Homeopathy Remedy Kali Iodatum

Tongue.- Blister on tip, with burning pain. Hypertrophied, tender, covered with nodes and fissured by deep cracks. Coated white. Spasmodic pain at root at night before sleep, extending to both sides of throat, causing fear of impending death, with sensation as if a spasm would close the pharynx. Dry in morning and stiff, coated dark brown. Burning in a spot on l. margin; B. on tip as from a vesicle. Speech thick and indistinct.

Hard and soft palate swollen, tender and in many places excoriated, afterwards palate painful and felt as if the tissues were stretched laterally across the posterior part of soft palate and root of tongue, pharynx and larynx dry, causing hoarseness, afterwards the secretions from mouth, nose and eyes very acrid. Dry; during the chill in evening, with thirst; and fuliginous; M. and throat dry and bitter. Burning as after hot food. Numb in morning after waking. Salivation; with nausea. Flow of mucus and saliva from M. Bloody saliva, with disgusting taste. Offensive odor; in morning after rising, almost as after onions. Taste bitter, (<) throat, (>) breakfast; sweetish-bitter after waking; rancid after eating and drinking; dreadful; of food lost or like that of straw.

Clinical Salivation of pregnancy.


      Bellows-murmur in carotids. Swelling of submaxillary region; of thyroid gland, with sensitiveness to touch and pressure; a small swelling became after three years a bronchocele, a ponderous tumor. (Sensitiveness of the goitre to touch.). Choking as if something stuck in it, (>) hawking up a piece of thick mucus. Sticking in l. side only on swallowing, (<) evening, with ulcerative pain; S. on swallowing, with pressure in it, even on speaking pain. Constriction. Rawness and scraping; R. in morning in bed, with dryness and hacking cough; R. and burning as in heartburn. Dryness, with cramp in it and apprehension; D. and irritation; D. and itching, with burning at epigastrium, salivation, running from nose, injection of conjunctivae and lachrymation. Swallowing painful and difficult, with redness and swelling of soft palate and tonsils ( (<) r.). Burning and uneasiness in oesophagus and stomach.

Clinical Painful ulcerations of the throat, with swollen glands, fever, etc., have been reported as cured.


      Bulimy. Appetite increased, next day diminishing or disappearing; lost. Aversion to all food; to broth. Thirst; evenings. Eructations; hawking of air; empty, hiccough-like. Hiccough in evening. Nausea; with pressure in stomach; with emptiness, not (>) eating. Vomiting; and purging at the same time; violent, with salivation.

Constant “cracking and crying.” Pain; intermittent; like an emptiness and coldness in evening, not (>) soup. Painful beating in l. side of epigastric region in evening. Burning in epigastrium; externally in pit; B. during digestion; (>) eructation, but immediately returning, with pressure; in epigastrium, with acute pain. Constant inclination to waterbrash without its really occurring. Heaviness. Discomfort. Faintness. Indigestion.


      Sudden distention as if it would burst, (>) by emission of flatus, in morning after waking, then diarrhoea twice. Gurgling, (<) stomach. Movings and rumblings; R. as if something alive were moving in it; M. of flatus, then tension in groins. Emission of flatus. Tearing from both sides as if flesh would be torn off in afternoon, extending towards umbilicus. Griping, and in groins, with feeling as if something would come out through pudenda. Cutting burning pain, always (>) open air, always returning on entering house. Pain; then hard, then soft stool; in A. and stomach, (>) evening after lying down, returning in morning on waking. Indescribable uneasiness, (<) night. Irritation of bowels.

Umbilical Region.- Distention, with movings in abdomen, then two soft stools; painful D. beneath umbilicus, (>) stool. Sticking at l. side. Cutting in r. side; C. in attacks in afternoon, with burning and nausea, inclination to eructations, which afterwards occur, itching externally about umbilicus and inclination to emission of flatus. Griping and burning.

Hypochondria.- Sticking in l.; in r. and in l. side of chest on talking. Constriction in l. on a line with cardiac orifice of stomach. Burning externally in l., then in both groins.

Hypogastrium.- Pinching on r. side extending above both groins. Cutting in a spot in r. groin, with sticking. Bruised pain in groins and small of back during menstruation. Sudden dragging in groins so that she must bend together, after the usual cold milk in morning, with frequent yawning, weariness in thighs, griping in abdomen extending to thighs, restlessness, chilliness, gooseflesh, with anxiety and warmth in head, then eructations and rumbling in abdomen, the menstruation that had just begun, partly stopped, then nausea, pressure in stomach, (<) moving about shivering in face and hands, with heat and sweat of face. Drawing in l. groin, with feeling as if something living were in it. Heat during menstruation; sudden H. in l. groin.


      Diarrhoea. Constipation. Hard; and difficult, of a few small faeces.

Clinical Dysentery, with painful tenesmus, stools of jelly-like mucus.

Urinary Organs

      Bladder irritable. Painful urging. Obliged to urinate at night. Frequent micturition of copious urine as clear as water. Urine pale and watery. Urine copious; (<) night, clear and transparent; and the uric and sediments disappear gradually, while those of ammonio-phosphate of magnesia increased. Urea decreased.

Clinical Subacute or chronic inflammation of the kidneys, with darting pain in the region of the kidneys, chilliness, etc.

Sexual Organs

      R. testicle disappeared, the l. of the size of an almond, erection slow and long-lasting, coition painful, prolonged and no emission. Biting in pudenda, with leucorrhoea. Pressure in uterus when walking, (>) sitting, with dragging pain. Acrid leucorrhoea. (Leucorrhoea became thinner and more watery.) Menstruation returned in a week; M. that had been suppressed six months flowed profusely, with pain in abdomen and diarrhoea; two days later, but more profuse than usual; decreased; M. that had existed two days diminished.

Clinical Leucorrhoea, watery, corrosive, like washings of meat. Uterine fibroids.

Respiratory Organs

      Spasmodic croup in morning. Choking in trachea, with rawness, obliging hawking, whereby she expectorated mucus. Affection of bronchia. Provocation in larynx to dry cough. Voice altered in sound; catarrhal; short, like her answers; feeble, at times tremulous; lost, lost at night. Inclination to cough. Dry cough morning; and evening; in evening, with soreness of larynx. Short hacking cough from rawness in throat. Respiration difficult; on waking, in night, with loss of voice. Dyspnoea on ascending stairs, with pain in region of heart. Short breath.

Clinical Cough, with expectoration like soap-suds, is said to be characteristic of the drug. It is an extremely valuable remedy in asthma. Catarrh of the larynx, with raw, sore pain, as if granulated.


      Breasts diminished in size, the supply of milk was especially diminished. Sticking deep in middle; S. in r. side; in r. costal region behind breast; in middle of sternum in afternoon, with pressure; in l. in evening; in r. lowest ribs at 8 P.M., with sore pain; in middle when walking,; upper part of l. when sitting bent over, (>) becoming erect; in middle, (>) morning about; in middle of sternum, extending to shoulders. Pain as if cut to pieces in evening. Pain in l. as if sore externally, (<) touch. Oppression. Uneasiness about l.

Clinical Hydrothorax. Emphysema of the lungs. Chronic pneumonia, with catarrhal symptoms in the nose and throat. Pleuritic exudation, with great dyspnoea, constant teasing cough. The pains in the chest are sharp, as in all the potashes. Many cases of pneumonia of pleuritic effusions and of phthisis have been reported cured by this drug, especially when associated with exhausting night- sweats, salivation, etc.; it is difficult to separate the cases requiring Iodine and those requiring Kali iod.


      Sticking when walking. All the symptoms of endocarditis, oppression, faintlike exhaustion, tumultuous, violent, intermittent and irregular action of H. and pulse, with tensive pain across chest, especially affecting r. ventricle, which gradually became dilated. Seemed unequal to the task of circulating the blood. Palpitation; fluttering, causing faintness and sickness and preventing sitting up.


      Rapid; and full; and irregular; and small. Slow and weak; S. and heavy, irregular. Hard and tense. Small and soft.

Neck and Back

      Cervical glands enlarged; Sticking in r. side of nape when lying. Throbbing between scapulae. Small of back, sticking when sitting; pain as if screwed in; pain and soreness; pain as before menstruation, with diarrhoea twice; pain so that she could not lie quietly; pain as if beaten, so that she does not know how she shall lie; pain almost as if beaten, (<) sitting bent. Pain in coccyx as if she had fallen upon it.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.