Homeopathy Remedy Kali Carbonicum

Occiput.- Stitches on surface of brain on stepping and stooping. Tearing, now in r., now in l. O. and in forehead; throbbing T. in r. side close to nape. Pain when standing, with rush of blood in head and heaviness; P. low down, with burning and with heaviness of head, even to falling forward; P. extending to nape, (>) open air. Drawing in O. and nape, (<) r. side, with stiffness. Sensation on stooping as if something sank towards forehead. Heaviness like a confusion; H. head constantly falls backward, with stiffness of nape extending to between scapulae.

External Head.- Pain in skull extending down nape, with throbbing in head and whole body, nausea and vomiting of bile, the pain (<) touch and worse in paroxysms. Pressure inward on r. side of skull on rising from stooping. Falling of hair. Hair dry. Pimples. Painful boil on r. side as if an ulcer would form. Itching; (<) occiput; with sore pain when scratched.

Clinical Headache, with vertigo, caused by riding in a carriage.


      Redness and heat; R. of white, with many vessels in it. Inflammation of whites, with burning pain. Swelling of r. Surrounded by blue rings. Starting, it is difficult to remove eyes from an object. Sticking in middle; S. in r.; S. and biting. Tearing in r.; in l. in evening before sleep. Pinching. Boring. Pain; on moving them; in l. on directing it upward; with weakness; with dry matter in lashes. Pain as if they would be pressed inward; P. at noon, and in orbits, with sleepiness; on reading. Smarting. Dryness; as from sand, with sleepiness of eyes. Burning; and biting; (<) open air, with dryness; hot to touch. Itching. Lachrymation; in evening, with rays around candle-light; (<) r. eye, with biting in one canthus; scalding, (<) at night. Stitches in ball.

Lids.- Swelling of upper, towards nose. Inflammation of r., with pain in eyes and inability to read by the light. Canthi maturate. Agglutination in morning. Closed forcibly. Difficult to open in morning on waking. Stitches in r. external canthus. Pulling or tearing in r. lid and above r. eye. Pressure upon lids. Soreness of external canthus, with burning pain; S. of l. external canthus; sore feeling in lids on waking after midnight. Coldness. Burning. Itching on margins of r.

Swelling between brows and lids, like a sac, S. of glabella between brows. Twitching in r. brow. Tearing in region of r. brow; T. in r. orbit and eye at night. Pain in l. brow in evening in bed, as if a boil would form.

Vision.- Weak; in r. eye in morning; after working in water, she sees only a small part of objects, then sticking in head above eyes, with nausea. Photophobia. Vanishes when writing, white stars appear, the lower lines seem above the upper, so that he rewrites on upper line. Of spots, threads and points when reading or looking into clear air. Of sparks; shooting from eyes during cough. Of white falling drops on looking at snow. Of a yellow, glistening, tremulous cloud. Of yellow and white radiant wheels, turning in a circle and becoming constantly larger, upon the paper when writing or in open air; of blue and green spots. Of black points and rings when reading; of a black floating balls. Of brilliant colors.

Clinical Muscular asthenopia after various diseases, especially if associated with puffiness of the upper lid or between the brow and lid, which seems to be a marked characteristic of this drug, and which has led to the use of the drug in various chronic diseases of the eyes and lids, and indeed of other organs.


      Discharge of offensive moisture. Hard swelling of parotid, with pain on touch. Inflammation and swelling within ear, with pain about it. Redness, heat and itching. Jerking above and behind ear; J. on l.; J. and trembling in r. on rising from stooping. Sticking; above and behind; in evening in bed; in l., (>) shaking head; outward in l.; into l. in morning. Tearing; in r.; in r. concha; in anterior margin of r.; in and behind; in bones in and about l.; deep in r.; now in one, now in the other; then discharge of yellow thin wax or pus. Pinching in l. outer. Gnawing internally and externally in l. Boring and pressive pain. Pain; in r.; ulcerative, in outer part of r. before midnight; drawing, in one, then in other. Pulling behind r. Hammering in r., impairing hearing. Throbbing in r. at night when lying on it. Bubbling in r. with discharge of much soft wax. Tickling. Itching.

Sudden stoppage of one; r., in evening when sitting, and in l. a ringing rushing so that his head wavered; stopped sensation. Cracking; on forcible expiration. Ringing; in one, with roaring in other. Singing. Roaring. Noises. Hearing blunted in evening; blunted, slowly increasing and decreasing.

Clinical Chronic inflammation of the middle ear, with sticking pains from within outward, especially behind the ear, and chronic catarrh of the nose, and soreness, with stinging pain.


      Thick and red, (<) afternoon. Swelling of tip. Red, hot and covered with white pimples. Nostrils scurfy. Nostrils ulcerated. Pimple in l. nostril. Pinching in nose and root of nose, (<) r. side. Ulcerative pain in r. nostril. Burning; in l. nostril; in upper part of l. nostril, extending into ethmoid bone, with biting. Itching in nose; in r. nostril. Stoppage.

Catarrh on second day of menses, with pain in abdomen, teeth and back, sticking in ears and restless sleep. Stopped catarrh; in evening in bed, with crawling in throat; with itching in nose; with much yellowish-green mucus in nose; becoming loose in afternoon on walking. Fluent coryza; (<) evening; with excessive sneezing; with much sneezing, pain in head and back. Bloody mucus from nose. Blowing offensive matter from r. nostril. Blowing purulent substance from r. nostril, it then becomes stopped and blowing causes sticking, constrictive pain extending to occiput. Bleeding (Carbo-v.); in morning; R. nostril bloody every morning. Smell acute.

Clinical Dry nasal catarrh, with more or less cough and loss of voice. Catarrh, with obstruction, fetid discharge, burning, nostrils sore and crusty. Nosebleed recurring always on washing the face or in the morning.


      Swelling of cheeks, with redness and papules; S. of cheeks, with tearing and sticking; S. of lower part of r. cheek, with stitches and pain on touch; S. of cheeks developing into ulceration of gum, without previous toothache; S. of a gland beneath chin, with pain after taking cold. Sickly color, with pale lips. Pallor; after eating; with weakness; (<) open air, and hollow-eyed, and the child looks frozen in open air. Redness in morning, in a child, vomiting of breakfast, then pallor, then after repeated vomitings weakness; R. of cheeks in evening, then pallor of face. Lifeless expression. Haggard and exhausted look. Twitching in l. cheek in evening, with burning stitches and with tearing extending into l. temple. Tearing in l. zygoma, then in inner side of cheek; in l. zygoma in evening and night, preventing sleep, (>) pressure, with swollen sensation on cheek; pinching T. in r. zygoma extending into palate. Drawing in muscles of cheeks near lower jaw.

Jaws.- Swelling of lower and of glands, with looseness of teeth. Cramp, which also draws pharynx together. Tearing in lower and in front of ear. Pinching in r. lower, not far from joint.

Lips.- Swelling of lower, with ulceration; S. of upper, with cracks, sensitiveness to touch and easy bleeding; lips, tongue and fauces swollen, soft and red, breathing labored, with rattling in trachea and larger tubes, pulse rapid and feeble, skin cold. Scurf on upper. Cracked and scaling; lower. Pimples, with biting itching; pointed, itching and moist P. on lips and all around mouth. Vesicles; on red of lower, painful to touch and itching. Stitch in upper. Tearing in l. side of upper and in gum, (>) pressure. Cramplike sensation. Soreness of red, with stickiness in morning on waking. Smarting sore pain in margin of red, with sensitiveness to touch. Itching about margins. Burning; of lower.


      Teeth. Looseness of all; of one after another, with sensitiveness, or a spot on bone of face becomes painful and is sensitive, then jerking or tearing in one point by paroxysms. Offensive odor. Grinding at night in sleep. Stitches; in morning on waking, with frequent sneezing; here and there in incisors in evening; in incisors during supper, with feeling of bluntness; and in gum, then in cheek and swelling of cheek; burning S., (<) night, with internal chilliness and with swelling of lower jaw and gum; burning S. as from a hot iron, (<) night. Tearing in r. and r. lower jaw; T. during or soon after eating; T. in l. molar and l. zygoma, (<) cold, (>) tight binding, with griping in them. Boring after dinner, as if something got into tooth. Digging in a l. upper molar after dinner. Burrowing in lower from picking them. Aching only when eating, at noon and in evening, as if something got into a hollow tooth, with paroxysmal drawing extending to eye and ear; A. as if something got into a hollow tooth, transiently (>) cold water, with drawing behind ear and upon head, at last jerking in tooth and disappearance of pain. Throbbing pain only when eating; T. or picking in a r. upper incisor after dinner; T. on motion, at other times burning pain. Pain every morning on waking; P. in l. in morning in bed and all the forenoon; in roots of l. every morning after waking, (<) eating; in root of last hollow molar in evening; from contact of anything cold or warm; only on taking food; on taking water into mouth; after eating, extending into bones of cheek and ear, where it is a sticking; with faceache; then swelling of gums; in attacks, even from cold air entering mouth, (>) warmth. Constricting pain. Drawing as soon as she gets into bed in evening; in roots of incisors and l. molars, (<) evening; D. and jerking as if being eroded, usually after eating and at night. Corrosive itching pain in T. and gums. Itching after supper; in a l. upper molar after dinner, (>) pressure, with digging. Sensitiveness. Loose feeling in a l. upper molar.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.