Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Iodatus Flavus

Toes. – Cutting in l. little. Pain in l. great; with itching on both great toes. Sharp pain in r. great; in r. fourth and fifth.


      Fine bright red eruption on chest, stomach and abdomen, pitting and disappearing after pressure but returning when it has been removed. Stinging pimple on r. cheek, and one itching more than stinging in same position on l. cheek; itching and burning P. on r. scapula, near lower border, sore and painful at night in bed after scratching; painful P. on second joint of r. thumb; sore and painful, or r. side of septum naris. Stinging in l. cheek; on back of r. hand; on dorsum of l. great toe; in bend of l. knee at night, causing scratching; posteriorly on r. thigh, (>) rubbing and scratching.

Itching; in spots over whole body; on various parts; on l. sole; (<) chest, abdomen, back and hips; over whole body in daytime. Itching at night; over whole body; posteriorly on l. elbow; (<) bed. Itching at night in bed, behind r. ear; in various parts of r. side of face; on r. side of neck; on r. buttock. I. (<) scratching. I not (>) scratching; in day and evening, but at night in bed (>) scratching. I transiently (>) scratching, on r. side of chest. Pricking I. on various parts; on l. scapula; in r. axilla; on external border of r. foot at night in bed, (>) scratching, then itching above r. ankle, then stinging I. on r. knee, then on l. foot. Itching spot on r. cheek which he has scratched pulsates and stings.


      Sleeplessness till 1. A.M.; on account of fancies which he could not expel; without restlessness. Early waking. Nightmare, she thought that an immense sheet of letter-paper was coming down to smother her. Frightful dreams and nightmare; F., of coffins and drowning. Lewd D., then copious emission. Dream that he was proving the drug, then an emission. D that he must urinate, then an emission,


      Chills occasionally; C., with general trembling. Heat in nape and occiput. Burning in r. side of neck.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.