Homeopathy Remedy Rhus Toxicodendron

Fulness in morning so that food will not go down; after a moderate meal, with eructations; after a glass of wine, aversion to wine, with heaviness of head; as if overloaded after a moderate meal, with great appetite. Sensation of a lump after a meal, (<) standing. Oppression towards evening, as if everything in region of pit were contracted. Throbbing in epigastric region; below pit. Crawling, (>) lying, with eructations, both renewed by rising.


      Distention; all day, and sensation of fermentation in it after eating; (>) eating, with fermentation and hunger, on rising from stooping, with warmth in chest; flatulent, (<) eating with apprehension; painful after a meal, with colic as from incarcerated flatus. Rumbling and griping; R. and gurgling, with thrusts towards mons veneris. Fermentation. Flatulence in evening; before 8 A.M., with pain in region of ascending colon, (<) gradual pressure and more by sudden pressure and percussion, often worse at a distance from the part pressed or struck than at the part itself. Offensive flatus; easy emission of flatus that appears only in rectum. Jerking caused by flatulence Internal shaking on every step.

Shooting at noon. Cutting (<) motion with tearing and griping; C.; then sticking in r. side of abdomen. Griping in forenoon when walking in open air, with incarceration of flatus; G. during normal stool; when sitting, with oppression mounting upward; and jerking; almost jerking; in various parts. Digging and twisting pain as if a worm were moving in. it. Pain at night; P (>) stool, but returning and causing other stools; with contraction so that she must walk bent over; as if ulcerated in morning on stretching after rising, and skin of abdomen seemed too tight; as in diarrhoea; as from pressure, when sitting, (>) lying; like a heavy lump; in a spot, as from incarceration of flatus, on violently turning body. Sensation of water bubbling under walls. Crowing as if intestines were pushed towards heart, when sitting. Heaviness when sitting, with emptiness and hunger. Burning, with thirst.

Hypochondria.- Shooting from hepatic region to r. shoulder. Griping below r. ribs when sitting, as from worms, soon extending to umbilical region. Pushing below l. ribs. Crowding forward when sitting bent over, with anxiety as if death were imminent. Pressive drawing forward in l., with anxiety and nausea in chest.

Griping in upper A. after eating and drinking. Cramp-like pain in r. side in morning from slight cold, with moaning, timorous and disconsolate mood. Cutting in r. side of A., then sticking. Digging in r. side. Drawing pain in l. side during respiration. Cutting in middle in forenoon, with frequent but natural stools, (>) bending body, (<) walking. Contraction transversely across above navel, so that abdomen above and below the line was distended, hard and tense.

Umbilical Region.- Flatulent distention and griping. Sticking at 3.30 P.M.; S. above umbilicus; to l. of U.; extending to praecordial region with every pulse; to anus, first from below and to right of U., then from below and to left of it, towards evening. Cutting in l. during expiration while sitting. Griping in r. with creeping chilliness over upper arms. Drawing pain extending towards pubes. Cramplike drawing. Bruised pain below umbilicus.

Hypogastrium.- Swelling of inguinal glands. Griping burrowing waking him about midnight, with exhaustion and emptiness in pit of stomach and nausea. Pain in region of ascending colon, and in r. wrist and middle of l. radium; in pubic region; in region of ascending colon at 10.45 A.M., on rising after stool; at 2. P.M., with flatulence, then pain in r. chest; in region of r. quadratus lumborum muscles at 2.30 P.M. on rising from lying; in inguinal glands at night on moving; labor-like, as if menses would appear; rheumatic burning, between spine of ilium and ribs in evening; in ring, as if a hernia would protrude; contractive, in l. groin; d drawing, in r. side when sitting, with sensation as if abdomen were covered with a cobweb. Drawing transversely across above ring when sitting. Pressure outward in r. groin, with ravenous hunger and gurgling in abdomen. Sensation in l. flank as if a hernia protruded. Stretching in r flank as if a hernia would protrude. Tension in l. flank, with sticking; T. in groin by hip as if skin were too tight. Heaviness as if a boil were hanging on l. flank, when walking.

Clinical Peritonitis and enteritis, with restlessness, dry, red tongue, putrid, slimy diarrhoea, sometimes involuntary. Typhlitis, painful swelling of the whole r. side of the abdomen, (<) lying on l. side, (>) lying on the back and by gentle pressure from below upward. Colic, (>) bending double and moving. Numerous inflammatory symptoms of the r. side of the abdomen, with feeling of heavy weight pressing in the groin, could not stand.


      Procidentia. Pain; at 3 P.M. when urinating. Burning before stool. Crawling as of thread-worms. Deep-seated itching. Frequent desire, yet he accomplished but little. Constant urging and straining at stool; constant U., with nausea and tearing in intestines, the U, often ineffectual, sometimes scanty, watery discharge.


      Painful, sore, protruding, blind haemorrhoids after soft stool. Sore pain when not at stool. Smarting during and after stool, with burning. Burning at 10.30 A.M., soon with burning at end of penis. Itching pain as from haemorrhoids. Pricking itching between 3 and 6 P.M. when walking.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, blind, protruding after every stool, with backache and pressure outward in the rectum. Fissure of the anus, with sore protruding piles. Inflammation of the cellular tissue around anus, especially traumatic.


      Liquid, with mucus, red and yellow, gelatinous; L., brown, occasionally with pain before getting up from stool; almost L., frequent, with flatulence. Diarrhoea; in morning, with colic and cutting in abdomen; with griping before each stool; as if chopped; tinged with blood, preceded by lassitude; dark brown, with procidentia ani; dark greenish-brown, with erysipelatous redness of l. side of face lasting an hour; frequent, gelatinous, yellow and white streaked, with colic; sudden yellow, frothy, scarcely at all offensive, without previous colic, the first drops involuntary; frequent; (frequent, then ineffectual tenesmus). Soft, whitish-yellow.

Constipation; with pain in r. side of occiput; with headache and loss of appetite; with continual urging, ineffectual stool, with flatulence and rumbling in abdomen, ineffectual desire after eating; then dark brown stool. Stools mixed with blood. (White.) With gelatinous substance; frequent; and sudden, offensive, at first thick, afterwards, watery, mixed with flatus, with griping and digging in hypogastrium. Child cries before every stool, afterwards it is quiet.

Clinical Diarrhoea of thin, red mucus, of bloody water like meat- washings, sometimes a jelly-like mucus, with lumps of transparent mucus, sometimes involuntary; it may be without odor or very offensive, frequently associated with tenesmus and tearing pains down the thighs; this may occur during typhoid fever or may result from getting wet. Dysentery, with many of the above symptoms; craving for cold milk said to be very marked.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches from both sides upon bladder while urging to urinate. Obliged to urinate three times at night; every minute during the day. Micturition frequent, urine scanty, red. (Micturition in a double stream.)

Urethra.- Cutting when urinating; anteriorly when urinating, with burning and smarting, and after micturition burning and smarting, with irritation and heat in rectum, anteriorly during and after micturition, with burning pain, the last part of urine milky, after micturition heat in rectum. Burning during micturition; with scanty, high-colored urine; posteriorly at root during micturition. Biting in forepart during and after micturition, (<) rest.

Urine.- Dark; and scanty, irritating; and soon becoming turbid. Hot. Turbid when passed. Whitish, becoming more turbid the longer be urinates; the last drops like flakes. Like water, with snow- white sediment. Yellow, occasionally frequent desire, at other times seldom, but copious, sometimes transparent, sometimes smelling saltish, at others sulphurous. Profuse.

Clinical Pain and soreness over the region of the kidneys, with symptoms of inflammation, oedema, etc. Paralysis of the bladder. Inflammation of the bladder, with tenesmus. Oxaluria.

Sexual Organs

      Swelling and tightness; tympanitic S., (<) scrotum, with itching. Frightful eruption, with closure of urethra by swelling. Mons veneris, red, sore spots caused by ruptured vesicles; swelling; distended sensation when walking in open air; pressure.

Glans.- Swelling in morning after rising, with pain on touch and with biting in urethra during and after micturition; S. of glans and prepuce, and around root and in prepuce itching, burning, prickling and cutting, with transparent swelling from prepuce to scrotum, (<) l. side, with vesicles discharging a transparent fluid, prepuce looks and feels as if scalded. Vesicle beneath prepuce; V. oozing moisture at top of G. Pain on account of swollen prepuce, causing paraphimosis. Erections after waking at 1 A.M., without desire; E. at 2 A.M. in sleep without amorous dreams, then mathematical and mechanical calculations; towards morning, with frequent desire to urinate; frequent, at night, with frequent micturition.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.