Homeopathy Remedy Kreosotum

During coition pain as from an ulcer in neck of womb, on the neck and below there is a hard lump, in evening she has less pain in those parts than in morning. Menses too early; and dark, profuse, lasted eight days (Chamomilla); M. every three weeks, comes easily, lasts four or five days, is profuse, then discharge of bloody matter for two to four days, which has an acrid odor and causes itching and biting on genitals; omitted for one day; M. that had stopped for forty-eight hours returned, with violent pain in abdomen, discharge thin, bright red; often in pieces and profuse. Sensation of coition in morning between sleep and waking (which she had not had for years). She woke in morning with desire for coition.

Clinical A very valuable remedy for a variety of diseases of the female sexual organs, characterized in a general way by inflammations with ulcerations and offensive, excoriating discharges. Ulceration of the cervix, with burning pain deep in the vagina, with great heat and soreness of the mucous membrane, pressure and bearing down pains and offensive, acrid leucorrhoea. It has been found extremely valuable (certainly as a palliative) in scirrhus of the uterus and epithelioma of the pudenda, with the peculiar burning pain as from hot coals and offensive discharge. The cases requiring Kre. are generally characterized by too early and profuse menstruation which is followed by acrid, putrid leucorrhoea; the menstrual discharge sometimes reappears after it has stopped entirely, or the flow gradually changes into an ichorous, excoriating leucorrhoea; menses often dark and offensive. Leucorrhoea of the peculiar odor of green corn. Cauliflower excrescences of the uterus, with terrible burning, as from red-hot coals, profuse discharge of offensive clots and ichorous, excoriating leucorrhoea. Valuable after parturition for offensive lochia. Pruritus of the vulva, with offensive moisture and hot swelling of the external genitals. Ichorous discharge, with retention of placenta. It has cured sterility caused by profuse acrid leucorrhoea and irregular menstruation.

Respiratory Organs

      Secretion in larynx provokes cough. Crawling below larynx, provoking cough; in upper bronchial tubes towards evening, provoking cough. Hoarseness in morning, (>) sneezing; voice raw, hoarse, with scraping in throat. Cough from sensation of adherent mucus in middle of chest; incessant C., with sleepiness, chill, then dry heat, during which the child continued to sleep (influenza); C., with retching; with efforts to vomit but discharge of only saliva; whistling, dry; dry, with scraping in throat and soreness in chest; difficult to loosen; (whooping); with expectoration of firm, gelatinous mucus; with white mucous expectoration easily loosened, and scraping in throat. Short breath, tightness of lower part of chest. Often obliged to breathe deeply. Anxious, difficult respiration. Difficult R., as if chest were compressed, so that she must constantly breathe deeply.

Clinical Diphtheria, with a most putrid odor from the mouth, vomiting of food, swelling of glands. Violent laryngeal cough, with hoarseness and soreness of the lungs, and bloody or greenish- yellow expectoration. Winter cough of old people.


      Sticking in l.; r. lower; in l. on inspiration, then it seats itself in r. side; externally in l. during rest, not affecting respiration; in l. lower when menses came on, with cutting above umbilicus; in l., (<) turning over in bed; in r., often (<) inspiration and expiration; in middle, (<) inspiration, spreading over r. shoulder and extending with paralyzed sensation to elbow, the pain in S. (<) raising arm; above heart in afternoon, impeding respiration, (>) pressure; internally in r., arresting breath; beneath; beneath l. breast, extending upward across r., with S. beneath r. scapula preventing breathing; in r. chest and beneath r. scapula at 3 P.M., so that it took away the breath and she thought she would fall; transversely across middle in morning on rising, (<) towards noon; forward beneath l. breast in afternoon, thence transversely across pit of stomach towards r. breast, down into r. side of abdomen, into leg, ending in ankle; in middle of r., an inch from nipple towards sternum, extending through chest and felt on inner margin of scapula; periodic, in various places between ribs. Drawing sticking in r. side near sternum, between second and third ribs; beneath l. short ribs towards evening.

Scrapy raw sensation beneath sternum, obliging cough, the C. (>) expectoration of gray mucus. Raw pain in lower part. Bruised pain in middle on inspiration, with short breath; B. pain internally on inspiration, preventing deep breathing. Pain from 12 till 1 O’clock; throbbing, in a spot behind pectoralis minor; throbbing constrictive, in r. side till sleep. Pain as from pressure on sternum; more during expiration than inspiration; in centre also felt on inspiration, extending to clavicles and muscles of nape and throat; as from pressure inward internally, not affecting respiration. Contractive pain on deep inspiration. Heaviness, with sticking; H. often causing deep inspiration; in lower part, so that expiration was difficult was difficult; in middle, it seemed as if she could not get the breath out of the chest; in middle, with short breath, so that she must frequently breathe deeply. Fulness and oppression, provoking deep breathing; sudden O., with sticking in middle of l. side of chest.

Periodic drawing from outer side of female breast towards nipple. Burning; wanted water to quench B. in lungs; from middle into throat, as if she had drunk brandy, tongue painful as if burnt, face hot, red and tense. Crawling in middle in morning, with tickling, provoking dry spasmodic cough till retching follows. Breasts feel as if milk came into them, but they are withered.

Clinical Chronic pneumonia or phthisis, with violent burning pain like red-hot coals in chest (Carb-an.). Gangrene of lungs (Cap.). When inhaled it has proved valuable in cases of phthisis when there were no cavities.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in heart; not affecting breathing. Heart’s action slow and weak. Pulse 80, rather full. Pulse slow; and labored; and weak. P. small and compressed.


      Rheumatic stiffness; in afternoon.


      Pain; at night, extending over l. hip, becoming seated in flank and involving l. inguinal region, so that she could scarcely become erect, the pain in back (<) during rest. Intermittent sticking between scapulae. Pain behind l. scapula; two inches beneath r.; behind r., with feeling of a plug, at times throbbing; as if scapulae had been beaten. Drawing tension between scapulae. Drawing pain posteriorly in r. upper ribs, extending forward and causing sticking above r. mamma.

Lumbar Region.- Sticking in external muscles in region of l. kidney. Pain extending upward, with heat in palms and soles; P. in morning as she woke, (<) rising, when sitting and walking, (>) lying down, extending to abdomen, causing pressure outward in genitals, extending into thighs, causing general anxiety and trembling and internal chill; almost making her sick, (<) rest, (>) motion; if she presses during stool, spasmodic P. in vertebrae passing to r. inguinal region and into r. hip, making walking difficult; as if broken, extending to between scapulae, so that she could not move arms without pain (as if a band were between shoulders), (<) stooping. Suppurative pain in vertebrae during menses, with pressure towards rectum as if flatus would pass, before this the pains in back were (>) motion; P. as if a vertebra were suppurating or as if flesh were torn from it, causing sensation on standing up as if something would fall out there. Pain in vertebrae and iliac crests as after long running or as if bruised, extending into thighs and down calves, where it ended like an electric shock, then stiffness in lumbar vertebrae in morning. Pain as after much stooping, (<) motion and stooping. Pain in vertebrae as before menses. Labor-like pain causing ineffectual urging to stool, with distention of abdomen. Cramplike drawing, labor-like, in vertebrae, extending forward and down thigh, with general uneasiness. Drawing pain extending along sacrum into rectum and vagina, causing spasmodic contractive pain, with stitches, the pains intermittent and (>) standing up, after these attacks leucorrhoea like milk and water, flowing by paroxysms. Spasmodic drawing in vertebrae, extending into genitals. Burrowing as if something would come out.


      Jerking and pinching pains in all joints. Aching in all as if beaten. Sick feeling as before catarrh. Heaviness and weariness as from sleep.

Clinical Rheumatoid pains in joints, with numbness.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulders. Sticking in r.; from top of r. into lower part of ear; in posterior part of joint, extending to fingers, in F. it causes sensation as if asleep, with loss of sensation and power, so that she cannot hold anything tightly, when there is no sticking there is jerking in hands with crawling and heat in them. Pain in r. on motion; P. as if they had been uncovered at night; as if pressed against sharp corners. Acute drawing posteriorly.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.