Homeopathy Remedy Kali Nitricum

Sexual Organs

      Painful swelling of l. epididymus, behind and below testicle. Prickling sticking in glans; itching S. in penis in afternoon when sitting. Itching of glans. Smarting in orifice of prepuce, also smarting when urinating. Erections in morning in bed; on waking, with great desire for coition ( at an unusual time), which was affected “maxima cum voluptate”; E. at noon without voluptuous thoughts. Testicles drawn up, sensitive and painful. Drawing tension in testicles and along spermatic cords into abdomen after unsatisfied desire, with pain. Desire increased; with great sexual enjoyment.

Abortion at second month. Thin, white leucorrhoea, stiffening the linen, with bruised pain in small of back. Menses thin. Menstruation too early, with pain in small of back and lower limbs; too early and profuse, lasting three days, but flowing scarcely and after the second day, blood black like ink. Menstruation prolonged and profuse. M., which was just as its close, was increased after a new dose, with pain in abdomen, small of back and thighs. M., which was slight on the fourth day, after a new dose became more profuse, thicker, with clots, next day again scanty. M. late. M. suppressed.

Respiratory Organs

      Larynx, cutting, with impeded swallowing; tensive pain when breathing; tickling causing irritation to cough. Irritation to cough at bifurcation of trachea, as from swallowing a bread- crumb; sudden I. to cough in r. bronchus near pit of throat, (>) slow, deep breath and by an effort of the will. Hoarseness; during menstruation, with cough, expectoration of mucus and stopped catarrh; with rawness in throat; and suppressed voice, with tickling provoking cough. Catarrhal voice. Voice lost.

Cough; day and night, with sore pain in chest, then catarrh; with stoppage and itching of nose; waking at 3 A.M., with stupefying headache, the C. (<) raising herself or moving; after entering the house, from tickling in middle of chest; (<) morning; with soreness in chest and pain in head and throat. Paroxysmal, (<) bread or cakes. Almost taking away her breath. Dry; in afternoon, with bloody expectoration; with rawness in throat and heaviness on chest; from rawness behind sternum, with tension, contraction and pressure in chest. Dry, hacking; all day, with almost audible beating of heart. Cough (>) expectoration. Cough, with expectoration towards morning; in morning, with pain in sternum; at night, disturbing sleep, towards morning sweat; (<) evening after lying down; of hard masses of bronchial mucus, that sank in water and were not dissolved by shaking; cough, with redness of face, at last a little mucous expectoration. Cough, with bloody expectoration; at the full moon; and mucous. Expectoration of clotted blood after hawking mucus ( during menstruation). Sour- smelling expectoration.

Dyspnoea in region of pit of throat. Respiration difficult; oppressed when ascending, with sticking in chest, cough and expectoration of clear blood; accelerated, with general feverish weakness. Frequent inspiration, (<) morning and towards evening, from a sensation in epigastric region and oppression of chest, with confusion and drawing in head.

Clinical Asthma, with excessive dyspnoea, faintness and nausea, with dull stitches or with burning pain in chest, rather free expectoration.


      Inflammation. Sticking in r.; l.; beneath l. female breast; in l. side more towards back; in l. side of upper part of sternum; in anterior and farther part of l.; in middle of r. in morning; in r. between fifth and sixth ribs in afternoon; in evening, with burning; in r. at 8 P.M., with pressure; middle of upper part after dinner; l. when carrying a weight; l. on inspiration; l. near sternum on deep inspiration; r. when coughing and breathing deeply; r. lower ribs from coughing and laughing; beneath l. breast, (<) walking; in upper part of r., (<) lying on r. side and with head low; l., (>) walking in open air, with pain, recurring towards evening like a cutting and tearing in lungs, (<) deep inspiration, then chilliness and tearing from knees to toes, so that she must go to bed; in middle extending to sides and towards axillae when walking during menstruation; in l. making breath short; periodical, in r. half; rhythmical, in l. costal region after lifting a weight.

Tearing in r. side (intercostal muscles). Cutting beneath sternum when coughing. Pain; in lowest end of sternum; behind sternum all day; beneath sternum during cough, then soreness there; under sternum when coughing, with warmth and rattling, the expectoration seemed to come from low down in chest; in r. side, in region of false ribs, afterwards it extended towards pit of stomach, where it remained long like a pressure, with loud eructations and loud emissions of flatus, the pressure in stomach changed to hunger. Tensive pain across C., with stitches in l. side under ribs. Feeling when coughing as if something were loose.

Constriction in forenoon when standing, with anxious shortness of breath; C. of lungs in morning in bed, preventing deep breathing, extending from the back, if she attempts to breathe deeply she must gasp for air and she coughs; cramplike C., with anxiety and dread of suffocation, alternating with cramplike drawing in occiput and nape, of l. side, so that she had to hold the head backward. Oppression; (<) morning. Tightness; at night from coughing; with heaviness. Fulness beneath sternum, (<) deep inspiration and causing short, dry, hollow cough. Anxiety towards evening. Need to take a deep breath in evening when sitting still, and on every inspiration a stitch in l. chest, talking away the breath. Throbbing in forepart when sitting, with heaviness in it and inclination to faint. Burning in forepart; B. in morning extending into throat, till expectoration is loosened. Rush of blood.


      Sticking in praecordial region. Violent beating, waking him in evening; when lying on back, waking her at midnight, she sat up full of anxiety. Palpitation; at midnight when lying on r. side; on sudden motion and on standing up, with heat of face and oppression of chest.


      Rapid; in afternoon when at rest; at 4 P.M., with heat in head; in evening; towards evening, and hard; and full; and hardish; and full, hard with condition like inflammatory irritability of whole body, (>) abdominal organs; and fluttering, irregular; and small; and small, with warm hands; and feeble. Increased. Slow; and weak, and small, weak. Hard, with symptoms of enteric inflammation. Weak; and small; and fluttering, unequal. Small and soft. Irregular, scarcely perceptible.


      Tearing in r. muscles, extending from shoulder to head. Sprained pain in nape like a stiffness on nodding or turning head. Tensive pain in sterno-cleido-mastoid muscle; r. on turning head. Painful throbbing in a vertebra after raising head from stooping. Stiffness of nape.


      Pinching in evening. Pain; on coughing; on stooping, when fasting; (>) walking, (<) sitting and lying in bed, with burning. Paralysis of spine, with tetanus. Sticking beneath l. scapula in evening; beneath r. at night; in region of lower angle of l. on deep inspiration; between S. as with knives when lying on r. side. Tensive drawing between scapulae at 6 P.M.

Lumbar Region.- Sticking in l. side when sitting; in kidney region, (<) r., in evening, (<) deep breathing. Pinching all day. Pain waking at 2 A.M., and preventing lying on back; P. (>) walking and rubbing, (<) cough; in region of kidneys, with frequent desire to urinate and increased thirst; in morning on waking, extending into l. hypochondrium, also obliging her to rise; at night waking him; in afternoon alternating with griping in abdomen, in evening a hard stool. Bruised pain in morning on waking; at 3 A.M., preventing turning over; in evening during menstruation. Drawing pain in region of kidneys. Paralyzed feeling in evening.


      Jerking of arms and legs in evening in bed. Trembling; of hands and feet. Sticking in r. shoulder, then in knee; in knees; elbows and shoulder-joints, worse in afternoon than in forenoon, lasting longer in l. elbow and (<) motion. Pain in r. hip and l. shoulder and ankles, (<) walking; in r. shoulder on most motions of arm, (>) upward and backward motion, similar disturbances in r. ankle and hip-joint. Bruised feeling. Drawing pains; cramplike, now in r., now in l. arm, now in legs, (<) about knees, (<) rest. Drawing. Paralytic pain in r. shoulder-joint, (<) towards forepart, as if in head of bone, (>) moving arm, if the arm was turned on its axis cracking in forepart oft joint, as if in tendon of biceps, there was a similar pain in first joint of r. ring finger on flexing and extending it, (>) next day, except when lying, when there was a similar pain in l. patella, which was (>) after sleep. Weakness; and lameness. Crawling in hands and feet as if asleep. Paralysis.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulder. Tearing in l.; T. waking at midnight; in r. from 2 to 5 A.M., (>) rising; in r., with heaviness, waking at 2 A.M., with numbness of arm, the pain afterwards extended to wrist; in r. waking at 3 A.M., with falling asleep of fingers; from r. to fingers, waking at 11 P.M., lasting till 4 A.M., with sensation as if S. were standing out farther than natural, inability to lie upon either side; drawing T. to fingers towards evening. Pain in l., on raising arm, (<) moving it backward at the same time; P. in l. as from weariness; rheumatic, in r.; bruised, in morning. Pressure on L.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.