Homeopathy Remedy Moschus


      Rumbling, with sticking in it and anxiety through whole body; R., with urging to stool, which was at first hard, then soft, at natural; with emission of flatus; without flatulent symptoms,(>) eating. Distention, with ineffectual urging to stool. Flatus of the odor of garlic. Trembling, with general clammy sweat. Griping, (>) crouching together; G., (>) pressure, with dragging and pressure upon bladder. Dragging causing ineffectual desire for stool. Pressure as before menstruation. Tensive pain as if every thing would burst out Tightness without pain, with anxiety so that she must run about.

Swollen tension in hypochondria, with jerking. Sticking in liver region, (<) very inspiration; itching S. beneath r. short ribs, the I. continued after the S.; S. deep in umbilical region, (<) inspiration. Jerklike clawing above umbilicus, taking away her breath. Pain in U., with burning on chest; P. in r. side below umbilicus. Constriction in umbilical region so that it formed a deep fossa. Forcing downward in l. side, with constipation.

Rectum and Stool

      Sticking in anus; extending to bladder. Crawling in anus, (>) Urging, then emission of flatus, then natural stool. Diarrhoea at night in sleep; (<) night, with urging and pain in anus; D., with violent colic; profuse, with retraction of stomach; frequent thin stools mixed with faeces. constipation; (>) drinking coffee. Stool looks as if he had taken Sepia.

Urinary Organs

      Burning in urethra, especially with erections. Urine as clear as water copious. Urine scanty and as thick as yeast. Urine smelled of musk.

Sexual Organs

      Painful emissions without erections. Desire; in both sexes, with tickling; with involuntary emissions; with tensive pain in penis; then great relaxation; and after satisfaction nausea and vomiting. Dragging towards genitals as if menses would appear. Menses brought on; too early and profuse; too early, with drawing pain low down in abdomen; with unusual drawing pains; M. irregular.

Clinical Suppression of menses, with hysterical spasms, choking in throat, fainting.

Respiratory Organs

      Sudden Sensation in upper part of larynx as it closed upon the breath, almost as from sulphur fumes. Feeling in larynx as of sulphur vapor, with constriction in trachea. On inspiration, which was free sensation as if he had previously inspired S vapor. Dry cough,(<) morning, and pain under L. breast. Dry cough, (<) morning, and pain under l. breast on coughing. Breathing oppressed; and she must take a deep breath. Difficult respiration, with sticking in chest so that he cold take only very short breaths. Short R., (>) during rest, with sticking in r. side.

Clinical Laryngismus stridulous, crowing inspiration, attacks excited by eating or laughing. A large proportion of the cases requiring Mosch. are association with spasmodic constriction of the larynx and chest and sense of impending suffocation. Spasmodic asthma. Attacks of sudden dyspnoea, with violent cough, the chest filled with mucus, with great rattling and with cramplike, suffocative constriction of chest Threatening paralysis of the, with great collection of mucus and great difficulty expectorating it. Angina pectoris, with extreme tightness of the chest and constant desire to take a long breath. Whooping cough, with extreme suffocation and rattling of mucus. Extreme palpitation, with dyspnoea and deathly anxiety. Dyspnoea


      Tenacious mucus without cough, which took away the breath,(>) drinking. Stitches, with red, puffy face, dilated pupils, dry, bright red tongue and great thirst; S. in R. side extending into hepatic region; l\almost like fine pinchings, in r. side beneath short ribs, that oblige rubbing; intermittent S. in l. half; intermittent S. in l. side under short ribs. Cramp in lung, beginning with inclination to cough, gradually in creasing and making him desperate. Gnawing, with sensation of suffocation. Pinching in l. side beneath short ribs on deep inspiration; itching P. in side by short ribs.

Pain with violent dry cough; P., now in l., now in r., extending into spine; in l. as if the pain would force itself out through nipple. Tightness so that he must breathe deeper and more frequently than usual. Suffocative constriction; so that he could not lie down and gasped for air. Pressure frequently stopping his breath. Compression and fulness.

Heart and Pulse

      Palpitation as from anxious expectation. Pulse rapid; and large, full; but less full. Pulse slow, full.


      Sticking now in neck, now in shoulders. Pain in the nape; in neck as if muscles were torn from their attachments; in nape so that he could not turn head; drawing, in one muscle in nape; drawing P. from second cervical vertebra to r. shoulder.


      Intermittent sticking in l. side of spine, in middle of trunk. Drawing pain, with tense felling as before menstruation; D. pain extending from spine into hip-joint. Pains in spine, partly jerking, partly drawing, becoming firmly seated,(<) upper part of thighs, and so impeding walking. Pressure as from a dull instrument in l. side of sacrum, above coccyx.


      Involuntary throwing about of hands and feet, which pain violently. Aching. Stiffness, with desire to urinate; S. of hands and feet.

Upper Extremities

      Tearing sticking in l. shoulder, causing heaviness of upper part of arm. Jerking pain from r. shoulder-joint to thumb. Jerking of r. arm, with cramplike pain and falling asleep of fingers. Pain in muscles of arms from shoulder joints to elbows. Cutting in r. forearm, then burning. Pinching on inferior surface of l. forearm near elbow. Paralytic drawing just above r. wrist. Drawing from l. wrist into elbow in evening in bed, with sticking, preventing sleep, with necessity to put it out bed and more it up and down.

Swelling of hands and stinging in them. Stitches in l. hand. Cramplike drawing in hands and fingers as before a rigid spasm; in l. thump. R. hand, in which she held the pestle, became stiff and r. fingers outstretched. Paralytic jerking in l. thumb. Involuntary motions of fingers of fingers as if picked up something or counted with them. Sticking in joints of fingers. Internal pain in last phalanx of l. index, making index tremble. Stiffness of r. fingers.

Lower Extremities

      Uneasiness when sitting,(>) moving them, with weakness of them. Numb pain in joints. tingling as if they would fall asleep, if be keeps them still when sitting.

Thigh.-Paralytic jerking in inner side of l. Sticking here and there in T. and legs as if he had been beaten. Pinching in muscles of hips; posteriorly in flesh of r. thigh, (<) towards outer part; shaped P. above r. knee. Pain as if dislocated, so that she could not get out of bed. Pain in T. and legs somewhat (>) motion, not at all by walking; P. in hips so that he must lie down; P. from gluteals into groins, with drawing; on outer side, above l. knee, with weakness; in r. as if flesh were beaten to a jelly. Sudden pressure on inner side of l.

Knee.- Pain in r. so that he could not tolerate that bed; P. extending to hip and great toe, only in bones, (<) lying on painful side. Drawing pain from hollow to calf. Compressive pain in hollows as if tendons were too short. Paralytic weakness on sitting down.

Leg.- Cramplike pain extending downward in tibia, with general sweat. Pain in calves so that he could not touch then hard, with external coldness on outer side. Paralytic pain (painful weakness) down through l. leg, as if it would become rigid, when sitting. Uneasiness in l., a paralytic sensation that obliged him to move the leg at intervals. Tingling in legs and somewhat in thighs as after a long journey, or as if they would fall asleep, if he draws the feet backward when sitting.

Sticking outward in ankles, with dread of walking. Sprained pain in ankles, with sticking in four first l. toes. Drawing pain in all joints of feet, with sensation as if muscles pressed strongly against bones. Pinching in r. little toe, as if it had been stepped upon. Sprained pain in r. great toe, (<) pressure. Jerking pain in nails of two first toes as if they would suppurate, so that he could only walk barefoot upon the heel. Burning pressure in tips of r. toes. Pain like a burning in toes or as if squeezed by short boots.


      Blue spots on abdomen and thighs. Red spots like flea-bites above eyebrows. Eruption within cartilage of r. ear, with pinching itching, and after scratching burning. Pimples, with burning in face; itching P. in various parts; itching P. on back of r. foot, burning after scratching; red P. tipped with pus on upper lids. (Burning in a venereal tetter, which is usually quite.) Itching sticking anteriorly on thigh. Itching, twinging S. in various part. Tingling over whole body. Crawling on tip of nose, not (>) wiping. Itching posteriorly on ears; between shoulders; between toes; on outer side of l. tibia, towards calf, (>) rubbing; on l. upper arm, (>) scratching till the blood came, then burning, then itching pimples here and there, (>) scratching.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.