Homeopathy Remedy Kali Nitricum


      Staring, pupils dilated. Catarrhal inflammation, (<) l., in morning on waking, with pressure in them. Shooting through both after supper. Pressure; and on pressing upon balls pain in orbits; as from sand, in forenoon; drawing, obliquely through l. and in l. side of forehead. Burning in morning after rising,(>) washing; B. in morning after washing with cold water, with lachrymation; in morning, with lachrymation; with photophobia; with redness of canthi; with weakness as from sleepiness. Burning biting as from salt water, (<) l. Itching of r., with acrid lachrymation. Lachrymation of r.

Pain in r. ball; in l. ball as if grasped from both sides, so that its long axis was increased, during dinner at 3 P.M. Pressure on r. ball. Lids, redness of r., with itching; r. of r., with swelling of it and with burning and stitches in r. external canthus; agglutination in morning; A. of r. in morning; closed with the headache; sticking and burning; tearing in inner canthi; pressure as from a hair beneath l. upper; sticking itching on l. inner and r. outer angle of eye; burning biting of r.; burning in outer canthi. Compressive pain in orbits, (<) pressure on upper part of ball. Vision of variegated rings. Blindness.


      Inflammation of r. lobule, with swelling, burning and twitching. Sticking in r.; in evening; so that she could not lie upon at night; then twinging; with headache; behind l. extending towards articulation of jaw. Tearing behind E.; in meatus. Pressure towards E. and temples. Tension in r. meatus. Tensive pain behind r. all day, with sticking behind l. Rhythmical throbbing in l. Tickling in cartilage of r. meatus in morning in bed. Itching ion external meatus. Ringing; in l. in evening; clear-toned, in l. Hissing. Rushing as of water. Pulsating humming in front of l. Deafness.


      Redness as if inflamed. Inflammation of tip. Ulcer deep in r. nostril. Pain in bones, (<) touch; P. in tip as if a pustule would form; sore pain in upper part of r. nostril, with pain on pressure. Swollen feeling in r. nostril, with pain on pressure. Clawing about wings, with burning. Burning about nose., (<) touch, with clawing and burrowing, with swelling of r. nostril as if there were an eruption in it, and want of air; B. in r. nostril as if sore, on blowing nose. Itching internally in l. side of tip. Dryness, with burning of the (usually) sore place.

Stoppage; with taste as if fasting; then discharge of purulent offensive mucus, with sneezing. Sneezing; in morning without catarrh; about 10 P.M.; violent, in morning. Catarrh, with sneezing; C., with stoppage of nose, loss of smell and rough voice; stopped C., with burning externally about nose; now dry, now fluent; fluent, (<) open air. Dropping of water without catarrh. Bleeding; in afternoon; from l. nostril after rising, then relief of headache; from l. nostril on blowing nose; the blood acrid like vinegar; clots or small balls of blood discharge on blowing; blowing out of blood after rising.

Clinical Polypus filling the whole r. side of the nose was entirely cured by the 3d dil.


      Pale; and sickly; and collapsed. Sunken and nose pale and cold. Pinched and anxious. Flushed, with general warmth, fulness of head and throbbing of cranial arteries. Convulsed. Jerking of muscles in a nap about 8 A.M., (<) eye and on r. side of neck, the first attack near r. articulation of jaw, afterwards fear that it would develop into epileptic spasm, dream during the night that he effectually endeavored to open his eyes during the attack and forced them open with his fingers. Sticking in l. cheek, then burning. Tearing in bones of l. side; in zygomata; sticking, between r. mastoid process and angle of lower jaw. Jerking pain in r. zygoma at night; intermittent, in zygoma, extending towards vertex. Tensive pain in cheeks, with redness and with throbbing in middle of brain.

Jaws, tearing in a streak middle of base of r. lower; T. in lower in evening in bed, (>) pressure and lying down it, with toothache in same row; drawing T. in lower and in a hollow molar of same side; gnawing in l. upper, close to wing of nose; jerking pain in upper and in zygoma; pressure in r. articulation on moving it and on swallowing, with sticking; drawing in r. side of lower. Lips distorted; pimple like “water-pock” on inner wall, not breaking; blisters on upper, with inflamed areola and tensive pain.


      Teeth. Looseness of an upper molar, then ulcerative pain all day. Stitches in a hollow T. when touched, gum inflamed, painful and bleeding easily; S. in upper molars, now r., row l., with drawing. Tearing in a l. upper; T. in forenoon, with T. in head; shooting, in upper incisors in open air in evening and next morning. Jerking pain; in an upper molar; in a l. upper molar; in l. upper T., like ulceration. Throbbing pain, waking at 3 A.M. and midnight, (<) cold, unchanged by warmth; in l. upper in evening when walking in open air. Boring towards noon, (>) evening, with pressure in head, and at one time heat, at another coldness. Aching, (<) drawing in air, and extending into incisors. Ulcerative pain, in upper, (<) molars. Grumbling in a diseased upper molar as if air streamed in and out of it. Tight feeling in the l. lower hollow wisdom-tooth, perceptible during sleep.

Swelling of gum externally to upper teeth, with pain; gum on inside of upper teeth seems swollen, with throbbing in it. Tongue red; coated white; burning blister on tip; burning pimples on tip, (<) evening; sticking in r. half, then burning; burning at tip and anterior surface in evening, as if cut; formication. Loss of speech. Mouth coated in morning. Scorbutic condition. Painful swelling on r. side of palate. Salivary glands, (<) submaxillary, enlarged, hard and painful,. with salivation, weakness, and heaviness and pain in head. Coldness extending to stomach. Dryness of M. and tongue in morning, of M. and tongue m waking after midnight, with thirst; D. before and after dinner; (>) breakfast, without thirst; interrupting sleep and causing thirst. Salivation. Offensive odor. Taste sour; in morning after rising; after breakfast, as if fasting; T. as if fasting, also with hawking of mucus; T. sweetish; insipid; nauseous all day.


      Redness of uvula and tonsils towards evening., with painful swallowing of saliva, aversion to smoking and prostration. Whatever she takes, easily goes down the wrong way. Hawking in afternoon of sweetish mucus of the form and consistence of liver. Sticking in morning on rising, also externally on pressure on larynx and on eating; in middle of r. and fauces on swallowing; in l. side on swallowing and speaking, (>) food; (<) swallowing. Pain; like beginning of inflammation; sore. Soreness with inflammation of arch of palate and uvula; S. at night, as if it would grow together and as if she could not get air through it. Rawness; evening and morning, with scraping and frequent necessity to hawk, which caused pain in chest; in choanae as if coryza would occur. Scraping ( as from acidity of stomach) after paroxysms of cough. Burning; like commencing inflammation; in pharynx, like heartburn. Tickling, with necessity to hawk, but nothing was raised. OEsophagus sore, preventing swallowing of irritating food or drink; glutinous sensation, as if covered with glutinous jelly.


      Ravenous hunger in forenoon; between 10 and 11 A.M.; alternating with cutting in umbilical region; towards evening, without real appetite; with thirst, without real desire to food. Hunger, without real appetite, then aversion to food all the morning, with white-coated tongue, at 10 A.M. increase of appetite. Incessant desire to eat and drink. Appetite diminished. Appetite lost; and much thirst. Thirst; in afternoon, (>) water, with burning in throat; but no appetite for breakfast; during menstruation; lost. Eructations all day; violent E; empty. Hiccough in morning fasting.

Nausea; in morning in bed; at 5 A.M., in bed, with pressure in stomach and aversion to food; in afternoon and evening, then eructations, retching, (>) eructations of bitter water; in evening after soup, with heaviness in stomach; in pit in evening; walking at night, (>) gulping up mucus; after supper, (>) eating again, with salivation; when walking after dinner, with painful retching about umbilicus; during menstruation, with salivation; with eructations of water; with shivering; with painful movements in abdomen, then diarrhoea; with general trembling, headache pressive, and as if beaten, retching, burning in eyes, weakness as if sleepy. Retching.

Vomiting; ( towards evening, after a glass of beer); constant; violent; violent and painful, with diarrhoea; of glairy fluid; of mucus and water, then of bloody mucus; of blood; of bloody, mucous fluid; ejecta mixed with dark blood; of contents of stomach, then of blood, much fluid and purplish clotted blood were ejected, afterwards grumous blood, both fluid and clotted.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.