Homeopathy Remedy Lycopodium

Elbow. Sticking at noon; S., (<) stretching arm, with tearing, also intermittent S. and tearing in l. shoulder-joint in evening. Tearing; in tip of r.; on moving it; in l., extending into wrist. Pain in bends in morning; P. from r. to little finger, with bruised feeling in arm; drawing P.

Forearm. Cramp in afternoon. Tearing in l., almost in bend of elbow; in ulnar nerve, extending into hand; from washing, extending into hands. Ulcerative pain in r. Drawing pain in l. Ulcerative pain in r. Drawing pain in l. ulna; also outer side of l. ulna towards morning in bed, then sensitiveness to touch. Rheumatic drawing in r. in morning. Heaviness of r. in forenoon, so that writing was difficult. Feeling as if asleep when lying upon the table while writing.

Wrist. Sticking in r. in afternoon, with tearing; in r. in evening, extending to finger-tips; sudden; in r. in afternoon, so that he cannot write. Tearing; in l. at 7 P.M. Sprained pain in r.; in r. when writing.

Hand. Swelling of r. in evening, with heat; red S. of r. as far as finger-joints. Involuntary shaking. Cramp all day; C. in r. when leaning upon a cane while walking with tensive pain. Sticking on back; jerking, in r. Tearing in r. between thumb and index; in r. palm below middle finger; between r. wrist and knuckle of thumb; in r. H. and in both middle fingers at night and under the feather-covers; extending towards finger; in out side of l. and in knuckle of little finger, extending wrist; in r. palm, with burning and itching of skin just below fingers. Pain in r. middle metacarpal bone, so that he could scarcely hold a spoon, in evening. Drawing pain on back of l. Spasmodic drawing and tension in r. when writing, and stiffness of l. fingers when holding a book. Weakness in morning. Heaviness in evening; H. when writing. Asleep in morning in bed; at night after talking a long time.

Fingers. Middle bent towards side, without pain At one time involuntarily spread out, at another doubled into a fist. Twitching of r, in evening; T. of l. index. Sticking in r. thumb in afternoon; sudden, in first phalanx of middle in evening; sudden, in third phalanx of l. index in morning Tearing; in middle; in tip of r. middle; first joints of l.; l. thumb; ball of l. thumb; tip of r. thumb; first joints of l. index, middle and little, at 7 P.M.; with drawing; in joint of thumb, so that he could not bend it; in joint of r. middle, extending towards tip; paroxysmal, in second joint of r. thumb in evening; sudden, in r. s if they would be torn off, in evening in bed; sticking in tip of l. middle and beneath its nail; drawing, in l. joints in evening; drawing, in third phalanx of l. index. Pain in knuckles on pressure; P. in r. middle, with heat, inflammation about base of nail, which soon head after discharge of matter. Sore painful spot on r. index. Sprained pain in joint of fourth on bending up hand. Deadness of two in morning, with blue nails; D. of little in morning on waking, with numbness and coldness, still they are movable. Two last asleep in morning on walking; asleep from tips to second joint in morning on waking, with inability to taken hold of anything.

Lower Extremities

      (Reeling when walking.) Uneasiness when lying. Feeling as if sweat would break out in morning. Nates sore; rawness from every motion; sore burning on l.; tearing in l.; tearing in upper parts beneath r. hip.

Hip. Tearing beneath r.; in l. joint; drawing, alone sciatic nerves to feet in evening in bed. Pain in region of l.; in l. joint on motion; in muscles about joints on pressure, siting; in lying; in r., (>) walking in open air; from r. joint to foot when walking, so that he must limp. Sprained pain in l. on motion; S. pain in morning on rising extending to small of back, making him lame; sudden, when walking, and in knee; sudden, in l. joint on rapid walking down hill, so that he could not stand. Paralytic pain posteriorly in joint on stooping and on rising from a chair. Tension in l., with tearing; rheumatic tension in l.

Thigh. Involuntary spreading asunder, then pressing together, afterwards with erections. Twitching; in afternoon; posteriorly on r. Cramp in r., extending to knee, so that he could scarcely ascend steps Soreness on inner side of L:, with biting itching extending to genitals; S. between, so that she could scarcely walk. Sticking in l. when stepping. Tearing in middle of r.; high up in l.; down l., (<) sitting, especially when knees are bent; along r. vastus externus and internus in afternoon, extending to patella; sticking, and below knee; smarting, in evening, must draw up leg; periodic, on outer side just above l. patella; pulsative, on outer muscles of l. when walking, with paralyzed feeling. Pain on I. as if wounded, then burning. Bruised pain; in l.; in l. in morning; above knee, (<) touch and motion; and sensation as if flesh were loose. Tensive pain posteriorly on l. in evening when walking. Drawing pain in posterior part; on forepart of l. Drawing in l. in afternoon; D. and burning. Tension in bones of T. and calves, (<) sitting. Heaviness and weakness of T. and legs.

Knee. Swelling. Flexion of l., the child could not stretch it on account of pain. Jerking evenings; J. in region of r. Sticking in l.; in middle of l. patella; in l. in evening; in region of r. patella in evening; when walking; sudden, in. l. in afternoon when descending a hill; tearing, from l. to hip, causing lameness. Tearing in K. and ankles, with pain on touch; T. through calf into foot before midnight, so that she must sit up in bed; drawing, in l. Pain as if they would break in morning on rising and on motion. Cramplike pain in hollows when sitting with one leg over the other. Sprained pain; in l. when walking. Sore pain on K. and other parts of legs. Smarting on inner side of r. when walking, with pain on touch, (<) night if the other leg pressed upon it, sleep restless, with many dreams, next day the pain extended down inner side of calf. Drawing pains. Drawing in hollow of l. Tension preventing stepping. Uneasiness at night in bed. Weariness. Stiffness in hollows in morning on rising.

Leg. Swelling ass far as above knees, with red-hot spots, with burning pain (<) about knees and ankles, so that she could not step on account of pain and sticking in them, with shuddering in them in afternoon, and constipation. Jerking and jerking trembling. Shaking of r., then of l. Cramp; in r.; of back of r., in afternoon, with sensation on walking as if tendon were too host, (<) walking over an ascent; in calves at night, and during the day when sitting with knees bent; in l. calf when sitting; in calves, (<) walking and stretching feet, (>) rest. Cramplike contraction, and weary pain when pressing upon flexors. Tearing, and in toes; below l. calf; in l. tibia; in l. at night; jerking, in l. carriage, in l.; jerking, in lower part of tibia in evening in bed. Pain in bones on side of tibia when touched. Jerking pain below knee. Cramplike pain in l. tend-achillis on rising and walking. Drawing at night; in r. in evening, and at times jerking; in r. when riding in a carriage; in l., with tearing; from above downward, (>) motion; rheumatic, in l. at night on walking. Feeling as if tightly bound. Uneasiness in evening; before sleep, (>) bed; U. and heaviness. Weakness; (<) ascending steps; as if beaten. Heaviness when walking in open air; H. before menstruation; and swollen feeling. Falling asleep during the day when sitting; of l. leg and foot when sitting. Insensibility on walking.

Ankle. Swelling. Sticking as if sprained when walking; sudden sticking in r. external malleolus at 3 P. M. Tearing in l. T 5 P. M., with drawing. Pain in external malleolus as if dislocated, even during rest. Sprained pain in r. Drawing extending to knees for two hours, at 5 or 6 P.M. Tension. Stiffness of l.

Foot. Appearance of corns. Sore painful indurations on heel. Swelling; of r.; of backs; during menstruation; on margins, with pain on walking; of l., with sticking in toes on stepping; with sticking in ankles, (<) walking; ascending till ascites developed, with swelling of genitals, oppressed respiration and infrequent micturition, with pressure. Cramp at night. Sticking in back; S. in heels; in corns also, with sore feeling; S. on walking in open air; in ball on stepping, and on pressure upon it; cutting, in l. side of heel. Tearing near heel; beneath l. heel; in heels and balls. Pain in a core; in a corn on r.; in ball of r. on beginning to walk; as from a stone under hell on stepping; (in F. which had been diseased) as if it would break out anew; suppurative, in ball of r.; suppurative, in soles on stepping and when sitting, with burning; drawing, in heel in evening in bed. Drawing below ankle, with heat. Burning tension on back near great toe. Smarting of heel. Weakness; in morning; in morning after waking, with disinclination to rise; in afternoon; in afternoon when walking, with heaviness of them; in afternoon, with sleepiness; at 4 P.M., they give way when standing; on ascending steps; with bruised sensation. Heaviness; in after r. sole. Falling asleep and crawling; falling asleep of l. heel. Numbness as far as calves at night, with falling asleep of them.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.