Homeopathy Remedy Moschus


      Yawning and sleepiness; when not actively employed; deep and frequent Y. Sleepiness, with inability to sleep, when walking in open air he could scarcely keep his eyes open on account of sleepiness. Feeling as if she had not slept enough. Sound sleep; and when awakened he spoke connectedly, with open eyes, but in the morning he remembered nothing of it.

Sleepless; all night, but there were moments in which she lost consciousness and on recovering from this condition, which was neither waking nor sleep, she was exhausted. Uneasy sleep, with waking every half hour and dry heat. Night full of vivid, slanderous dreams, wherein everything conspired against him, and from which he woke excited. Dreamed incessantly of strife and effort, unable to lie long in one sport because the spot on which he felt as if sprained of broken.


      Coldness; on going into open air, not cold air; in paroxysms; sudden, as from a wind, (<) uncovered parts, chiefly hands; sensation of external C., with sensation of internal burning in the same spot; (<) spine, with drawing pain. Shivering from slightest contact of air, (>) in bed; S. (>) open air, with flushes of heat in the house; alternations of S. and heat all day, with weakness; S. on scalp, extending over whole body. Coldness from soles to knees; suddenly on l. tibia; of thighs and legs, rather external then internal, but not perceptible to fingers. While the hands seemed to him naturally warm, the l. felt hot the r. cold, to the face they both seemed cold.

Heat; with sweat and increased liveliness; (<) r. side, at 9 P.M., on getting into bed, with heat, dryness and scraping in mouth and throat and moderate thirst, necessity to lie uncovered, sticking in forehead, dizziness before eyes, general bruised sensation, sleeplessness, restlessness, tossing about, jerklike grasping above umbilicus, dragging towards genitals and ill humor. Hot head, with sweat on it posteriorly. Heat of face, with dim vision; of face without redness Cooling burning on r. zygoma; in last joint of r. index.

Sweat; every morning; without heat; on forehead. Exhalations of skin smelled of musk.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.