Homeopathy Remedy Kali Nitricum

Distention in epigastric region. Fulness; after dinner, then pain as from something heavy in it till evening; (>) towards 5 P.M., by a thin, scanty stool, with loss of appetite, then great appetite. Inflammation; and gangrene of mucous membrane. Inclination to cramp. Stitches in epigastric region; cutting, in pit and upper abdomen after breakfast. Griping. Spasmodic gnawing in pit, with burning pain, almost causing faintness. Twitching on drinking cocoa; T. after supper, with nausea and salivation.

Pain; in pit; epigastric region; at upper orifice; in cardiac extremity and base; in morning, (>) eructations; in pit in afternoon; in pit and epigastric region on deep breathing and on blowing nose; in l. part of epigastric region, only on walking, extending almost to pit of stomach, returning next day in upper part of l. half of epigastric region towards noon when walking, (>) afternoon; in epigastric region, with sensitiveness to touch; with soreness, flatulence and salivation; in pit, with gnawing and pain on pressure; with coldness, then sticking in whole body, with acute pain on every inspiration; extending to bowels; as if disordered. Burning pain in epigastrium, (<) pressure; B. pain in epigastrium changing to boring.

Pressure in S. and chest to united that it is difficult to tell which is the suffering part, provoking frequent inspiration, (<) morning and evening. Pressure inward in pit as from a knob, after dinner, with sensitiveness to pressure. Sensitiveness during menstruation, with salivation. Contraction in pit in morning on walking and standing. Feeling as if something in it were turning about in morning after rising. Heaviness in region, with fulness. Pulsation in epigastric region, towards cardiac extremity. Burning; in pit; in epigastrium. Cardialgia. Heartburn. Coldness; in morning after milk-broth; (>) lying down in evening, with pain on touch. Faintlike weakness about pit.


      Distention; in afternoon; in evening; (>) difficult, unsatisfactory; but not hard stool, much urging before the stool; with desire for stool and emission of flatus; soft, with sensitiveness to touch. Movings. Rumbling; towards noon; with griping extending into stomach, which was sensitive externally, and to l. side of abdomen, where it was a sticking, with distention, frequent emission of flatus and feeling as if diarrhoea would occur; then ineffectual desire for stool, frequent emissions of flatus. Flatulent noises and clucking. Emission of flatus; in evening; in evening, with scraping in rectum; offensive; offensive, with ordinary stool.

Inflammation of intestinal canal. Sudden stitches in various parts in evening. Tearing; in colon, soon extending to whole intestinal canal and causing cramp in stomach. Sticking, griping, as from flatulence, in morning after waking, extending to small of back, then twice urging to normal stool. Griping; here and there; in region of transverse colon; in evening, with desire for stool and two soft stools; in evening, extending to beneath l. breast where it is sticking, with rumbling; during sleep, with flatulence; before normal stool, with cutting; in A. and small of back before the usual stool, with pain; with soft stool; with bloody diarrhoea; with frequent urging to stool, then two soft stools; with increased menses; in A. and small of back, then sticking, (<) morning and evening. Intermittent griping movements.

Cutting all day; mornings and evenings; before diarrhoea; in small intestines; in small intestines, as if too full of air; along tract of intestines, so that it seemed as if he could follow the action of the drug, with emission of flatus, desire for stool, heartburn and general heat, after an hour a normal stool. Excruciating pain. Pain; in forenoon and afternoon; in A. and small of back during menstruation; then emission of flatus; after veal, (<) r. side, ending with pain in stomach and empty feeling, afterwards cutting in abdomen, all night. Burning pain when sitting bent over, extending to small of back, (>) rising. Burning. Drawing after supper; D. in small intestines. Urging of flatus and feeling as before diarrhoea, with the flatulence evacuation of a few drops of fluid. Empty feeling in region of transverse colon.

Hypochondria.- Sticking in l. in afternoon; S. (>) emission of flatus; in r. extending to back, as if behind liver. Griping in l. (descending colon) extending into epigastric region ( transverse colon), (<) standing and walking and pressure on descending colon, (>) crouching. Pain in l. as after a blow, with pain in small of back, so that she could not lie, then leucorrhoea, which with pain in back ceased after menstruation.

Umbilical Region.- Cutting, with urging to stool, unaffected by the usual stool, with frequent profuse emission of urine. Griping in U. region and beneath l. short ribs in morning in bed, not entirely (>) emission of flatus; G. in evening, (>) emission of flatus; after soup; after eating, then flatulence and thin clear stool; with emission of flatus, then relief of head; beneath umbilicus, extending into chest, where it became sticking, with two soft stools; intermittent pain, almost griping, with diarrhoea. Burning pain here and there above umbilicus.

Sides.- Distention of l., (>) bending together, with sticking. Sudden shocks in l. as from something alive.

Hypogastrium.- Sticking in r. groin and ilium; in middle of ilia when sitting; in groins and anus before a hard stool; in l. groin when walking, extending outward through ilium; in H. and rectum, after dinner, (<) motion, with burning. Pain in r. groin on stooping; in public region on touch. Contractive pain in l. groin in evening when walking, often a sticking, almost taking away the breath, (>) a semi-fluid stool, with mucus. Dragging towards rings. Compression above l. ilium when walking. Burning in r. groin when sitting bent over during menstruation; tearing B. deep in pelvis and in hip-joint or in hip-bone, (<) during rest.

Rectum and Anus

      Discharge of blood after a hard stool. Tenesmus during normal stool; after diarrhoea. Urging in morning and diarrhoea. Frequent urging, with frequent micturition; F. urging, then hard stool; not (>) normal stool, with frequent but scanty micturition. Frequent sensation as before a thin stool, but next morning a hard stool. Ineffectual desire for stool. Enlargement of haemorrhoids, with sticking in them. Burning in anus after hard stool; burning pressure in anus when not at stool. Itching in anus.


      Diarrhoea; with pain in abdomen; violent; bright yellow, twice, after a normal stool. Frequent diarrhoea; with emission of flatus; then constipation; then smarting in anus, once after the thin stool stopped sensation in anus, after prolonged and great urging a little is passed, feeling like hardened faeces, with relief of tenesmus. Violent, watery. Thin; and profuse; and scanty; and frequent; twice, with pressure; and sudden, then dragging and desire till a scanty hard stool passed; and small faeces, then consistent, with feeling as if something should be expelled, then soft stool preceded by urgent the stool ceased as if cut off. Soft; after dinner, then burning and sticking in anus so that she could not sit; and unsatisfactory; and frequent. Three pasty, with the third cutting in the whole intestinal tract, next day stool hard, not copious, third day three thin stools, fourth day four watery ones.

Hard; with discharge of blood; and frequent; and frequent, with swelling of haemorrhoids; and difficult; with great pressure; with such exertion in pudenda. Like sheep-dung. Straw-yellow. Slimy. Covered with mucus. Bloody; with tenesmus. Contained membranous portions of intestines mixed with blood. With great pressure. Frequent. Indolent.

Clinical Dysentery, slimy, bloody stools at night, with constant urging, pulse small and rapid, hands cold.

Urinary Organs

      Stitches in region of prostate gland when urinating. Frequent urging, at first only a few drops, then the usual stream; frequent U., with discharge of much offensive flatus. Stitches in orifice of urethra. Shivering and tickling in orifice. Biting in urethra during micturition. Burning in urethra when urinating; in forepart; orifice; during scanty micturition. Burning pain in urethra at close of micturition. Frequent and copious micturition; and the urine as clear as water; and urine brownish- yellow. Frequent micturition, with scanty discharge; frequent, urine pale and turbid; frequent, of yellow transparent urine, a few clouds forming after twenty-four hours; frequent while the stools were regular, but urine unaffected when there were several thin stools. Strangury, with bloody stools.

Urine.- Dark and depositing a brick-dust sediment. Reddish. Coffee-colored from admixture of blood. Dark yellow. Lighter than usual, without the usual sediment, decreased in quantity. Turbid, soon depositing a yellow sediment. Diminished. Copious; at night; at night, containing sugar; even at night, with hard stool; and dark and red, after several hours a sediment, which when disturbed rose in a cloud; with a reddish cloud; with drawing and acute pains in lumbar region in afternoon, (<) motion. Mucous sediment.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.