Homeopathy Remedy Kali Carbonicum

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in praecordial region. Pinching as if it were hanging by tightly drawn bands, (<) deep inspiration and cough, (>) motion. Anxiety preventing sleep after 2 A.M. Burning in region. Palpitation in forenoon, with confusion of head and nausea; P. on least exertion; P., with anxiety; when hungry. Intermittent beats of heart. Pulse rapid; slow.

Clinical The heart is weak and the pulse feeble in nearly all Kali cases. Rarely, but sometimes indicated in chronic cardiac inflammations, with sharp sticking pains and the general symptoms of the drug.


      Swelling of glands; with pain on turning head; with tickling, (>) pressure of cold hands; at angle of jaw, and hard. Seemed thicker and neckcloth too tight. Stitches in glands; S. in nape extending into occiput. Tearing in nape; in lower part of r. side; T. in r. side in morning. Pain in muscles on motion; P. in nape on bending head backward; in glands as after taking cold; jerking P. in l. side; drawing P. in nape. Drawing in r. side. Tension in nape, (<) moving head. Rush of blood. Stiffness of nape in morning; in morning in bed; at night; with elongation of uvula.


      Sticking in r. side, extending through chest. Aching; in spine on swallowing; drawing P.; sprained P.; bruised P. during rest; burning P., (<) walking in open air. Biting pinching on posterior parts of ribs. Contractive pain during rest after physical exertion; with necessity to lie down, then sweat all night and in morning stool of blood and mucus. Stiffness preventing stooping; S. and lameness in back and small of back. Sharp pressure on upper part.

Scapulae.- Sticking in l.; in r. on breathing; between S. almost only when sitting, with oppression and anxiety in chest; near r., with tearing; in tip of l. during hard work, extending to pit of stomach; pinching; as from a sprain in l., extending into chest; tearing, under r. Tearing in r. in morning; cramplike, between S., then stiffness of nape, on attempting to move head it jerked backward several times. Sprained pain in l. Bruised pain between S. and on l. shoulder, (>) motion; sticking B. pain on motion, extending into chest. Pressure in l.; between S., then burning extending to crest of pelvis, the B. is perceptible to hand; drawing. Tensive pain behind l. on breathing; T. pressure like fatigue extending from r. along side of back into small of back, (<) riding in a carriage. Throbbing on upper margin of l.

Small of Back.- Sticking ascending at times through l. side of abdomen to chest. S. in region of kidneys; in region of l. kidney, at first on expiration, then several times in succession, (>) rubbing. Tearing in region of r. kidney; T. in lumbar muscles, impeding respiration; T. back and forth in l. when sitting, (>) motion; burning T. near r. side of spine, above small of B., pain as if flesh were torn away on walking, (>) touch. Gnawing in coccyx. Pain in region of kidneys; above r. kidney in morning; P. only on bending backward; after standing or walking; above small of back when sitting; with laborlike pains in abdomen and discharge from vagina; as if broken, on moving about; as from flatulent distention (>) emission of Flatus, with feeling as if bubbles accumulated and urging to stool; jerking, on stooping, so that he cannot stand erect; sore, in region of r. kidney; tickling weary P. above sacrum. Bruised pain, (<) morning on rising; B. pain in region of kidneys s in afternoon when sitting. Drawing pain. Drawing alternating with pulsation, (>) lying. Pressure inward from sides in morning; P. during menstruation, and in forepart of hypogastrium, as if everything would press out at genitals. Pulsation. Heaviness; during menstruation. Stiffness.

Clinical Lumbago, with sudden sharp lancinating pains, extending up and down the back, rarely through to the front, the patient is attacked at 3 A.M. and cannot remain in bed. Lumbago, as if the small of the back were broken, pains shooting down backs of thighs.


      Jerking. Trembling and convulsive movements. Sticking in joints and tendons. Tearing in fingers and toes. Pain when he rests them on anything; in joints of feet, knees and hands, during rest; in joints, with drawing pain in long bones; drawing P. in all, with feeling as if he had been long sick, pallor and emaciation. Uneasiness in evening in bed. Weakness; tickling. Heaviness, (<) legs; so that she can scarcely lift the feet. L. arm and r. leg go to sleep at night; arm and leg on which she lies fall asleep.

Upper Extremities

      Axilla. Glands swollen; and painful to touch as if suppurating. Sticking in l.; below A., with pressure and tearing; tearing, in r. in morning on raising arm when writing. Tearing in l. during rest; sore, below l., (<) deep respiration; T. r., with cutting. Sensitiveness in r., with burning.

Shoulder.- Cracking in joint on moving it or raising it high. Sticking; in l., then in tendons on l. side of neck. Tearing in l.; in l. joint; in r. when knitting, (>) moving it; pinching in r. Pinching in r. joint, (<) inspiration. Pain in l. on moving arm violently or making strong pressure with it. Bruised pain beneath r., (<) moving or touching it. Drawing pain in r. Tensive pain in l. in morning, so that he cannot raise the arm. Tension and drawing in r., with paralyzed feeling in r. arm; paralytic T. and drawing in l. in morning on waking, extending into forearm, which is inclined to fall asleep. Heaviness.

Arm.- Jerking in l.; in evening on falling asleep. Tearing in l.; down to wrist. Drawing pain in l. Tensive pain, so that he could not raise it straight. Drawing extending into hands. Weakness; when writing; with swelling of upper arm and hand. Asleep in morning in bed, with internal pressure as if stiff and lame, they and hands are insensible; A. and stiff in cold, they fall asleep even after violent exercise; A. on which he lies at night falls asleep. Paralyzed feeling.

Upper Arm.- Twitching in flesh of l. Sticking in r. Tearing in upper part of r. and in elbow; above bend of r. elbow in evening; in l., at times extending into shoulder; sticking in l. Bruised pain in r., (<) raising arm. Throbbing pain waking at night; intermittent, in l. Paralytic pain,(<) motion. Burning tension just above r. elbow.

Sticking in bends of elbows in morning in bed; tearing, in bend of l. elbow. Tearing in bends of elbows; in elbows, with drawing, at times warmth. Pain in r. elbow as if stiff on stretching arm. Tearing in middle of forearms; upper part; in F. extending towards wrists; in styloid process of radius. Drawing pain in forearm; paralytic painful drawing from l. into hand in evening. Tensive pain in forearm. Stitches in l. wrist. Tearing in wrists; in r. when knitting; in l. extending to ring finger. Drawing on inner surface of l. wrist, (<) motion.

Hand.- Trembling in morning when writing. Restless at night. Tearing between thumb and index; extending from back of l. into fingers; on back of l., as if in marrow of bones. Pain on back of l.; P. in bones on grasping. Weakness. Falling asleep in morning on waking, with headache, which is worse on rising, with empty eructations till noon.

Fingers.- Sticking in r.; beneath nail of l. middle; in tips of r., as from suppuration; intermittent, in middle joint of r. index; in r. index; as if a needle and thread were drawn from lower part towards tip, (>) bending finger, renewed on stretching it out. Tearing in l. little; in l. thumb; in ball of thumb; in phalanges and joints; in middle joint of index; joints of l. middle; beneath nails; beneath thumb-nails; in lower part of r. index, extending towards tip; in little towards tip during motion; sticking T. beneath nail and in tip of index; drawing T. in tip of little; burning T. in tip of index. Ulcerative pain in first joint of l. thumb in evening. Sore pain in last phalanx of middle finger, (<) under nail, in morning. Drawing pain in metacarpal joints. Jerklike drawing back and forth in morning in bed, then numbness, difficult motion and chilliness in fingers. Burning pain in two l.; at insertion of nail of middle. Stiffness of thumb and index when writing, with paralytic weakness. Falling asleep of tip, (<) morning; thumb falls asleep towards morning. Paralysis of thumb from knitting. Insensibility of r. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Falling asleep; r. and numbness,(<) leg. Ascending steps is difficult. Jerking in nates. Tearing in and on nates not far from hip-joint; attacks of pinching T. in nates. Pain in nates; suppurative, from sitting, and in thighs.

Hip.- Sticking in l. when standing, after sitting down sticking tearing down whole leg, as if in marrow, (>) after rising from seat. Tearing, even when sitting, and in knees; T. in hips or parts enveloping them, at times crawling; intermittent T. in l.; pinching T. Jerking pain in l. on turning leg. Bruised pain, with pain on motion and sneezing; B. pain in upper part of l. bone when walking and on touch; B. pain in H. and limbs, (<) calves, on walking, with weakness.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.