Homeopathy Remedy Ferrum Iodatum

) $ Ferrum Iodatum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Ferrum Iodatum …

      Fresh, pure Iodide of Iron is triturated for use.


      Pain in and between shoulders, in nape and in joints of lower limbs. Weakness; all day, with weary, bruised sensation in all limbs, (<) legs and calves; all night, with bruised sensation; with sleepiness. Indolence in evening, with sleepiness and bruised feeling in limbs, (<) calves.


      Aching; (<) evening; (<) a warm room, on stooping, shaking head, walking rapidly, reading, writing, etc., (>) open air, a draught, cold air and towards evening; confused, (<) forehead, (<) r. side, (<) putting on hat, reading, writing, etc., (>) open air, sitting down or standing in a draught. Confusion, (<) forehead; with heaviness, the aching (<) smoking. Drawing tearing through forehead above eyes. Pain in forehead; above and between eyes, (<) going to bed.


      Stopped coryza; at night, so that the must sleep with open mouth, suddenly (>) between 5 and 6 A.M.; (>) towards noon. All symptoms of coryza, profuse discharge of mucus from nose and frequent expectoration of mucus from larynx and trachea.

Mouth and Throat

      Tongue coated yellow. Tongue burns. Dryness. Taste insipid; (>) after breakfast; and bitter at back of mouth, pasty T.; T. of peppermint; bad in morning. Hawking of mucus, with cough and expectoration. Frequent rattling of mucus in throat and expectoration of mucus. Tickling and scraping in throat and nose, with sensation as if he would suffocate and necessity to hawk in order to raise mucus from throat. Indescribable sensation, not painful, along oesophagus.


      Appetite diminished. Did not relish smoking. Eructations after eating; violent, after supper, with nausea; frequent E., with constant inclination to eructate. Nausea. Heat, and in intestines.


      Rumbling; towards morning, before stool, with gurgling; before stool; before stool, with pain. Emission of flatus smelling of iodine. Pain in evening, (<) after eating; P. before a small light stool, (>) by light yellow diarrhoea; (>) after a natural yellowish- brown stool mixed with black portions; with urging to stool, then a dark stool; (<) about middle, with flatulence and urging; usually beginning about umbilicus and extending downward about r. side. Sore pain before stool, with rumbling. Soreness; in evening, with pulsation; (<) after eating, with pain.


      And in anus, sensation all day as if something turned in a circle, and something like drops of water flowed down, and as if a screw bored upward and downward. Constriction as if worms were in it, (<) in anus, while stool was easy and painless. Peculiar crawling and tickling all day, and (<) in anus. Urging, with drawing pain from above umbilicus down r. side, then a small, hard, yellowish-brown stool; ineffectual U.


      Light yellow diarrhoea morning and evening, preceded by pain. Soft, small, light brown, with much urging and pressing. Hard and small, with sticking and constriction in anus during its passage. Black. Scanty.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent and profuse micturition, urine light, of sweetish smell; F. and P. micturition, with pain in whole urethra. Pain in urethra in evening during frequent but scanty micturition; P. in urethra, on urinating, then in the whole penis; in urethra during micturition, with soreness and with frequent desire. Prickling itching in urethra, (<) forepart, with frequent urging, but little urine at a time. Peculiar crawling tickling all day in urethra and especially in rectum. Sensation in morning as if urine remained in fossa navicularis and could not be forced any farther. Urine dark; with a thick white sediment. Urine bright yellow in evening, smelling sweetish, with milky sediment.

Clinical It has proved wonderfully efficient in acute nephritis following the exanthemata.

Sexual Organs

      Frequent erections all night; erection waking him, with pain and burning in the whole urethra, but inability to urinate from tenesmus of neck of bladder, though there was a violent urging.

Clinical Uterine congestion, with great bearing down, with feeling as if something sore were being pushed up when sitting down. Uterine displacements. retroversion and prolapsus, with atony, difficulty in retaining urine. Suppression of menses.

Respiratory Organs

      Cough, with expectoration of grayish-white, tenacious mucus drawn out in threads; irritation in afternoon to cough and to expectorate, with much mucus in throat. Short breath, necessity to take a deep breath, oppression of chest and pressure beneath sternum.


      Sudden sharp sticking, extending outward from l. nipple to arm at 11 A.M., (<) pressure, returning frequently in afternoon and evening. Intermittent sharp pain. Pain in sides; in evening on respiration, and deep in abdomen and in region of spleen (where it was more like a stitch). Oppression, (<) inspiration; O., more in upper part of lungs; O., with expectoration of thick yellow mucus; with necessity to breathe deeply, which caused soreness; as from a weight. Congestion of lungs.




      Pain in small of, and in kidneys; (<) evening; (<) evening, and extending farther downward; in lumbar vertebrae, extending to lower part of spine, small of back and kidneys.


      Painful drawing in tendons on back of r. hand and l. foot. Weakness, with bruised sensation and great aversion to moving. Paralyzed and bruised sensation, (<) legs; in r. arm in evening, with weariness, so that he must stop writing. Rheumatic bruised sensation in upper arms, (<) r. Rheumatic paralyzed feeling in r. upper arm and r. shoulder. Bruised, paralytic feeling in thighs, extending to knees, which are heavy, the legs feel much lighter in proportion, in the afternoon this paralytic sensation extends into calves, even r. tibia is painful. Rheumatic pain in back of l. foot in evening, extending to pelvis.


      Sleepiness in morning after a long sleep at night, with no desire to rise. Frequent waking, with urging to urinate and pain on micturition. Restless night, with frequent waking, many dreams and easy erection; R. sleep, with dreams of long-past events. Dream that I had drown very large and was from thirty to fifty feet high, everything about me seemed small and insignificant, the bed was too small and short, and waking with a paralyzed sensation, and hands and feet could not rest. Dreams of thieves and of fighting with them, waking him. D. towards morning that he met many acquaintances, each of whom combined of a different indisposition.


      Coldness from 9 to 10 A.M and again in afternoon; C. at 10 A.M., after 12 the pulse was 84, with sleepiness and soreness in small of back and kidneys; about noon, some fever at 3 P.M., then rapid pulse, next day C. between 12 and 1 with sleepiness, at 3.30 P.M., with hot skin, (>) 4 P.M. and pulse decreased, skin moist and profuse, sweat only on forehead; H. in afternoon; H. without sweat.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.