Homeopathy Remedy Kreosotum

Tongue coated white. Tongue clean, but pale and dry, with thin saliva, no appetite, much thirst and dry throat. Mouth and throat white. Burning in M., throat and stomach. Frothing. Slimy in evening. must spit much. Salivation. Bitter taste in morning; in evening, in throat, so that she could not relish food; B. to everything on swallowing. Sour T. on back of tongue, as from muriatic acid. T. like cubebs, with coldness on tongue. Flat T. T. like straw. No taste.

Clinical A valuable remedy for rapid decay of the teeth and bleeding of the gums; especially valuable for the premature decay of children’s teeth, which become very dark and crumbly.


      (Diphtheritic appearance, the burnt parts sloughing away). Mucus easy to loosen, provoking incessant hollow, rough-sounding cough. Scraping; with rawness; with dryness; in evening when coughing, with thick, lumpy expectoration; as after brandy containing fuel oil. Painful choking sensation, low down, extending through chest behind dorsal vertebrae. Pain. Pressure on r. side on swallowing. Sore pain on l. side on swallowing, with feeling as if something hung down there and impeded swallowing. L. tonsil sore on swallowing. Sensation of mucus, which causes nausea, then expectoration of whitish, sweetish mucus. Fauces dry, they seem agglutinated all afternoon. Burning. Burning pain along oesophagus. Swallowing almost impossible.


      Great appetite; appetite, but no relish for food, with fulness; A. lost. Desire for tobacco at an unusual time. Thirst after the chill. Eructations; of air; of air after dinner, then spitting of frothy saliva and scraping rawness in throat; violent; acid; of tasteless white froth before menses, if these E. do not occur mucous vomiting follows. Nausea; with burning in mouth; with spitting of saliva and general chill, without heat or thirst. Urging to vomit, nothing but saliva results. Retching; in morning fasting; of water and mucus, with dryness of nose, heat in forepart of head as if everything would press out at forehead, coldness of hands and feet, with thirst in morning on rising. Vomiting; of sweetish water in morning fasting; of food.

Pressure in epigastric region. Burning pain. Pain in pit at 3 P.M. during rest, as if a thread were drawn through it or a muscular fibre were torn out, which shoots through all limbs. Tightness in S. and pit so that she must wear the clothes loose. Gnawing if she does not breakfast, then retching, (>) eating. Orgasm extending from epigastric region through all parts, (<) motion, with throbbing in all vessels.

Clinical Attacks of nausea and vomiting, either of water or food, very frequently accompany the symptoms of Kre. It has been used for the vomiting of pregnancy; the nausea and vomiting are frequently associated with soreness at the pit of the stomach, and sometimes with thirst (Colchicum, Petrol.). Persistent vomiting of infants. Chronic irritability of the stomach, the food is not retained nor digested. The food is vomited even several hours after a meal.


      Distention; before menses; after menses; and tension. Flatus smelling like bad eggs during menses; offensive F. passed with stool. Increased peristaltic action and emission of flatus. Sticking; like electric shocks to vagina. Griping, (>) discharge of flatus. Cramp after menses, (<) hypogastrium. Pain; with stitches about umbilicus, as if she had eaten fruit and drunk afterwards; that cannot be described; as if suppurating, (>) during rest, disturbed sleep so that she must turn with frequent waking; ulcerative, on deep breathing; prickling; drawing, during menses. Painful cold sensation, with scanty urine. Thumping at 5 A.M. on third day of menses, with clawing like dull shoots, then urging to stool, with painless diarrhoea, and during the day painless diarrhoea seven times. Tension, with scanty micturition. Dragging downward after menses, as if menses would occur.

Sticking in hepatic region, not affecting inspiration. Bruised pain in upper anterior lobe of liver, causing fulness so that she must loosen the clothes. Pain in hepatic region, with gnawing beneath l. short ribs; P. in region of spleen if she sits down in morning after rising, and on slight pressure, with other symptoms, making her weak. Painless drawing in upper A., extending to small of back and there causing labor-like pain, with presence downward towards lumbar vertebrae, as in childbirth, with flushes of heat in face, palpitation, frequent pulse, frequent ineffectual urging to urinate; which at last occurs after much pressure, is hot and scanty, then chill without thirst, these attacks associated with the eye symptoms in such a way that the eye symptoms cease when the labor-like pains set in and when the pressure ceases a milky discharge drops from vagina.

Umbilical Region.- Zigzag sticking, then sudden shooting towards l. nipple. Grasping, extending into throat, with griping and causing nausea. Pain or feeling as if she had drunk carbonated water, with ill humor; P. as from a cold, as if diarrhoea would occur; intermittent, as if diarrhoea would occur, she must crouch together. Clawing, with ulcerative pain in whole abdomen; C. before menses, (>) stooping, with digging, then discharge of white mucus from vagina. Painful lump as if twisted together; waking between 2 and 3 A.M.

Sticking on r. side between umbilicus and crest of ilium, during rest, arresting breath; S. in region of crest of ilium, shooting transversely through abdomen; periodic, in l. flank opposite crest of ilium, which shoots into l. thigh. Pressure in hypogastrium. Pain in l. iliac region; frequent, in r. flank, extending upward and downward and into testicle; in crests of iliac on pressure, as if she had carried something heavy or hard upon them. Tensive pain in inguinal regions when walking. Pain like a boil low down, with electric stitches in internal genitals, which caused constrictive spasmodic pains in labia externally, so that she gathered herself together when the pains came, with periodic pressure extending forward from small of back, frequent urging to urinate, scanty, clear urine, ineffectual urging to stool, general anxious restlessness so that she broke into anxious sweat, ill humor so that she quarreled with everyone and would strike them, if these attacks occurred when sitting she was obliged to walk, whereby the pains were relieved.


      Large painful haemorrhoids. Stitches into l. flank remaining there awhile, during menses, so that she must stand up; drawing tearing S., with ineffectual urging, afterwards (>) hard stool passed with pressure. Cramplike pain extending into flank, so that she must walk bent over and sit down cautiously. Frequent uneasiness, a crawling or dragging, (>) stool. Urging, but emission of only flatus.


      Constipation. Hard, nodular, with much pressure, only every three or four days. S. and flatus accumulate in rectum during menses (feels there a pressure with emission of flatus), the menses very profuse and often in clots.

Clinical Diarrhoea, very offensive, dark brown, undigested, generally associated with more or less nausea, sometimes with vomiting. Dysentery, with nausea and vomiting. Bloody, fetid stools during typhoid fever, with great prostration. Cholera infantum, offensive brown stools, great restlessness, with painful dentition and complaint of pain in the gums.

Urinary Organs

      Urging, she cannot get out of bed quickly enough, with constrictive pain in vagina. Frequent urging in evening and night; frequent, always preceded by white discharge from vagina, which colors clothes yellow. Micturition six or seven times a day, always with haste and always passing much. Frequent micturition of hot urine; F., but only a spoonful each time; F. of very little clear urine each time; obliged to urinate every hour and each time much clear urine; every half hour from 4 A.M. till noon, each time over half a pint. Frequent micturition at night; but scanty; and each time much hot clear urine. Strangury. Urine spurts from her during each cough (Causticum, Squilla, etc.). Micturition in a weak stream. Bladder and bowels not evacuated for twenty-four hours. Urine chestnut brown; reddish, depositing a red sediment; colorless, offensive (Benz-ac.); hot, offensive, smelling almost like cooked cedar; hot, steaming, of strong smell, red sediment; hot, causing burning between labiae; increased; scanty; scanty and painful micturition; turbid, after awhile it looks like light beer yeast; sediment copious and white.

Clinical Nocturnal enuresis.

Sexual Organs

      Spasmodic pain in external. Burning pain in both man and woman during coition, the first impotent, the next day swelling on penis, in the woman profuse dark menses, lasting four days, then leucorrhoea staining linen gray, with swelling of external genitals, itching and corroding, burning pain.

Burning between pudenda on urinating. Soreness between labiae, with biting pain (compare Carbo-v.); S. between labiae and thighs, with burning biting pain. Itching between labiae (Graphites), with biting, then burning as from pepper on a sore place; corrosive I. between labiae and in vagina, then burning and swelling in labiae. Vagina itching in evening, then smarting, external genitals swollen, hot and hard, and on urinating sore pains in V.; voluptuous I. deep in V.; contractive pain in V. two days after menstruation, then whitish discharge. (Prolapsus of vagina). Discharge from V. white (Graphites) and of the odor of green corn; white, painless; white, preceded, by pain in small of back and heat of face; periodic white, between menses; mucous, mixed with blood, in morning on rising. Constant leucorrhoea; yellow L. staining linen yellow, with weakness in legs (Sepia); L. stains linen whitish-yellow, is acrid, causes itching and biting on external genitals (Pulsatilla); stains linen like washings of meat and is offensive (nitricum acidum).

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.