Homeopathy Remedy Lachesis

Soft nodes about an ulcer. Tubercles on r. forearm, gradually spreading over body, except face, chest and abdomen, itching at night in bed, afterwards the eruption was partly like hives, partly, after scratching, like scarlatina or roseola or prickly heat. Pimples; here and there; on face; forehead and cheeks; hairy part of genitals; arm; l. arm; r. forearm, afterwards over whole body; outer part of r. thigh, with pain around it; not unlike vesicles of scabies, on face; itching, on elbow; red, on forehead not far from root of nose; red, here and there, at times with tickling, which is (<) in bed, scratching causes pain, sleepless on account of the biting itching.

Erysipelatous eruption beneath l. eye, itching at night, she was awakened by fright about trifles, in the morning the skin began to redden and swell, (<) midday nap, next morning very thick and red, with itching, lower lid swollen, red and itching, preceded and followed by beating headache on stooping. Transverse crack on outer side of little toe in fold of joint, with itching (near where a sand-flea had been taken out). Profuse bleeding of a small wound beneath nose. Sore spots become fungoid, dark red to brownish, with whitish spots, burning on wiping. Gangrene at place of the bite, hands and fingers swollen and insensible, the inflammation extended to the arm, the swelling to the shoulder, here and there gangrenous blisters.

Pustules on r. brow and face; on face, then beneath nose, on brows and chest, then on other parts; (<) thighs, with red areola. Boils near spine, with burning throbbing pain, not suppurating; B. on heel caused by slight rubbing of shoe, with shaking chill on formation of matter. Vesicles on l. nostril; (on tip of l. second toe, breaks and is moist); clear V. on r. fourth finger; on hands and fingers, with itching burning. Itching vesicles on backs of feet; on outer margin of r. hand, with voluptuous burning after scratching; on back of l. middle finger, then a warty elevation leaving a scar. Itch-vesicles here and there on fingers; deep hard, in groups on r. hand.

Ulceration of nail after a bruise. Ulcers on elbow. The brownish-red areola about the ulcer became blackish-blue. Old red ulcer-scars reopened, suppuration after a blow, then vesicles and epidermis loosened about them, the open spots were dark red, looking like a flat sponge, here and there whitish, burning after rubbing. Bleeding of U., which then became cleaner; (profuse B. of the opening of a cancerous U., the base bluish); (a cancerous U. had on its base streaks of coagulated, almost black blood). (U. became cleaner and the areola painful to pressure). (Burning in U. at night).

(Panaritium on a finger in which there had been jerking and pain, so that she could not bear the arm under the covering, shooting sometimes upward, sometimes down into the arm, which was weak).

Sticking deep in skin extending outward through it. Pain in and about a scar of a fistula on thigh; P. on forehead on touch; unusual, from a sand-flea, the wound remaining after removing it will not heal, and near by are cracks between toes; between temple and outer canthus as if a pimple would form. Tense feeling about ulcers on legs. Crawling from l. shoulder to head; on r. shoulder, upper arm and beneath shoulder; fingers and calves; l. toes, with prickling; l. calf, with cold feet and ankle; from anus to head, with the fever; arms and legs in fever, with jerking in flesh; in l. hand, (<) toes, at times in l. side from vertex to toes, with prickling. Biting in various places as from ants.

Itching; over whole body; of face; near l. eye; loins; arms, hips and lower limbs; l. arm; upper arm; hands; bend of fourth finger; between fingers and on knees; thighs; leg; from morning till evening, in face about eyes and on cheeks, (>) scratching; in various places in evening, (<) legs and loins; on sides and on short ribs towards umbilicus (where there are red spots like bug- bites) in morning, (<) evening by walking and in bed, with white hives on l. scapula and whole back, next morning the hives were red; on r. heel, then on both heels, then on r. hand and fingers, on top of foot and on toes, always worse and burning after scratching, then hard, white, deeply-seated vesicles; on legs, then red wheals; in spots between fingers, then after scratching hard, shiny elevations, then vesicles, with burning and tension; on back of middle finger, then a round, red, hard bunch, a deep point of pus slowly formed, of which a little exuded, sticking on hanging down the hand, six weeks later after a blow on the bunch (which had almost disappeared) it bed profusely; preventing sleep; as from ants, (<) loins; burning, on l. thumb and index, then two pimples, with burning after scratching.

Sticking itching in various parts; of face and body in afternoon; S. itching on hands and feet in afternoon and in r. ear; in a point in instep as if an insect pierced the skin; as from ants over body, face and scalp in afternoon, (<) night, with burning pain, lasting till next forenoon, but then without the burning.

Clinical Purpura haemorrhagica, the whole body is swollen and extremely sore, intolerant of clothing. Tendency to ecchymoses, to bed- sores, Indolent ulcers, with bluish-purple color. Carbuncles. Varicose ulcers. Various forms of pustular eruptions, which suppurate and become bluish-black. Pemphigus, the bullae containing decomposed serum, with bubbles of gas. Erysipelas; of infants. It is not infrequently called for in scarlatina. Fungus haematodes. A valuable palliative in congenital cyanosis.


      Yawning; towards evening; with stretching; spasmodic, in morning. Sleepiness in forenoon; with weakness in all limbs; after walking in open air, dreams for hours of very important things, but everything was forgotten on waking; at noon; in afternoon; evening; after breakfast; after breakfast, with prostration, stretching and much spitting of saliva; before dinner, at times irresistible; after dinner, with weakness; after supper; after supper, with weariness; she could sleep when standing and walking; without ability to sleep. Overpowering sleepiness in evening; O. before eating; after eating; after dinner, afterwards the troubles in abdomen were worse. Sleep in forenoon. Early falling asleep in evening. Stupefied slumber after the pains have passed off. Waking late.

Sleeplessness; before midnight; one evening, over-powering sleepiness next evening; from internal restlessness, abdomen and chest seem swollen, with pain in chest so that he could not have anything touch it. Late falling asleep; and next morning early waking. Early waking. Waking in fright at a trifle. Restless sleep; in children, with groaning and moaning; with dreams of his home and anxiety as if he had done wrong. Light sleep, then sleeplessness after 1 or 2 A.M., with peevishness, distrust and no appetite for bread. Partial sleep full of dreams.

Dreams in forenoon; constant D., with frequent waking; amorous; with meditation; vivid; constant and fatiguing, with frequent waking; joyous, humorous in afternoon nap; with mental activity and of the many occurrences of the day; all night of the occurrences and business of the day; poetic, full of inventions in midday nap; that he possessed an intriguing character; of being accused of a theft and that he had knives ready to take vengeance on a haughty early when he should come and show himself insolent; that a person dear to him had died, he woke weeping and looked about convinced that he should see his ghost, without fear; (anxious, so that she was weary in the morning); of his home, with anxiety as if he had done wrong.


      Coldness; in evening, with chattering of teeth and feeling as in trismus; in evening, with thirst and pain in forehead; with prostration; general, with tearing and distention in abdomen; internal, every evening, with external heat, loss of appetite and headache. Shivering during the heat; paroxysmal S.; after thirst, then creeping heat without thirst, but with desire to be covered, several attacks during the day, (<) evening, at times sweat; over back. Chill in back beginning in small of back; C. in one side of head. Internal C. in side of head and in ear (with toothache); l. Cold knees; and calves, at times only on l. side r. ankle. Cold feet; with oppression of chest; then hot; then hot, with pain in some toes as after walking all day.

Heat beginning at 3 A.M. (after vinegar), with drawing from toes upward and urging to stool, with frequent soft stools, then drawing in r. side and in anus, extending into chest and across region of kidneys, with warmth, with pressure in chest, sighing (pressure about heart lasted several days), then chilliness and stretching, with thirst, in open air shaking chill, then creeping from anus into head, with Dullness, dizziness, roaring in ears, dazzling before eyes, weakness of arms, crawling and twitching in flesh, even in legs, and yellow color of face. Heat in evening; and all night; (>) the rubbing of other people, with hot palms and hot nape; agreeable warmth in evening as after a cold bath or as after coition. H. at night, with restless sleep; H. after vinegar and salt things. H., with dry skin, dry mouth and thirst. H., with fulness of head, drawing in some teeth and bones of face, eyes glistening, indicating exhaustion, sprained pain in knees, next day the same symptoms, with irritability, sprained feeling in small of back, restlessness, discomfort, symptoms as in influenza, during the attack the habitual expectoration of tenacious gray mucus did not occur, next day catarrh without fever.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.