Homeopathy Remedy Lachesis

Clinical Mental alienation; thinks that she is not at home, or thinks that there are robbers in the house and tries to escape, great aggravation from alcoholic drinks. Dementia, with extra-ordinary loquacity. Religious melancholia. Delirium tremens, loquacity, suffocative feeling about the throat. Muttering delirium. Insane jealousy.


      And face swollen so that eyes were closed. Sticking; extending into eyes; extending to eyes, nose and temples, with sharp pains (<) forenoon, in temples, jaws and eyes, swelling of eyes, face, etc.; deep. Tearing. Aching in evening, with vertigo; at night after vomiting; after pollutions, with weakness; before menstruation; in a round spot in centre; with nausea; with vomiting of food; with sleepiness; with nasal catarrh and fever; with nasal catarrh and full, hard pulse; with tension in shoulder and cervical pulse; extending into nose; extending into root of nose; dizzy; internally; internally and externally. Aching as before coryza; with flickering before eyes. Intermittent pain beneath skull as after taking cold, (<) stooping, with nausea, the pain alternating with heat. Tensive pain, (>) open air and by pressure, with an indolent hard stool; T. pain (>) pressure, a roaring in it, it feels hot, sneezing, fluent catarrh and hard stool; T. pain as if a string were drawn from nape above ear internally to eyes, on coughing.

Beating on stooping, with erysipelas of face. Heaviness in morning, then pain in vicinity of r. eye; H. at 11 A.M.; after wine, with nauseous vertigo; in a spot in middle, moving hither and thither on moving head. Fulness; during the fever. Confusion; in morning; in morning, in afternoon pain on r. side of head; in morning, with heaviness and blowing of blood from nose, with headache in forenoon and congestion in afternoon; then heat and congestion till afternoon. Dullness in afternoon, with nausea; D. during fever, with roaring in ears and vertigo.

Congestion; in morning, with pain; with pain above l. eye; with aching and with burning on scalp after scratching; with blowing of blood from nose; with flickering before eyes in angular jagged figures, then headache. Rush of blood; in forenoon on stooping, with headache on r. side extending towards occiput; in forenoon, (<) stooping, preceded by headache above r. eye; in afternoon on stooping; to H. and face during cough; before and after headache, with flickering before eyes; after a satisfactory pasty stool, with vertigo; (<) stooping and walking and in afternoon, preceded by headache, blowing of blood from nose in morning; with heat in head; with painful pressure under skull and he was conscious of all diseased teeth, though they were not painful, blowing of bright blood from nose, drawing in nose and frontal sinuses and under whole skull as if water had been injected into it, with beating roaring in ear; with drumming growling in ears; with haemorrhoidal troubles.

Lightness, with swimming sensation, then pain in occiput and sensation as if hair were tied too tight. Intoxication. Vertigo; in morning on waking; in morning when standing, (>) sitting; in morning after rising, with reeling towards the left; in morning, with general illness; at 11 A.M., (<) closing eyes; in evening; evenings, with reeling and attacks of unconsciousness as if he would have apoplexy; at night, then violent vomiting; after rising; on going into the street; on sitting down; when sitting after walking; during fever, with Dullness of head and roaring in ears; before faintness; (<) stooping; with pressure in eyes.

Forehead. Sudden shooting. Tearing sticking across above eyes. Tearing above brows in morning, also as if in bones; T. above orbits, with pain in face and vomiting; from r. upper part to nose. Writhing above r. eye. Pain; in sinciput; deep in F. and l. temple; above eyes; near r. eye; above l. eye in forenoon; above eyes after weeping; above eyes extending to root of nose (Ignatia); deep in l. eminence in morning, as if connected with ear, with bruised pain externally on pressure; becoming more concentrated towards l. sinus; headache externally near l. eye, then blowing of blood from nose in morning; headache externally near r. eye, with blowing of blood from nose, then congestion in afternoon and evening, (<) walking; intermittent; P. in l. sinus as if sore; throbbing, above r. eye, with nausea, bad taste and heart-burn. Throbbing above l. eye. Pressure inward in evening, (>) open air and on moving about, returning when sitting when sitting still in the house. Drawing in sinuses, beneath whole skull and in nose. Heaviness; so that he cannot open the eyes, lasting into the night, with pain in hip and thigh.

Temples. Stitches in l. and in side of head. Pain; in l. in forenoon; extending into eyes; extending to ears; as if swollen in angle in front of styloid process, (<) pressure; pulsating, in r. extending into r. orbit. Drawing from l. to forehead. Throbbing in morning on waking; constant T. for ten days before menstruation.

Vertex. Sticking; with boring; and in temples, extending through whole head, with catarrh and stiffness of nape. Pain internally as if beaten, (<) pressure.

Sides. Sticking in r.; starting from a scar on that side; from smelling coffee, with drawing. Feeling in afternoon as if some one cut a piece from r. parietal bone. Pain in whole l.; in r. extending to neck and shoulders, with tension in muscles; sudden, in l. side in forenoon. Intermittent painful drawing above r. ear after eating, extending to vertex. Constriction above ears and pressure in temples towards ears. Numbness on l. in evening and morning, with crawling.

Occiput. Pain extending into eyes. Tensive pain in r., extending to orbits and into nasal bones. Leaden heaviness in morning on waking, can hardly raise it, with vertigo.

Scalp. Tearing in an old scar. Sensitiveness in l. temple from vertex down, and in l. half of face on touch or moving muscles, as in laughing, chewing, etc., a sensation as if sunburnt. Pain on touch. Tension in a scar above r. ear at night on sudden and sharp changes in weather, then drawing pain. Itching; as from ants.

Clinical Headache always (<) rising in morning. Neuralgic headaches which concentrate at the root of the nose or extend into the face and eyes, or even to shoulders. Meningitis, pain in vertex, spreading over the whole head. Terrible neuralgic headaches, with tearing, (<) l. side, (>) warm applications. Headaches from exposure to cold (Gloninum). Chronic neuralgic headaches, always (<) r. side, pulsating, extending into neck, which became stiff and swollen. Neuralgic headaches starting in vertex and spreading over the head. Threatening apoplexy, especially in drunkards.


      Blue rings under in morning. Inflammation, with Dullness and sticking; I. of l., with weakness so that he could not read. Seem thicker (swollen?) even to others in evening, they look as after weeping. Eruption. Sticking; extending to vertex; burning. Sticking drawing pain in r. in afternoon, extending to vertex. Pain, near; about r.; (<) l.; external to l.; in l., then r.; on reading; in and above eyes, with pain in skin of forehead on touch; about E., (<) stooping, on r. side extending towards occiput, or general, with heaviness, confusion and congestion. Pressure on l. in morning; P. as if orbits were too small, (<) moving eyes. Feeling as if dust were in them. Sudden smarting of r. causing lachrymation. Burning pain. Burning; in l.; aching. Itching; in l.; in l., (>) coffee, with pressure in both eyes and dizziness; in and about E. in afternoon and evening, with heat in them. Dryness; and sensitiveness to light in evening. Stiff feeling.

Watery, with nasal catarrh. Running of cold water from l. eye and l. nostril. with swelling of lids and face. Feeling as if something were in ball, with pain in r. orbit. Sticking from brows down into lashes; hot, in l., then r. Pain in r. orbit on moving lid. Lids, swelling of l. like an incipient stye; inflammation of r. upper in evening as if a stye would form; inflammation, (<) r., with burning pain, the pain (<) reading; inability to open, with heaviness in forehead; sticking in r. upper; sticking in r. down to lashes; pain in inner canthi; itching pains; drawing itching pains.

Vision. Dim after much reading, with black flickering, it often makes reading difficult; D., (<) r. eye; for near objects,(<) evening, and on reading flickering; with vertigo, necessity to wipe eyes; of r. by candle-light, as if dust were on the ball; in evening, with a bluish-gray ring around the light. Sensitiveness to light. Flickering; in evening when reading, with weariness of eyes; of r. eye, (>) moving about in open air, with jerking in it and congestion to head; as from threads or rays of sunlight; in peculiar zigzags, with congestion to head and headache. A blue ring about the light, that was filled with fiery rays. A fiery ring about the light, with fiery rays.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.