Homeopathy Remedy Natrum Carbonicum


      Swelling beneath l. in morning on rising, with burning, now in r., now in l. eye. Sticking after dinner; S. in r. when sitting; with inflammation. Pain in morning. Burning in forenoon; in evening till after lying down; when at work (<) reading and writing, with dryness, as if he had wept much; (<) afternoon, with involuntary winking. Dryness with heat and contracted sensation. Stickiness of r. all days, as if full of mucus. Itching in r. in morning, (>) rubbing; in r. at 11 A.M., with lachrymation on rubbing; in r., little (>) rubbing, (>) moistening with saliva, with biting.

Lachrymation. Balls sensitive to touch, with sensation as if they would be dilated. Pupils contracted. It dissolves the fibrin of the blood, causes excessive fluidity of it, produces a kind of leucoma and finally ulceration of cornea. Ulcers about cornea, with stinging in eye so that she must shade it. Ulcerative keratitis. Pain in orbit. Canthus, inflammation of internal, with purulent swelling of lachrymal sac; sticking in l. internal, forcing out tears, at 11 A.M.; sudden burning in r. external, at 2 P.M., then middle of eye, extending into internal canthus, then sticking in l. eye extending towards external canthus, with feeling as if a hair were in it.

Lids. Swelling of upper; inflammatory, of r. upper, with pressure in it, feeble-looking face and mucus in canthi. Agglutination in morning and lachrymation all the forenoon; A. in afternoon. Constant closure, then sleepiness, even when walking. Difficult opening, they closed involuntarily (Sepia). Heaviness of upper. Tearing in r. lower, extending from inner canthus towards outer, at 5 P.M. Itching of lower, (<) l.

Vision. Dim; and he must wipe eyes constantly; for distant objects, in one usually far-sighted. As if something were drawn before axis. Everything runs together at fine work, yet she can read well.. Vanishes on reading. Flickering like rain. Of blinding lightning when awake, of lightnings in evening on falling asleep. Of black floating spots when writing. Of sparks.

Clinical Ulceration of the cornea, with great photophobia and stinging pains. Lachrymal abscess. Dry catarrh of the conjunctive (Alumina).


      Sticking; in l. concha; behind lobule of r. at 1. P.M., (>) pressure, but returning; in r. at 4 P.M.; (>) opening month, returning on closing it; outward in r.; outward in l. at 3 P.M.; itching, in lobule of l. in forenoon, (>) pressure and rubbing. Tearing and pressure; T. behind r. at 1.P.M., with sticking; intermittent, in r. at 8 A.M. when standing and sitting. Pinching in r. in morning, with dragging. Pain in l.;P. in evening on walking in cool wind, with drawing in r. joint of jaw, extending into inner mouth and r. side of tongue, and pain in tongue on touch of teeth. Throbbing behind lobule of l., as if in bone, (>) pressure, with ulcerative pain. Tickling in l. external meatus at 8.30 A.M., (>) scratching, but returning. Stopped sensation in r., with diminished hearing.

Ringing on turning head. Rushing. Roaring; with throbbing in l. Music as of a distant bagpiper, as when at times one hears fine tones, when lying on back,(>) rising, but if he sits upright a short time it returns, (>) lying down, but it soon returns while lying, together with earache.

Clinical Chronic deafness and roaring in ears, pain in the face, etc. Sharp piercing stitches in ears, ears, ears feel closed.


      Red, with white pimples upon it. Ulcers high up in nostrils. Drawing pain in r. outer side, (>) rubbing. Sensation as if a hard substance were sticking in upper part of l. nostril, not (>) blowing. Dryness. Tickling in nostrils, not (>) scratching. Stoppage; when talking; with hard offensive pieces from one nostril. Frequent sneezing; without coryza; forcible S., with rush of blood into head, so that he saw white stars. Much nasal mucus passes through mouth. Discharge yellow, offensive; D. of thin mucus, with frequent sneezing, thick green mucus. Profuse coryza. Fluent coryza; in forenoon, (>) afternoon; with general chilliness, cold hands and cheeks and hoarseness, without thirst; alternating with stopped C. Intermittent coryza, with burning in eyes. Stopped coryza; (<)dinner, with frequent sneezing; and she thought that she would suffocate at night, and was obliged to keep her mouth open. Bleeding. Blowing out of blood in morning. Smell more acute (secondary action).

Clinical Catarrh, with thick yellow mucus. Acute coryza, with violent sneezing and profuse discharge of thin mucus, (<) slightest draught on undressing. In general, the catarrhs are (<) slightest draught, discharge through the day and stoppage at night, (>) free perspiration, and as in Nat. mur., there is absence of smell and taste.


      Swelling; of cheeks, with redness. Pale; and blue rings around eyes and lids swollen; alternately P. and red at 3 P.M. Red, with warm forehead, without internal heat. Yellow. Earthy, wan. Sticking in upper part of l. cheek at 3 P.M. Tearing in r. zygoma, returning after rubbing; T. in l. zygoma at 4 P.M., extending into head, with sticking in forehead; in r. zygoma as if the bone would be torn out, at 3 P.M., with sensitiveness to touch. Pain in cheek bones; in bones of face, (<) walking in open air. Drawing in l. cheek-bone.

Jaws. Twitching in l. side of lower at 1.30 P.M. Intermittent tearing in l. lower in afternoon. Rheumatic pains. Bruised pain in angle of l. lower after dinner, (>) pressure. Beating in r. side of lower, extending from middle towards chin, after breakfast.

Lips. Twitching of upper; of r. upper in afternoon. Tetters. Eruption in r. corner. Pimple on lower; on l. side of upper; on red of lower, with smarting, painful soreness in corners. Burning crack in lower (Graphites). Boil on upper. Whitish vesicle on red of upper, with sore burning pain on touch. Burning as if in a vesicle, on upper, in r. corner. Itching as from a feather on upper, at 6 P.M., and on drawing fingers across lip sticking in middle of it as if a hair would be torn out.


      Teeth. Looseness; of a l. upper molar. Sticking in hollow, after dinner, (>) smoking, returning on eating pears, and in evening burrowing when walking, that after supper became pulsative, (>) falling asleep; sudden S. in sound. Tearing in l. upper molars; in l. lower anterior molars at 10 A.M. on walking in open air; in tips of l. lower, at 11 A.M., then under chin, then again in a lower tooth. In r. lower anterior molars and their gum in forenoon; in last l. upper molars in afternoon; in l. canine in evening, (>) lying down, with jerking; at night after 9 P.M.; pain (tearing?) all night, then swelling of lip and cessation of pain; in last l. lower molars, as if coming out of teeth, day and night, (<) after dinner, with jerking. Jerking tearing in r. lower molars in forenoon; in l. lower teeth in evening. Jerking when eating; J. in r. lower in afternoon, with sensitiveness of tips of teeth. Pain as if they would be pulled out, day and night, (>) warmth, with bleeding of gums on touch, and coldness of body all day, and thirst. Drawing pain in hollow T. after taking cold. Boring in l. lower anterior molars at 10. A.M.; in hollow teeth in afternoon, with pain; drawing, in hollow. Burrowing after breakfast of bread and butter, (<) touch, especially by pressure on upper jaw, with swelling of r. check; B. in hollow,(>) sleep, with boring; boring, in hollow, waking him at 4. A.M., (<) touch of tongue, returned after breakfast, when he ate honey, and after sweets at dinner, less from 4 till 7 P.M., when he was out in a cold rain, (>) during supper. Aching evenings after lying down; A. When half asleep and on waking; with swelling of gum and fever. Sensitiveness of lower; S. as if scorbutic and as from bog-water (moorwasser). Cold crawling though r. upper molars at noon. Sensation as if cold air came out of r. upper carious T. after dinner.

Gum. Looseness. Roughness on inside of anterior lower teeth at 3 P.M. Bleeding. Pain in l. lower as if ulcerated.

Tongue. Pale. Pimples on tip; P. on l. side, with sticking; painful to touch, beneath tongue. Pustule near fraenum. Tensive blister on r. margin. Burning about tip as if full of cracks (compare Na-sul.) at 2 P.M. Sore pain in tip on touch of tongue. Biting on tip as from salt water. Not facile, speech difficult. Speech irksome. Lisping.

Blister on inside of l. cheek, exuding water after pressure. Superficial ulcers, with burning pain on touch. Insipid mucus. Painful soreness on inside of cheek when chewing. Dryness, and of tongue, calling for drink; and of lips, which she must constantly lick, as if caused by heat of breath; every morning after rising, with heat and thirst. Saliva gluey; A. salt, with biting on tip of tongue. Salivation at 1 P.M.; sour, in forenoon; tasteless, watery. Musty odor.

Taste. Bitter in afternoon; B. to dinner; B., slimy in morning. (<) rising and eating; B., slimy, flat, on waking, with white- coated tongue; B., flat mornings; rancid B. to all food, (>) eating; suddenly, then eructations of bitter water; in throat, like a vapor. Metallic in afternoon. Sour; in morning; and tongue coated. Sweet. Bloody, on exhaling. Purulent in throat, suddenly, as from an ulcer. Nauseous, waking at 4 A.M., with violent erections. As of an old tobacco-pipe at 4. P.M. after spitting watery saliva, then biting on tongue. Bad, in morning on waking, (>) soup, with burnt sensation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.