Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Carbonicum

double, when hawking after rising from a seat. Tearing extending through genitals to urethra. Cutting in sides towards umbilicus, in forenoon when sitting, then in whole abdomen, as after taking cold; intermittent C. low down in afternoon, before menstruation. Paroxysmal griping; rather externally in r. flank after dinner; cutting G. Pain above l groin on yawning and deep breathing; in U. and sides of abdomen, (<) waking, with pain on touch; extending to genitals, as if everything in A. would fall out and menses would come on; bruised, in a spot on r. ilium, on pressure. Dragging in groins and region of bladder. Biting as from worms in afternoon. Tension below umbilicus, (<) walking and stooping.


      Incarcerated flatus. Cramplike pain, and below umbilicus. Pain as from hard lumps during stool and emission of flatus. Distress as from incomplete stool, with sticking. Itching; and pressure, as if haemorrhoids would occur. Burning after stool. Urging so that he could scarcely reach the closet, then thin, forcibly spurting stool (Nat-sul.); U. waking at 3 A.M., stool soft, then thin, with burning and tenesmus in anus and evacuation of a piece of tape-worm, later two thin stools; U., stool soft, then rumbling in abdomen, cutting below umbilicus and constant U., but only one slight stool, after half an hour, during which the straining never ceased, great U. and a thin, yellow stool, with burning and tenesmus in anus and pain about umbilicus. Ineffectual urging; with sticking in anus.


      Discharge of blood during stool. Sticking. Twinging. Burning after stool, with biting. Itching; biting and burning l. Crawling.


      Spotted with blood. Diarrhoea after milk; profuse D., at first of thick mucus, at last more and more covered with blood, painful, but preceded by pain in stomach; frequent, with burning in anus. Soft; and small, thin-formed, with pressure. Pasty, preceded by discharge of flatus, with burning cheeks.

Constipation or diarrhoea. Hard, with straining; H., with burning in anus; especially at first, and difficult, soon followed by urging again, but stool was insignificant, then tenesmus; and coated with blood, with sticking in rectum, then burning in anus; then soft, followed by burning; then soft, mixed with bloody mucus, then burning in anus. Like sheep-dung, after great straining (Mag-mur.) with burning. With balls of mucus like peas. Difficult, not heard. Not hard, but causing cutting during evacuation. With pressure, then pain in rectum. With straining after dinner, then burning in eyes and urethra and voluptuous irritation, the burning in eyes returned during approach of a storm, with heat of head and sweat on forehead. Two or three times a day, the last usually with pressure in rectum and tenesmus in urethra and a little crumbly mucous stool, at times only flatus.

Clinical Watery, gray diarrhoea, (<) during the day, after eating, gushing, preceded by cutting in upper abdomen, stools sudden, followed by burning and soreness in anus and great weakness, sinking in hypogastrium (compare Nat-sulf.).

Urinary Organs

      Frequent desire, with copious urine with scanty urine; continues after urinating, though there is always only a spoonful passed; constant D. and during the last drops cutting in bladder and discharge of mucus from urethra; sudden D., with sticking forward in urethra. Dribbling after micturition. Nocturnal micturition. Child wets the bed at night. Frequent micturition at night; and copious; and burning in urethra; F., urine watery; F., but scanty; F. and profuse, also with yellowish leucorrhoea.

Prostatic fluid passed with urine; passed with difficult stool. Jerking in urethra. Tearing in urethra during micturition; periodic T. in urethra and testicles. Smarting in urethra during micturition. Burning in urethra in evening, with smarting; B. during micturition, with sticking; during and after micturition; when not urinating. Copious urine; and necessity to urinate after midnight; with burning before and during micturition. Two pounds of lemon-yellow urine every morning. Urine offensive; sour- smelling, bright yellow. Urine turbid soon after passing; becomes T. and deposits a mucous sediment.

Sexual Organs

      Itching; on and about them; stitch-like, on and about them; of prepuce; of glans; of glans in forenoon. Prepuce inflamed; and glans; retracted in morning. Smegma behind corona glandis. Glans easily become sore; G. swollen; pain back of G., with erections after coition. Priapisms towards morning, then emission without desire, with tensive pain and cutting in penis. Erections mornings without desire; frequent E. during the day; three times in morning, the last time painful; violent in morning on waking; almost painful in morning in bed; weak; ceased.

Sticking beating in scrotum. Soreness between scrotum and thighs. Itching of scrotum, not (>) scratching. Testicles, pain in l.; bruised pain; heavy pressive drawing in T. and spermatic cords, more in morning than in evening; numbness. Emission at night, with pain, but sleep so sound that he could not entirely wake, next day fretful, discontented and persistent at nothing; frequent, in an old man; without erection; without lascivious dreams. Coition incomplete, transient erection and speedy emission. Desire in morning after beer, then flat, sweetish taste; in a warm bath and on leaving it burning in palms; even on touching a girl. Desire for emission after dinner and in evening. Without real sexual desire, after dinner it returned while legs were crossed, (>) walking, returned in evening when lying.

Female. Pressure towards them during stool. Pulsation after coition. Soreness between pudenda and thighs. Tearing in one side of pudenda. Biting, burning itching in region of pudenda. Leucorrhoea; thick, after micturition; profuse day and night, always after paroxysms of cutting and twisting about umbilicus. Movement in uterus, as of a foetus. Menses too late; and scanty, like water from meat; to early; more profuse and longer-lasting.

Clinical Induration of cervix uteri, with pressing towards the genitals as if everything would come out (Sepia), metrorrhagia, offensive leucorrhoea, etc.

Respiratory Organs

      Dryness of larynx; in open air noticed on talking and breathing. Rawness of trachea. Hoarseness; with coryza and oppression of chest.

Cough; at night, with scraping in throat and uneasy sleep with wheezing in trachea; tickling; hacking, with rattling in chest. Scraping cough, at times with hoarseness and heat of hands; S. cough, with sore pain in chest and alternating hoarseness, heat, and burning in hands and soles, with bruised feeling in legs, loss of appetite, nausea, heat, sweat at night. Dry cough, with stopped catarrh; D. cough in morning, with tickling in chest; and violent, (<) afternoon and evening, especially on coming from cold air into a warm room (Bryonia). Cough, with expectoration of blood in evening; C., with E. of greenish, purulent mucus and rawness in chest; C., (<) morning, with partly salt, partly offensive, purulent E. Slight expectoration, with rattling in chest.

Dyspnoea in forenoon; D., with sexual desire; suffocative, with hoarse, deep voice and scraping in pharynx and trachea, then cough, short during the day, fatiguing at night, rough and hollow, (>) sitting up, with sore pain at first in chest and trachea, and throbbing rush of blood to vertex, with whizzing and rattling on breathing, afterwards with purulent, bloody expectoration. Easily gets out of breath on walking. Anxious respiration in morning in bed.

Clinical Cough on entering a warm room short and dry. Cough, with greenish expectoration of salty taste. Cough, with burning soreness in r. chest.


      Painful jerking in region of l. clavicle; sudden J. in one of the middle l. ribs, (>) deep breathing, with feeling as if it would take away the breath; burning J., as from electric sparks in r. side in forenoon. Sticking in r., in l. lower ribs; in side of C. and abdomen; here and there externally; beneath l. breast in forenoon, so that she could scarcely breathe, with cough; below r. axilla in evening, (<) night, by lying on r. side, when there was S. in r. side of chest; below axilla at night, so that she could only lie on back, and even when walking; here and there on rising; beneath l. false ribs on breathing; in. l. side on rising from a seat. (<) inspiration and expiration, with pinching in l. side of abdomen; after eating pork, with short breath; intermittent, in front of l. axilla in afternoon; upward in r.; outward in side in afternoon. Sticking throbbing in sternum just above ensiform cartilage in evening in bed, then sticking in l. chest, then in r.

Pain in l. side from not breathing. Drawing pain in muscles, (<) morning and evening (with tightness of chest). Bruised pain in lower end of sternum and on ensiform cartilage in afternoon, with cutting; cutting B. pain in forepart of sternum in forenoon, when sitting, (>) moving about and inspiration. Sensitiveness of lower part in evening. Rawness all day, (<) evening, with pressure beneath sternum and oppression and at times palpitation, the R. (>) eating, but returning, at last dry cough that gradually aggravated the scraping and R., chest (>) loosening of mucus, with this thirst, chilliness, fluent coryza and frequent, tense, hard pulse; R. after dinner, with ill humor and pressure in pit of stomach, he felt better after midday nap, and while lying the scraping in throat was relieved, but after rising it returned and he was obliged to hawk up with exertion pieces of green tenacious mucus. Oppression after eating. Pressure after eating; P. beneath sternum in morning on deep breathing. Tension on deep breathing. Burning externally in r.; B. in l. in forenoon, with throbbing.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.