Homeopathy Remedy Kreosotum

Dull, almost gnawing pain in r. humerus. Upper arm, bruised pain on inner and lower part when touched; pinching in inner side of l.; paralytic heaviness of r. Elbows, periodic pains as if ligaments were too short; spasmodic bubbling pain on inner and lower part of l. in afternoon; cramplike sensation in tip of r. when writing. Cramplike pain in region of lower part of radius extending into fingers. Painful drawing along l. ulna; intermittent, in lower part of muscles of r. radius, extending towards fingers, so that she cannot grasp anything as usual, and causing paralytic sensation. Drawing pain in l. forearm, extending to fingers. Drawing in l. forearm.

Sticking on back of l. hand, between thumb and index. Paralytic pain shooting towards l. hand, so that she lets everything fall. Sprained and stiff pain in l. thumb; sprained pain in second joint of l. thumb. Pain in ball of l. index as if something had been stuck into it and it would suppurate. Drawing pain in r. ring finger; in tips of l. fingers, with swollen feeling. Paralytic pain in l. index, (>) motion. All the two first phalanges go to sleep in morning, with crawling, they look white, must put r. index into water because sensation will not return. Deadness of all first phalanges, they look white.

Lower Extremities

      Intermittent drawing tearing and sticking, now in r. calf, now above r. knee, now in region of hip. Thigh, piercing jerking in middle of l. during rest; jerking pain in fleshy part above l. knee during rest; pain on motion from middle of l. to middle of leg as if there had been tearing in them and they were stiff; P. in l. hip as if dislocated, if he stands on r. foot there is a sensation as if l. foot were too long; gnawing pain on outer side of l. T. and leg, (<) sitting; bruised pain in muscles of middle of l., (<) sitting; painful drawing, (<) r., extending to sole, (<) motion, with stitches; drawing pain from head of r. femur into knee, so that she can scarcely ascend steps, (>) rest; drawing pain from tuberosity of r. ischium into middle of thigh, on outer side, with shivering; pain in muscles above hollow of l. knee as if too short,(<) stooping and walking; tensive pain in muscles above knee, (<) r., and on pressure pain as if flesh had been beaten loose, (>) rest; tensive pain posteriorly, as after a long walk, (<) walking and stooping; tension in l. fascia lata.

Knee.- (Tearing, boring, sticking in l. patella in evening and night, with chilliness). Jerking tearing in r. during rest. Sharp pain beneath r. patella. Sprained pain in l., so that he could not stand on l. leg alone, with sensation as if it would give way. Throbbing like a boil, extending to toes, (<) soles. Weakness so that they gave way during motion.

Leg.- Jerking through l., throwing foot upward. Contractive pain like cramp, in r. calf, extending to malleoli. Sprained pain in l. tendo-achillis. Paralytic drawing through l. Painful tension during motion, (<) calves. Heaviness in morning during motion. Tingling and whirring. Weariness; of l.

Ankle.- Sticking in r., extending through whole foot to toes; S. in r., (<) motion. Tearing extending to knees and causing tension in calves. Pain twisting outward in r. external malleolus during rest. Burning in malleoli in forenoon, extending through soles of feet and toes, (<) soles, with drawing and sticking.

Foot.- Swelling of l.; (oedematous S.): white, oedematous, from calves to toes, (<) l., with coldness and heaviness of feet. Sticking in heel on moving it so that she started and was obliged to stand. Feeling of suppuration in soles. Drawing pain in r. Tearing drawing in heels in evening, till sleep, extending through soles to toes, with sticking, next morning on stepping the soles felt like balls. Working in soles as after a long walk, with weakness, the weakness (<) l. Heaviness when walking.


      Blue spots on thighs, as from pinching. Redness in hollows of knees, with scales. White, then dry and epidermis scales off. Stiffness on hands, with cracks. Urticaria-like nodes. Pimples covering forehead, sometimes causing sticking; P. more felt than seen, covering r. hand, with itching, the I. (<) towards evening and in evening in bed; P. in l. upper concha, so that whole external ear is swollen, inflamed, hot to touch, with burning pain, l. side of neck stiff, with tensive pain, inability to turn head well towards the left, the pain extends through shoulder into middle of arm, with internal shivering through all limbs, heat in forehead and pressure above eyes; on spine of r. scapula, painful to pressure of clothes, becoming covered with a crust; “fatty.” on chin and r. cheek, forming yellow honey-like crusts; (“fatty,” itching, covering body, with swollen and stiff feet). Pustule in r. wing of nose; large and “fatty” (like smallpox) covering body. Hydroa beneath nose, without coryza. Vesicular eruption (as from bite of a bug) covering body except calves, chest and face, the itching (<) between 5 and 7 P.M. and in night.

Crawling beneath chin, not (>) rubbing. Itching in evening, so that she was almost crazy; general I., (>) scratching, then burning on arms and limbs; in ears and on soles; on eyelids and about mouth, (<) rubbing, with biting, then redness, then desquamation; agreeable, in r. palm, between thumb and index, not (>) rubbing; burning, on soles; burning, at night in bed, preventing sleep.

Clinical Urticaria after menstruation. Senile gangrene of a horrible odor and terrible burning (Sec-c.). Tendency to gangrenous degeneration of ulcers.


      Yawning, with stretching, as before ague. Frequent yawning in morning; all day, with lachrymation; with chill; with pain in forehead, and weariness. Sleepiness; in morning, with paralyzed feeling in limbs; with much yawning, bad taste and little appetite.

Sleeplessness in evening from general restlessness; S. from ( P.M. till 2 A.M., with tossing about, on account of pain in small of back, internal chill and pulsation in head; till midnight, on account of weariness, with pain in all limbs; till 1 or 2 O’clock, then many dreams, on waking at 7 arms as far as elbows were asleep; with weariness and tossing about till 4 A.M., then regular menstruation set in, then sleep for an hour; with restlessness, in morning on rising weariness, and on slightest exertion sweat ran down all over her, obliged to sit down to rest, when standing she sank down. Restless sleep; after 3 A.M. Bad sleep, she cannot lie to suit her, in morning eyes are agglutinated. Frequent waking; yet in morning she had slept enough. Sudden waking at 2 A.M., as if called, menses had come on. Shocks in whole body in sleep. Starting up in fright from sleep.

Laughed in her dream after midnight, as she woke she knew nothing more of it, and was lying uncovered and cold, without chill. Anxious dreams on falling asleep; all night; of a bright fire, which woke her; that she saw a small object that constantly became larger; that it snowed, and she was in the open air with her little child; that something had happened to her children, so that she wept, and on waking was wet with sweat; that large men followed her and wished to violate her, without sexual excitement. Dream of falling from a height. Dream of dirty, disgusting linen. Dream that she had taken poison and was emaciated in consequence. D. of stoppage of throat. D. of erections, and that as he wished to urinate the glans broke off.


      Chilled easily; general C. as soon as she became quiet; C. during menses, without heat or thirst; general C., skin seemed dead, general feeling as if she had revelled all night, in morning shivering C., with heat in face, red cheeks, cold feet and heaviness from shoulders to elbows, so that she was unable to carry arms to head, the pain (>) rest, with fretfulness from 10 A.M. to 10 P.M. Internal C., with red cheeks. Shivering; in morning on rising, with bright blood from nose; all afternoon; over whole skin; for five hours, then heat of face and hands, cold feet, with shivering, from 2 till 11 P.M.; with flushes of heat, without thirst, drawing and sticking pains in forepart of temporal bones, pressure in eyeballs, dim vision so that she must rub her eyes, then hot and acrid tears, and inflammation of white of eyes. Alternations of chill and heat, with much thirst, weakness of limbs, constant cough, partly dry, painful and racking, caused by irritation in lower part of chest and by crawling from middle of chest into throat, epigastric region much shaken by cough, with pain in middle of vertex, (<) touch.

Chill between shoulders during menses, extending down back; between S., extending to middle of small of back, then pain in small of back, so that she must walk constantly, which relieved pain in small of back, but then new pains appeared in hips, which extended to middle of thighs and did not allow her to lie quietly, (>) warm applications, the pain in hip (<) external air. Cold hands. Cold feet; at 9 P.M., then chill in back, head and arms to fingers, without external coldness; from back of F. to above knees; with hot and red ears.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.