Homeopathy Remedy Kali Iodatum


      Tremor. Tearing above r. malleolus, in l. index and r. arm, but not in joints.

Clinical Subacute rheumatism, either articular or neuralgic; sometimes it seems to prevent the attacks of sciatica, articular rheumatism or acute gout; the pains in the extremities are always, (<) night, especially towards morning, there is rarely much fever, but there is great weakness, etc. Rheumatism of the spine, with paraplegia. Rheumatism of the knee, which is swollen, with boring pains (<) night. Sciatica (<) night, like Kali carb., the patient cannot remain in bed.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulders, tearing in l.; in r., then in r. ear; pain in tendons of r. on motion and touch, like a tension and as if swollen; bruised pain in l.; paralytic pain only on moving them. Arm weak. Tearing in elbow, now in shoulders, now in r. elbow. Cramp in r. forearm above wrist on moving it. Pain like a tension and sticking in articular end of radius on moving r. index. Tearing in r. wrist, then itching on it, not (>) scratching, then an itching vesicle. Hands tremble. Bruised pain in margin of r. hand above little finger. Tearing in index from base to tip; on inner margin of r. thumb; on l. middle and ring fingers in evening; in metacarpal joints of l. fingers in evening; in inner surface of r. ring, which is thereby flexed and cannot be extended; in r. thumb as if it would be torn out; jerking T. in a line on outer side of bone of l. thumb, with sticking. Pinching on metacarpal joint of l. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Gait disturbed. Tottering. Sticking in upper part of l. thigh; now in thigh, now in tibia, in l. hip on every step, obliging her to limp. Tearing above hollow of knee, then also below it; in l. femur; posteriorly in r. thigh, with sticking; in r. thigh on and after waking at 11 P.M., extending to below knee, (>) lying upon r. side or back was intolerable; in a spot in middle of l. thigh, with paralyzed pain as far as knee. Gnawing in hip-bones; G. in middle of r. thigh in evening when sitting with r. thigh over l. Upper part of R. seem compressed during menstruation.

Tearing twitching in r. knee. Tearing in knees at night; in periosteum of l. K. at night, with swollen feeling; in outside of l. K. when sitting; in r. tibia; l. calf, then weakness of whole leg; l. calf, when standing, (>) walking, with tension; downward in tibiae in evening. Gnawing the periosteum of l. leg. Painful drawing in calves when sitting. Legs give way. Painful weakness of legs. Tearing in back part of l. heel when sitting; in r. heel when standing, (>) walking. Ulcerative pain in heels and toes. Pain in l. in-step in evening as if beaten. Tearing in great toes; in r. second toe.


      Purpura; miliary, non-pruriginous, sanguineous spots like P., in one case on thorax, in all others on legs only, more confluent anteriorly, sometimes an intermixture of petechiae of different ages, the new being of a brighter color than the old. Erysipelas of face; and scalp, neck etc. Erysipelatous swelling of cheeks extending towards temples, with redness, with a few spots on forehead. Itching tetter on nose; sticking burning, below corner of mouth; sensitive, on nostril; sensitive, on cheek, surrounded by redness and swelling; itching on chin and exuding water. Erythema. Eczema impetiginoides. Pustules; of acne, (<) face. Ulceration and yellow color of tip of l. thumb, but it does not break. Vesicles of all sizes, becoming confluent and forming bullae, on hands, arms, groins and feet, they contained a clear serous fluid, were on a hyperaemic base, in the early stages those on the hands resemble dysidrosis, but became semi-opaque and shrivelled and dried without forming crusts. Itching on r. nates, (>) scratching; on r. instep in evening, (<) scratching; on inner side of r. upper arm, after scratching a dry red spot, which itches at first.


      Frequent yawning without sleepiness; frequent excessive Y. Sleeplessness; almost all night, only sleepy towards morning. Waking every hour. Cried aloud in sleep towards morning. Starting up in first sleep, but soon falling asleep again. Less sound. Restless sleep; and unrefreshing; from which he wakes with a start and distressed as from some strong emotion or sense of calamity. Dreams wandering; joyous; of danger; anxious; that she would be killed; of falling in evening, and consequent violent starting up. Nightmare.


      Chill in afternoon; from afternoon till next morning; from 4 to 7 P.M., (>) in bed, with thirst; from 6 to 10 P.M., (<) lying down; at night. Shaking chill at 10 P.M.; at night on frequent waking. Shivering; of whole body in morning, except head, which felt hot. Shivering creeping during menstruation, with coldness of hands and pressure and griping in hypogastrium. Creeping in back in evening, then coldness of whole body; chilliness from 6 to 8 P.M. creeping up back and extending over whole body, with sleepiness. Heat in afternoon; H., with Dullness of head and discomfort of body; then sweat, from 1 to 3 P.M. Hot skin. Heat of head; with burning and redness of face; in forehead, eyes, nose and mouth, with anxious burning in throat extending behind sternum to ensiform cartilage; in feet. Sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.