Homeopathy Remedy Lycopodium

Clinical Palliative in cirrhosis of liver. Abdominal flatulence, with much rumbling and gurgling, and pains of various sorts. Chronic inflammation of the liver, with enlargement, heaviness and pain. It has proved palliative in strangulated hernia, with great distention and retching. Gall-stone colic. Abdominal dropsy from chronic hepatic disease. Brown spots, particularly on abdomen.


      Contraction, so that it protrudes during hard stool (Natrum mur., Nux v.). Discharge of blood during stool; during soft stool. Sticking; in morning; in morning after ordinary stool, with tenesmus and dragging; in afternoon; with natural stool; with natural stool, with sore pain. Cramps like labor-pains, and in small of back. Tearing, taking away the breath. Pain, with spasmodic pain in abdomen, so that she (being pregnant) thinks that she is near confinement (which follows only after sixteen day). Burning during stool. Urging; only in rectum; after normal stool, then pasty faeces mixed with mucus; then spasmodic pain in rectum preventing stool; with emission of flatus and relief of gastric symptoms; as if much would pass, but only a moderate quantity came. In effectual urging after stool; I. often in afternoon; almost constantly at night. Inactivity at stool.


      Haemorrhoids swollen; protruding; burning, sticking, protruding during soft stool; painful on touch (Ignatia, Graphites, Iris, AEsc. h.); painful when sitting. Itching eruption, painful on touch. Painfully closed (Silicea, Nux-v., nitricum acidum). Sticking; and in neck of bladder; in margin, with twinging. Pinching cutting in A. and perineum in morning. Burning (Silicea, Sul); with frequent stools; with watery stools. Biting; with thin stool. Itching; in evening; and on pubis. Pinching in perineum close to anus. Contractive pain in perineum after a hard, scanty stool.

Clinical Haemorrhoids which become very painful when sitting, with distention of abdomen and mental depression. Haemorrhoids which frequently bleed, even when the patient is not constipated. Rectal fistula is occasionally cured.


      Watery; and frequent; and yellow, frequent; and painless, undigested, fetid, with flatus. Diarrhoea; in morning; (<) about 2 or 3 A.M., with colic; mixed with hard lumps; afterwards hard stool (the first in two days), with tenesmus and burning from anus deep into rectum; offensive. Frequent diarrhoea; with pain in abdomen; with griping; with griping and tenesmus; and green, offensive; and yellowish white, with increase of pain in abdominal walls, so that laughing was painful. Soft, but difficult; and frequent; and painful; S., but painless. Pasty; and yellow; accompanied and followed by tenesmus and dragging in rectum as in dysentery; then urging as to diarrhoea, but a scanty stool firmer than the former.

Hard; and difficult; and difficult, scanty; and difficult, twice, with pain in anus, then none for two days, then hard, difficult, with tearing in rectum, two days afterwards a hard one, with great pressure; indolent; and delayed; with urging, then all night excessive flatulence; with much urging, after two hours pressure in abdomen, renewed urging and soft stool; at first, then liquid. First part lumpy, second soft. Crumbly. Of blood and mucus, urgent, frequent, with offensive “earthy” smell. PAle. Of liver color. Green, offensive, twice in morning. Offensive. Small, with urging and burning pain in rectum; S., delayed, hardly to be forced out though the desire is urgent. Scanty, with profuse discharge of thin mucus; S., with feeling as if much remained, then painful accumulation of flatus in abdomen. Difficult from contraction of rectum. Indolent, without desire, not daily.

Clinical It is occasionally indicated in diarrhoea, but usually there are obstinate constipation, hard stools and spasmodic constriction of anus; the attempt to evacuate the bowels causes severe pain in anus; anus and rectum seem constricted (Silicea).

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in bladder. Pain in region of bladder and in scrotum. Urging to urinate in evening; almost ineffectual U. in evening. Frequent desire to urinate; at night; at night, with scanty discharge; with pains before and after micturition, urine lemon- colored and scanty. Constant desire in evening when lying, urine passed by drops and caused burning; c. desire, with tickling in urethra, urine flowed almost involuntarily, and I was unable to entirely evacuate it, urine orange-yellow and of strong odor.

Urethra.- Discharge of prostatic fluid; with lasciviousness, without erections; D. of blood without pain; thin, yellowish, in evening; of mucus; of purulent mucus for two days, with burning after micturition, next day pain on urinating, which had formerly extended into scrotum, was diminished and the D. was less. Sticking in forepart, piercing glans. Tearing in orifice for some time after micturition. Twinging along as after new beer, in morning. Cutting in forepart; C. from posterior end obliquely into abdomen. Pain as from a foreign body, in morning. Drawing pain in forepart. Jerking drawing in back part. Smarting during micturition. Constriction, extending into bladder after urinating, with dragging and burning. Burning during micturition; at 2 A.M., lasting a quarter of an hour; in forepart in evening; in female; with discharge at first clear, then purulent, like odorless mucus, which in afternoon was streaked with blood. Burning after micturition, in forenoon; crawling B. in evening on going to sleep after micturition.

Micturition ceases suddenly, only a few slimy drops pass, with pain in urethra, then pain in groins. Involuntary micturition at night while dreaming that I was standing at the urinal. Micturition painful during last drops. Frequent micturition; at night; at night, with interrupted discharge and subsequent dribbling; and copious; and copious, watery urine; and urine frothy; every moment, urine of ammoniacal odor. Urine burning. Urine very yellow. Urine pale, and the clouds in it collect in bands of grayish-white color. Dark, with burning; D. and profuse; D., with sediment; D., with reddish sediment. Dark brown, with sediment of mucus; dark brown, only a teaspoonful at a time, wants to pass it, but cannot. Reddish brown. Of strong odor. Copious. Scanty; and high-colored. Turbid; as if mingled with brick-dust; and whitish. Copious sediment; red sediment; yellow sediment; red sand; reddish-yellow sand; red sand, urine rather clear.

Clinical Chronic cystitis, with a milky deposit of bad odor. Tendency to formation of calculus in bladder. Dysuria in children, especially with scanty deposit. Haematuria, caused by gravel. Retention of urine (Nux-v.). Renal colic of r. side. uric acid diathesis, if there are deposits of red sand. Chronic inflammation of the prostate, with more or less inflammation of the bladder. It is frequently indicated in chronic Bright’s Disease, with oedematous extremities and the gastric derangements characteristic of the drug.

Sexual Organs

      Tickling. Weakness, and of neighboring parts, with pain in perineum when sitting. Penis, small, cold and without erections; sticking in P.; cutting sticking transversely through P. close to abdomen, at night after emission of flatus; jerking pain; drawing and cutting; tickling drawing in tip; burning in P. and prepuce in evening after coition. Erections in morning; E., with relaxed scrotum; without inclination to coition, and after coition weakness; frequent, during the day; painful; transient, with loss of desire; infrequent.

Redness and inflammation of prepuce. Itching on inner surface of prepuce; of fraenum beneath prepuce. Yellow moisture behind corona glandis, with dark red soft elevations and biting itching. Tearing in region of corona glandis. Scrotum, relaxation even during coition, with delayed emission; sticking; sticking tearing in side in evening in bed; itching; itching at night. Jerking in l. testicle. Sticking in testicles, with griping; pinching S. at night. Sticking in seminal ducts at night, with erections without voluptuous sensation. Drawing in seminal ducts. Desire increased; with emissions at night; then emissions at night, then exhaustion. Desire diminished; power diminished, even voluptuous thoughts cause no erections though there is no failure of inclination to coition. Emissions at night; with voluptuous dreams and lascivious fancies; exhausting E. Falls asleep during coition, without emission.

Female – Tearing stitches. Swollen feeling in pudenda during menstruation, with itching. Burning in vagina during and after coition. Leucorrhoea frequent discharge of blood-red, before full moon; milky L.; paroxysmal L. Discharge of blood two days after menses. Menses too early; and scanty; delayed; prolonged.

Clinical Impotency in men. Sexual exhaustion and loss of appetite, especially after chronic gonorrhoea or cystitis. Inflamed ovaries. Chronic inflammation of uterus, with discharge of gas from vagina. Palliative in cancer of uterus. Leucorrhoea, especially with burning in vagina. Chronic vaginal catarrh, with dryness and burning. Varicose veins of pudenda. Occasionally indicated in fibroid tumors of the uterus. Occasionally useful in suppression of menses, with great flatulence and other symptoms. Dysmenorrhoea, with bloating, constipation, low spirits, etc.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.