on opening eyes after sleep, (<) moving eyes, then bruised pain in cerebellum, with pressure outward in temples. Tearing in region of brows and in malar-bones, with drawing. Pain; in l. side; at l. angle and in l. temple; in r. superciliary ridge; over l. brow; over r. brow and in region hemisphere of cerebellum; at junction with r. temple in morning; at 6.30 and 7 A.M., and in temples and occiput; over r. eye in forenoon after mental labor; at 11 A.M., (<) region of causality, with fulness and impatient desire to accomplish several kinds of business, chiefly intellectual; over l. brow at 1 P.M., with depression of spirits, yawning and lachrymation; intermittent, above brows, in latter part of forenoon, (>) afternoon, returning in evening, also depression of spirits, disinclination to conversation and weakness of legs; burning, above l. brow after washing hands and rinsing mouth with cold water; as with a dull point, on violent motion of arms; as if eyes would be pressed out, with yawning and chilliness; pressing forward behind l. eye. Pressure upon bone, constantly in creasing and suddenly ceasing. Tension in sinciput after eating; painful, in cerebrum at 6 A.M., on waking, with languor and coldness. Drawing on l. side, extending through cheek and down lower jaw through muscles and teeth, as if toothache would develop.

Temples. Sticking inward in r.; in l., with throbbing; S. from temples and nape to vertex, and head feeling too large. Sticking jerking extending into jaws and teeth at 7 P.M., with general weakness and with bruised pain in l. temple, he yawned, but could not fall asleep immediately for fear the pain would return. Tearing in r. Pain; in r., with remittent burning bone-pain through middle phalanx of r. little finger, waking him at 5.30 A.M.; radiating upward into r. in evening in bed, (<) rest, forcing him at one time to sit up and at another to rise; burning, in r. bone. Compression in brain. Heaviness.

Upper part. Tearing after eating, with external soreness and at times drawing pain through whole head. Heaviness after walking.

Side. Tearing from side to side from 5 P.M. till going to bed, (<) stooping. (Pain in l. side and in occiput as if sore, extending into teeth.) Beating in r.

Occiput. Stitches on stooping. Pain in l. side; in r. hemisphere of cerebellum and over r. brow; in morning on walking; in r. hemisphere of cerebellum at 11.30 A.M. after intellectual labor; in r. side, with constipation; (>) bending head backward; jerking, in afternoon; burning, at times, in forehead at times; drawing, in O. and temples at 4.30 A.M., with pressure in eyes, driving him from bed.

Scalp. Scabby pimple above l. parietal protuberance. Tearing transversely across. Pain on touch; and on stroking hair backward; P. in l. side, with drawing, both extending upward; as if contracted or as if she were pulled by the hair. Pressive drawing in l. side. Crawling; in a spot on occiput as if it would suppurate, in afternoon. Itching; anteriorly at 10 P.M. on walking in open air with head uncovered.

Clinical Headache (<) in wet weather. Headache (<) morning from lying and from cold, (>) heat and motion. Neuralgic headache only (>) walking rapidly. Occipital headache, with rheumatic stiffness in nape of neck (Dulcamara). Meningitis, with stiff neck, generally (>) lying upon something hard, restlessness, etc. Moist eruptions on the head, formed in crusts, offensive, itching (<) night. Eruptions, with great sensitiveness of the scalp, (<) warmth of bed. Erysipelas of the head, with vesicles.


      Inflammation. Redness is morning, with agglutination; redness of white in morning, with burning pressure in it, eyes seem to protrude. Soreness around r. Dull. Sticking below eyes; S. alternating with itching and redness. Periodical cutting, with difficulty in opening lids in morning. Sharp pains running into head. Aching; on exerting vision; as from dust; as from inflammation in l. in evening, with redness in inner canthus and agglutination; pressive and contractive, in evening; burning, in l.; burning, from evening till morning, (>) rising. Swollen feeling in l.; and bruised sensation, upper lid swollen and itching. Biting in r.; B., and in morning agglutination. Lachrymation; in evening, with burning pain; in cold wind. Pupils dilated. Pain in l. ball; in ball on turning eye and on pressure. Itching in ball.

Lids. Inflammation. Agglutination, with purulent mucus in morning. Swelling; of r. upper, (>) open air, with pressure; with relaxation of them and with hot, flushed face; closing l., with feeling as if glass or sand were in eye; hard, red, like a stye on lower towards inner canthus, with pain. Closed; l.; nearly; in evening, as from sleepiness, with dryness. Twitching, with dryness and with febrile chill; T. sensation in l. upper; sensation consisting of T. and contraction in r. lower. Heaviness, about 8 P.M., with stiffness, like paralysis (Kalm.). Dryness. (<) inner canthus. Soreness in cold air, as from salt biting tears. Biting on inside of lower. Itching, with drowsiness; biting l. on r. upper, (>) rubbing.

Jerking near r. inner canthus. Pain in l. inner canthus and in side of root of nose at 9.30 A.M.; p. in r. outer C. on pressure and on closing lids. Swollen sensation in r. inner C. Burning in l. inner C. at 6.30 P.M., with stinging; in r. inner before 8 P.M. Itching of r. outer C. Pain in l. brow. Sharp pain from l. orbital region through head to nape, (>) pressure. Bruised pain on inner side of orbit towards nose.

Vision dim; and objects look pale. Confused from 8.30 till 9.30 A.M., with ((<) r. half of field) irregular wavering lines and with tendency to hemiopia (and presbyopia?). Double, and sometimes only one-half of an object could be seen, and objects appeared to be at half the real distance. Objects do not appear of the right color.

Clinical This drug is valuable for numerous affections of the eye, in general way characterized by great external swelling of the lids and sub-mucous cellular tissue. Paralysis of the upper lid from cold. Erysipelas of the idea. Pustular conjunctivitis. Scrofulous ophthalmia in general, intense photophobia, yellow, purulent discharge, pains (<) at night. Affections from getting wet. Conjunctivitis and iritis. Granulated lids, with saclike swelling of the conjunctive and heavy feeling of the lids. Panophthalmitis, suppurative, with much swelling externally. Orbital cellulitis; one case of most rapid progress had destroyed one eye in forty-eight hours and attacked the other, was making rapid progress, immediately checked by Rhus t. Occasionally useful in glaucoma.


      Swelling on lobule. Shooting inward behind l., with throbbing. Tearing behind l. Aching; sudden, as if a thread were drawn through them. Painful throbbing at night. Sensation as if something were blowing into r. or stopped it up.(Itching crawling as from something alive in them.) Ringing in r. when walking. Singing like a locust, (<) cold air, (>) afternoon. Squeaking like young mice. Cracking in l. as if drum burst, on going to sleep at noon, so that he started up and trembled. Sound in l. like a cascade or like heavy rain striking the ground. (Roaring.)

Clinical Inflammation of the middle ear; inflammation of the external ear, with thick, yellow discharge. Erysipelas of the auricle.


      Tapered and painful to touch, as if it would suppurate. Median edge of r. nostril inflamed, then a tough and irritable pimple at upper part. Pointed. Sharp pain extending into cheek-bone. Sore sensation in nostrils; in l. Feels abraded. Tension beneath r. nostril. Sensation of hardness and swelling below N., (>) touch. Dryness. (Obstruction, (>) open air.) Sneezing; during the siesta, with fluent coryza; violent. Involuntary discharge of mucus in morning after rising, without coryza. Bleeding; in morning; at night; almost only on stooping; on hawking and clearing throat.

Clinical Nasal catarrh, with severe aching in all the bones caused by dampness. Catarrh, with green discharge, offensive. Frightful attacks of sneezing all night.


      Swelling; and tension. Sunken, with sickly expression and with blue rings around eyes; S. and drawn, l. side feels drawn up shorter, r. side feels elongated. Redness and sweat; erysipelatous R. of l. side, beginning during stool. Yellow and brown. Sallow Pale. Stitches in zygoma with pressure; sudden S. in r. cheek. Cutting at a point in cheek, the itching and sticking, (>) scratching. Cutting contraction in r. cheek; burning contraction in r. cheek, with pain in crowns of upper molars. Burning cramp in r. cheek in afternoon, as if everything would suppurate, skin of cheek hot and rough, necessity to rise from bed, and thirst. Pain in a gland under angle of jaw, with digging.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.