Homeopathy Remedy Lachesis

Clinical Cardialgia and indigestion, great soreness of the pit of the stomach to touch, and intolerance of the clothes. It has been found useful at the period of black vomit in yellow fever, and sometimes in the vomiting of pregnancy. It is a valuable remedy for the gastritis of drunkards, and for weakened digestion after Mercury.


      Distention in morning on waking; at night; after eating; with sensation as if the inner parts or ligaments from stomach were stretched, so that she must wear the clothes, (<) about stomach, very loose, even in bed she must pull up the night dress, she dares not lay the arm across the abdomen; with hardness; with tearing and chilliness. Rumbling and gurgling; R. in evening after eating, with colic and emission of flatus. Flatulence; and tension, preventing her from walking far. Loud flatus; therewith the anus seemed closed, so that she must press it out. Short violent emissions of offensive flatus.

Sticking through chest to shoulder. Cutting before menstruation; for ten days before menstruation, with beating in temples and headache, so that she expected the menses every moment; C., with urging to stool, then burning discharges from anus; C., with burning pain and with pressure on bladder. Cramps during menstruation as if a knife were thrust through it; C. so that she cannot straighten herself, with diarrhoea. Pain in afternoon; after vomiting at night; from the shock of cough; in attacks after confinement, with return of other symptoms. Contraction. Emptiness. Eviscerated feeling. Heat. (Feeling in morning as for diarrhoea).

Hypochondria. Sticking; in l.; from r. to l.; from hepatic region through urethra. Deep-seated gnawing. Acute pain as if on short ribs, (<) inspiration. Pain in r., then l.; in hepatic region; in splenic region only when riding in a wagon, (>) stretching out straight. Clothes are very annoying.

Sides. Sticking in l., extending into chest, making breath difficult; S. outward in l. in evening. Tearing in r.; deep from sides towards middle. Griping in l., then r. and in loins, (<) walking, then in hypogastrium and loins, sometimes shooting, with occasional desire for stool, (>) emission of flatus, and once with borborygmi, till stool. Pain in l. Tension in l.

Umbilical Region. Pain transversely across in morning after rising; P. all day as before diarrhoea. (Burning).

Hypogastrium. Flatulence in a hernia. Sticking in forepart; in groins during cough; near r. ilium, extending through abdomen and chest into l. shoulder and on the other side from the l. below to the r. above. Tearing in r. side. Intermittent gnawing in lower part of l. groin, near the bone. Intermittent pain. Feeling as if a hernia would protrude.

Clinical Valuable in inflammation of the liver, threatening to develop an abscess. Sometimes in the distress from gall-stones; the liver swollen and very painful, with dirty yellow color of the face and numerous other symptoms. Note particularly the intolerance of clothing over the hypochondriac and epigastric regions. It is extremely valuable in typhlitis and in the late stage of peritonitis, with aggravation from sleep and intolerance of clothing. It may be noted here that the r. side of the abdomen presents numerous symptoms of this drug, while in the throat most symptoms are on the l. side. The abdominal symptoms have pointed to its use in metritis and peritonitis, in dysentery, in dysmenorrhoea, in inflammation of the ovaries, in short, in a great variety of diseases of the abdominal and pelvic viscera, usually of an adynamic type, with the characteristic symptoms of the remedy. Haemorrhage from the bowels in typhoid fever, sometimes with nosebleed, the haemorrhages consisting of decomposed blood.


      Discharge of blood; on pressing after a copious stool; painful D. of acrid mucus, with voluntary pressure. Protrusion after stool; P., then painful constriction of anus; P., with swelling, then spasmodic contraction of anus. Stool lies close to anus without passing and without urging; S. lies close to anus, but only flatus passes. Pain in evening, then diarrhoea, then throbbing as with hammers in anus. Urging with the fever; U. after vinegar, then a soft stool; ineffectual U. during the first period.


      Haemorrhoids troubles. Haemorrhoids, with determination of blood to anus, diarrhoea and increased itching in anus. Beatings as with hammers. Jerkings. Clawing alternating with oppression of chest. Spasmodic pain before and after stool; before a natural stool, and in rectum. Pain; with a hard stool; as if it would be torn out on coughing; and pressure, both extending inward. Pressure both painful and painless. Soreness after a strong- smelling stool. Drawing now in one, now in the other side; D. during fever, extending into r. side of chest; during fever, extending into chest and even head; painful haemorrhoidal, to umbilicus. Burning during and after stool; after the usual stool, with biting. Throbbing, and in small of back. Closed feeling. Constant feeling of flatus, but he only presses out small short emissions from time to time. Itching in morning.

Clinical Fistula in the anus, with sensation of beating as of little hammers. Haemorrhoids which are painful and strangulated with sticking or feeling of a plug in the anus or throbbing. Strangulated piles, with great constriction of the anus, which makes straining extremely painful.


      Watery, frequent, with burning in anus; only a watery evacuation. Diarrhoea in morning; D. after a natural stool; after acids, even fruits; with straining; sudden, about midnight, with urging, very offensive, ammoniacal; frequent. Thin, alternating with normal ones. Soft; and bright yellow. Pasty; and later every day; and scanty, delayed, occurring only after smoking; and scanty, then omitting one day. Constipation. Nodular. Hard, and urine burning. Bright yellow. Of the odor of putrefying snakes. Copious. Scanty, smooth, claylike. Frequent during the heat (in a nursing infant); two in morning, then weakness and ineffectual urging. Later every day. Delayed, after pressing only a scanty, unsatisfactory one. Omitted three days; then ineffectual urging, then scanty stool, with pressure and pain as if the sphincter would be forced asunder; S. and urine omitted seven days; omitted several days, with good appetite, so that abdomen became distended and hard.

Clinical The stools of Lachesis are generally very offensive or putrid, and sometimes, in low types of disease, involuntary. Diarrhoea, especially in hot weather or in the relaxing weather of spring; D. in drunkards; during the climacteric, symptoms always (<) sleep; there is generally sensitiveness of the abdomen and desire to loosen the clothing, with more or less tenderness in l. side.

Urinary Organs

      Troubles return when riding in a wagon (after wine). Urging; at night, with cutting in urethra and pressure downward in testicles as if a hernia would protrude; with emission of milky semen (or prostatic fluid); with peculiar discomfort in bladder and slimy sediment in urine; constant; frequent; frequent, without much discharge, drawing pains in small of back extending to hips. Milky gleet returns after micturition. Urethra, sticking; cutting; sticking cutting in forepart; sore pain in forepart; pressure; burning on urinating.

Frequent micturition; and dribbling; and urine copious, frothy; and urine dark and frothy; twice at night. Micturition with urging. Urine of the color of a new copper coin, staining linen yellow and depositing a cloudy sediment; U. reddish-yellow, increased; U. of a strong odor; contained dirty mucus before and after menses, urine clear at first, then depositing a sediment like beaten egg, with discomfort in bladder and urging; red sediment.

Clinical Subacute inflammation of bladder, with very offensive dark brown urine and frequent urging. After diphtheria or scarlet fever the urine is very dark or blackish, with a sediment like coffee- grounds (of decomposed blood), albuminous.

Sexual Organs

      Red pimple beneath margin of glans, with itching. Red spots on glans, the margin congested in two places; (red spot on prepuce). Profuse secretion beneath prepuce. Jerks in penis. Strong erections in morning; forenoon; after midday nap and towards evening; at night. Erections in morning when half awake; unusual E. during the day. Pain in r. side of scrotum in morning. Testicles hard and scrotum relaxed. Dragging upon testicles in evening; pressure upon T. from above as if a hernia would protrude. Amorous thoughts; during the day, with lascivious or quarrelsome dreams at night; in morning, with relaxed penis; in morning on waking, with pain in loins and prostration;in morning after waking, with pain in loins and bruised feeling; after midday nap. Desire; without amorousness, when controlled it caused great inclination for mental labor. Desire wanting; and inability for coition or late emission, erections feeble. Semen of penetrating odor. Emission during the midday nap; evenings, then weakness and headache; at night; at night, and profuse sweat; at night, with vivid and disagreeable dreams, with complete waking, then weakness; unconscious, at night; difficult.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.