Homeopathy Remedy Mercurius Iodatus Flavus


      Desire for acids. Appetite at one time excellent, at another wanting, sometimes excellent till sitting down to eat, when, at sight of food, it vanished. Appetite lost at smell of food when cooking; lost, and disgust at sight of food. Thirst; (<) evening; for sour drinks; for water, of which he drank large quantities. Nausea; all day, with cutting in stomach; at dinner; before supper, with disgust at sight of food; with weak, empty feeling at stomach; with dizzy pins over vertex, then pain at heart; with suffocation at heart and dizziness; with pressure high up in rectum and fainting.

Cramps, then pain in r. side of back. Sudden sticking as with a knife. Sharp pain, with hardness of stomach and abdomen, the pain (<) pressure. Pain in l. side. Bruised, burning pain. Burning, with pain as from a blow. Burning pain in l. side. Constriction.

Clinical It has cured vomiting of pregnancy, with the characteristic symptoms.


      Hardness; as from incarcerated flatus. Rumbling; at night in bed, with escape of flatus. Offensive flatus, then immediate inclination to stool, which was small, thin and offensive. Cutting at night, with discharge of flatus, then small, hard, black stool, with stinging and burning at anus; C., with inclination to stool, but emission of only wind; C., then scanty, thin faeces and froth; then copious, thin light brown stool, with froth and wind;. then copious, soft, yellowish-brown stool ( the stools always follow immediately after the colic.). Pain; in morning on waking, with great discharge of flatus; on waking; with sensation as if escape of flatus would relieve. Feeling as if diarrhoea would come on.

Hypochondria. Sticking below r. ribs, somewhat (>)standing with hand pressed against side, he could not speak with gasping. Sharp pain in l.; in hepatic region; under r. floating ribs; in r., then sharp pain through stomach, with sensation as if the pain had turned around. Pain in l.; pain all day, with dizziness; in hepatic region; proceeding from r. to l. side, causing dizziness and nausea.

Umbilicus. Sticking, (<) using arm after lying down at night, with dull, tired feeling in small of back, oppression of chest, pain above r. temple and in r. shoulder. Sensation of strings of air-bubbles running transversely across below U., with shooting as of a knotted string down, through and across, above U. Heaviness below U daily at 2 A.M., with uneasiness, as if full above and empty below, with pressure towards anus and sensation as if it could not move, then sensation as if a proper acrid loose stool would be discharged, then faintness and sickness in hypogastrium, then frequent emissions of inodorous flatus. Heat,(<) inspiring. Frequent darting pains in l. side, with an occasional one in r., from deep in pelvis into region of liver. Pain in r. side proceeding to l., causing nausea and dizziness. Pressure in hypogastrium.


      Thin, light-colored. Scanty diarrhoea. Stools of the daytime soft, copious, dark or light yellowish brown, stools at night scanty, hard and black; soft, copious, dark brown, with soreness at anus; soft, copious, dark brown, with burning and stinging at anus; copious, light brown, at first tolerably compact, then soft, finally consisting of froth. Small, almost of the consistency of putty, requiring great straining. Hard, black, in two small lumps, covered with white and green mucus, at night, after much straining.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Constant discharge of mucus from urethra, with sore sensation around glans. Urine copious and dark; C. and in a large stream. Profuse sweat on genitals. Shooting from end of penis through glans. Erections in morning without desire. Emission towards morning; E. of which he knew nothing till morning.

Respiratory Organs

      Hacking cough when inspiring.


      Sticking in r.; in l.; in l. caused by pressure on stomach. Pain in l. as from a sword point; suddenly through r. Boring in r. at sixth rib. Sharp pain in l.; in upper part of r.; below l. axilla; in r. then slightly in l.; behind sternum; downward in r.; then under r. arm, with aching in r. side of chest, then soreness of chest as from a cold. Sharp throbbing pain in l. Throbbing pain behind sternum. Pains; in r.; in r. at night in bed; in l. those which appear on r. side always proceed to l. Rheumatic pain in r. Oppression. Tightness and pressure on lungs.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking. Pain, with yawning; sharp pain; sudden pain taking away the breath. Sudden spasmodic action (she thought it had jumped out of its place). Pulse about 80, weak, irregular and laboring.


      Sharp pain in l. side; r. side, extending over r. side of head. Soreness of r. side with stiff sensation (without stiffness), then pain in internal meatus of r. ear, extending into throat and causing Dullness in ear and swollen sensation in throat, with disposition to swallow frequently. Stiffness; with pain on turning it, also with soreness; and soreness, with soreness and numbness between scapulae.


      Sticking. Pains. Sticking in dorsal region; back of r. shoulder. Cutting between scapulae, then about last dorsal vertebra; intermittent, in l. scapula, (>)motion. Sharp pain in l. scapula; suddenly. Pain over l. scapula. Throbbing pain between scapulae; on r. Bruised pain in scapular region. Sharp pain in lumbar region.


      Sharp pain in l. wrist, extending (but more severe) into thumb, then sharp intermittent pain on dorsum of l. foot extending into third and fourth toes. Pain in r. arm and r. sole; in r. forearm and l. hip; on dorsum of l. great toe, with sharp pains in r. fingers, on posterior surface of r., then pinching on posterior surface of r. forearm. Weariness; (<) lying on l. side, (>) lying on r. side. Heaviness, with laziness and drowsiness.

Upper Extremities

      Sharp pain in r. shoulder; with aching in back; S. pain in r. axilla. Pain in r. shoulder and arm; (<) writing, and in hand. Lameness and stiffness of r. shoulder; L. and soreness of l. shoulder and arm every night when lying on l. side. Lame numbness of l. shoulder and arm.

Arm. Boring above r. elbow. Pain above l. elbow; P. in r., (<) bend of elbow, in morning on rising, (<) passive motion; deep in bones of r., (<) writing, P. and soreness in l. arm and elbow in evening, night and morning on waking; P. and soreness of r., (<)pressure, rubbing and passive motion; P. and numbness of r., with lameness of r. elbow. Laming, rheumatic pain in r., (<) writing. Weariness and lameness of r. after writing; W. and numbness of r., (<) Writing. Heaviness of r.

Stabbing in bend of r. elbow. Pinching in r. elbow. Pain in l. elbow; in r.; in bend of r. Pains in forearms; laming, in l. and in hand, aching and drawing, in bones of l.; rheumatic, below l. elbow, proceeding afterwards into l. thumb. Pulsation in a spot at end of radicus, with burning. Sharp pain in radical side of r. wrist all day, (<) using the limb or twisting wrist.

Hand. Sharp pain in r. palm. Pain on back of r.; in r., then rheumatic pain above l. elbow; in l. palm at night in bed, with numbness of fingers and inability to grasp objects; rheumatic, in r. at night in bed; throbbing, in l. palm, extending up arm into l. chest. Weak, numb feeling in r., with cramplike pain.

Fingers. Sticking in first joints of third and fourth of both hands, with stiffness of the fingers, the S. (<) moving or bending fingers; throbbing S. in base of l. index, with lameness and stiffness of whole finger, Sharp pain in l. index; in palmar surface of r. thumb. Throbbing pain at base of l. thumb (palmar surface), with paralyzed feeling. Numbness.

Lower Extremities

      Sharp pain in r., extending into foot. Weariness, with pain and tingling. Tingling through r. even to toes, on passive motion.

Thigh. Tearing along anterior surface of r. hip to middle third of leg, (>) pressure and motion, (<) rest. Boring; in a spot on external surface of l. femur. Sharp pain in r.; above r. knee. Pain in r. hip-joint; P. on shaking limb, with tingling in legs, feet and toes as if they would go to sleep; P. in femur and sacral region, (>) stretching, motion and turning from side to side; wearying, in anterior and external surfaces of l. (deep in bone), (>) stretching, motion and turning from side to side, with pain in sacral region. Bruised feeling.

Knee. Pinching in r. Squeezing pain in l. Throbbing pain on internal surface of r. in evening.

Leg. Pinching on posterior surface of lower third of r. Sharp pain in l. Pain on anterior surface above r. ankle; on anterior surface of l.; on internal surface above l. ankle; above l. ankle at intervals of fifteen minutes. Throbbing pain in external surface of r., apparently in tibia. Heavy laming pain in calves, with pain in l. knee.

Ankle. Cutting in r. Squeezing pain in r. Boring on anterior surface of l. Pain on posterior surface in morning on rising. laming pain on posterior surface in morning on waking.

Foot.- Cramplike pain in l. side of l. sole, with numbness of l. leg. Boring in l. side of l. sole at night in bed. Sharp pain on l. sole. Pain on dorsum of r.; in l. sole; in l. sole,(>) moving foot; in l. sole extending into great toe and half way across dorsum, of foot; in l. sole, causing faintness. Lame sensation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.