Homeopathy Remedy Lycopodium

Taste – Bitter (Pul., Bryonia, Chelidonium, Sul.); in morning; at night; in throat; to all food; and slimy, pasty; after eating, and disgusting; sourish, before and after breakfast. Sour after eating (Pul.); after drinking milk; (<) morning on waking; on back of tongue and on palate; on drinking coca; to all food, even to sweet things; after all food and drink, with inclination to sour eructations. Coffee tastes like vinegar. Sweet; to water in morning. Pasty in morning and feeling as if tongue were rough; P., earthy at 4 A.M.; sour P.; slimy, P., it seems as if mouth were covered with glutinous paste. Flat; (in morning). Cheesy. Mouldy in forenoon. Metallic; on forepart of tongue. Nauseous.

Disgusting in morning on waking, and tongue thick and burning, as after much smoking. Offensive after eating, with confusion of head. Disagreeable T. and odor in morning. Bad soon after eating.


      Submaxillary glands sensitive (Iodium, Mercurius); and swollen. Swelling of internal and external glands, with sticking in T. and ear on swallowing; swelling of uvula, with elongation of it. Ulceration of tonsils; like chancres. Suppuration of glands between arches of palate, with sticking on swallowing. Inflammation, with hoarseness and sticking, preventing swallowing; I. of fauces, with sticking. Mucus; in pharynx; in fauces; in morning; in morning, obliging hawking, with rattling; with inclination to swallow; (tonsils covered by firm, almost milky-white M. after taking cold.). Hawking of mucus; in morning; thick, yellow, offensive, easily expectorated, in forenoon; bloody, during the daily horseback ride; in small greenish-yellow masses; granular, becoming less in quantity and less colored; yellow, purulent; hard, yellowish-white lumps from fauces in morning after dreamy sleep; hard, yellowish-white lumps. Choking provoking constant swallowing. Gurgling in sleep. Throbbing in goitre, with jerking.

Sticking; in region of r. parotid; during cough; preventing sneezing. Tearing in l. side; and in l. side of pharynx; T. extending upward. Cutting in sides when coughing. Pain, with constriction in region of submaxillary glands; P. on swallowing as if she swallowed too much. Soreness and pain; S. in morning on swallowing, with pain and dryness; on swallowing and coughing; like swelling on empty swallowing; as from a swelling, (>) speaking and swallowing; on eating it seemed as if the food came to a sore spot, then pressure in the place. Scraping in morning, with hawking till a partly dry yellow lump of mucus was expectorated; S. on swallowing, with roughness; (<) sneezing; with roughness and bitterness. Rawness when walking in cool, open air, with dryness; R. in top of pharynx, with swollen sensation on swallowing.

Feeling as if a ball rose form below into it (Ignatia, Nux-mos.). Feeling in l. side of a lump moving up and down. Contracted feeling, nothing goes down; too tight feeling on swallowing, food and drink regurgitate through nose. Constricted feeling in pharynx, with difficult swallowing of liquids (Chelidonium). Sensation as if a stone pressed inward from the outside and pressed throat together, painful on swallowing, not hindering breathing. Tension in back part of fauces, with pressure. Irritation provoking dry cough. Inclination to hawk, with rawness as if mucus were adherent, with tickling in throat provoking cough. Dryness; in morning; in posterior nares; but inability to swallow on account of pain. Burning when hawking; P. in fauces and pharynx; in pharynx; in pharynx on swallowing; in pharynx, with empty eructations; in oesophagus. Inactivity on swallowing, food will not go down. Difficult swallowing in evening; difficult S. of solids, with increased hunger. Inability to swallow soup if it is warm.

Clinical Tonsillitis, especially on r. side; tonsillitis assuming a diphtheritic character, beginning on r. side, patients worse about 4 P.M., especially with fanlike motion of wings of nose and stoppage of nostrils. Diphtheria of r. side, with stoppage of nose, albuminuria, oedema of face, hands and feet (following scarlet fever.).


      Appetite. At 10 A.M., at night on waking; when walking; after eating, though stomach and abdomen are full and tense; desire to eat without real hunger. Great (Iodium, China); then distention of abdomen; and hasty eating; and the more he eats the more the stomach desires, so long he eats he feels well, but afterwards sourish taste, and saliva seems sour; for smoking. Ravenous at noon when eating; in afternoon, with feeling as if heavy morsels were in stomach. Diminished. Sudden satiety at noon after a little roast lamb, with thirst, heaviness in stomach and distention in abdomen. Lost; and whatever she eats goes against her, even to vomiting; and thirst lost; but much thirst; and no desire for tobacco; no desire for morning coffee (Nux v.). Aversion to food; in morning, and even to coffee; to coffee and tobacco; to breakfast; to much supper; to bred (Natrum mur.), he prefers warm food (Ferrum); to solid food, especially meat (Petr, Silicea, Sul.), with thirst. Disgusted with food before he tastes it, but afterwards he cannot eat enough.

Thirst – At 3 P.M., with heat of head; at 8 P.M., with heat of head and overpowering sleepiness; after eating; with frothy saliva in mouth; with dry lips and dry mouth, yet a little drink nauseates her and she cannot swallow it, therewith she is sick and weak; for small quantities at night; burning, caused by slimy, sour, bitter expectoration, the taste of which lasted all night. Thirstlessness (Pulsatilla).

Eructations. – After eating; E. into pharynx, where they cause retching. Alternating with yawning. Incomplete, burning, rising only into pharynx, where they cause burning (Pulsatilla, Phosphorus, Nat. mur.). Burning. Sour; at night; after dinner, with burning in pharynx; after every meal, with risings of digested food; S., the taste of which does not remain in mouth, but the acid gnaws in the stomach; with colic; with burning as far as throat; of a sour fluid. Empty; all day; after dinner; with pressure in stomach, retching and pressure in throat. Bilious, in afternoon. Of salt mucus. Tasting of food. Of the milk taken in morning, with scraping-clawing taste in throat. Bitter, in morning; of bitter water in morning. Waterbrash (Bryonia, Silicea, Sul., etc.); almost every other day, with griping in pit of stomach, nausea, necessity to open her mouth, from which salt water flows, as if it rose from stomach.

Hiccough (Am-m., Cyclamen, Ignatia, Nux-v.); after supper; after every meal.

Nausea; in morning; every morning fasting (Silicea); in morning, with salivation; in morning, with aversion to everything, with white-coated tongue and raw feeling upon it; in morning after rising, so that she must sit down, with salivation; in morning after rising, (<) walking about the room, as if sweat would break out, with emptiness in stomach; in afternoon, with good appetite; in afternoon, with empty eructations; in afternoon, with sourish eructations; in evening; at night; at night, with anxiety at heart, then vomiting of food and bile in throat and stomach, even to vomiting, after meal, with salivation; during menstruation; after smoking; on looking at food, with insipid salivation; (<) reading; (>) open air, and again N. in open air, (>) in the house; (>) open air, affecting head, which pains as if compressed and confused as far as nape, with trembling of hands; with hunger; with retching of foam; with empty feeling in stomach; with sensitiveness of it of stomach; with pain in umbilical and epigastric regions and in head; with heat in abdomen and coldness of face; with yawning and griping in abdomen; with oppression of chest and pit of stomach; with tremulous weakness; sudden, at 2 P.M., with heat of face; in attacks, with trembling of limbs ((<) smoking), and rapid pulse; like a cramp, with confusion of head; as from great hunger, (>) coffee; amounting to faintness, during dinner, with sweat on forehead and loss of appetite.

Retching after eating, with waterbrash; R., with rising of mucus. Vomiting of clotted blood and sharp acid; V. of mucus after midday nap (in a child.).

Rumbling. Distention and cramp. Cramps; in morning on waking; at midnight; before eating, renewed by wine, with ineffectual eructations. Sticking at cardiac end, in a spot which is tender to touch; s. externally in l. side of pit; sudden, in pit during vexation, then leaden heaviness of legs. Tearing and drawing pain, with nausea and sticking intestines. Griping. Cutting in epigastric region at night, she is obliged to raise herself. Gnawing, clawing and full feeling. Twisting in pit, with flushes of dry heat in face.

Pain in pit; in S. and abdomen in morning, then two greenish, pasty stools; in S. and abdomen in forenoon, with pain on touch and breathing; in afternoon after eating a little, with heaviness (Pulsatilla); in afternoon when riding in a carriage and at night when lying on back, (>) lying on side, with difficult respiration and sensitiveness to touch and sore feeling; in evening in bed, (>) rubbing; at cardiac orifice in evening; in epigastric region caused by cough; in pit before dinner; after a light meal; after a moderate meal, with fulness, eructations of food and colic; after every meal; after eating or taking slight cold, with dead feeling in hands and chilliness; after a dinner, with eructations and yawning; after a dinner, with eructations and yawning; after a dinner of veal, with heaviness of abdomen; in pit and lower part of chest after lifting something heavy; in pit, (<) afternoon and after lifting, with pain on touch; (<) sitting bent over; and in region of duodenum; with difficult breathing; in pit, with choking in pharynx compelling frequent empty swallowing; and constriction, like that associated with nausea; so that she could not bear anything tight about her; rising through oesophagus to pharynx, where there was retching; in pit, extending to umbilicus, with rumbling in upper abdomen; as if over distended in evening after eating a little; bruised, (>) eructations.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.