Homeopathy Remedy Kali Carbonicum

Urine fiery, diminished; dark, yellow, with a cloud; pale, scanty; pale greenish, with burning during and after micturition; turbid; like mealy water, with much sediment on standing.

Clinical Loss of power of the bladder to expel the urine, (<) night, the urine is discharged slowly.

Sexual Organs

      Strong seminal odor of male. Glans, tearing; tearing drawing; sharp drawing pain through; bubbling sensation; tension; itching, and especially at orifice of urethra, becoming tearing; sticking itching. Frequent erections; during uneasy, dreamy sleep; and painful, with spasmodic contraction of spermatic cords; E. at night without sexual excitement; impetuous E.; violent, exhausting E. after midnight, disturbing sleep; no E. Swelling of testicle and spermatic cord, with external heat. Tension of l. testicle; and of pubis. Scrotum, soreness; bruised pain; itching; itching preventing sleep. Desire; with burning; lost, with undiminished erections in morning. Emissions, then weakness; E., with voluptuous dreams; E. two nights in succession. Coition without emission.

Female.- Soreness before, during and after menstruation. Voluptuous sensation as during coition wakes her in morning before menstruation. Pinching in labia. Pudenda, burning biting pimples; sticking transversely through; burning sticking; tearing in l. side, extending through abdomen into chest; burning itching. Pinching in vagina during coition. Sore pain in vagina during coition. Discharge of clotted blood at night ( after vexation) in fifth month of pregnancy, with headache and yellow color of face. Leucorrhoea; yellowish, with itching and burning on pudenda. Menstruation too early; and more profuse, lasting longer than usual (Calc-c.); and scanty first day, profuse second day, scanty third day, ceasing on fourth; and lasting six days, scanty the first, profuse the latter days, with weakness, sleepiness and pain in abdomen and teeth. Menstruation late, with pain in hypogastrium. Menses acrid, offensive, causing soreness of thighs, which become covered with an eruption.

Clinical Suppression of menses, with bloating of abdomen, sharp pains in the epigastrium, dyspeptic symptoms, nosebleed, general sensitiveness to cold, swelling of the upper lids, etc. Threatening abortion, with sharp cutting in abdomen, etc. Suppression of the lochia, with bloating of abdomen, very sharp pains, etc., without fever. Dysmenorrhoea in women who menstruate freely. Puerperal metritis, with sharp cutting. It has been prescribed for excessively profuse menstruation, with the peculiar symptoms of the drug.

Respiratory Organs

      Easy choking when eating. Rattling in trachea on breathing, with gurgling, then cough. Sticking in larynx, caused by cough, with fluent coryza. Raw pain in larynx on coughing. Drawing pain in larynx, with rawness. Constriction in larynx in open air; C. in evening on falling asleep, then sticking dryness in throat. Voice rough. Hoarseness and loss of voice; H., then fluent coryza; H. as if sometimes stuck in throat, provoking desire to hawk.

Cough as early as 3 A.M., repeated every half hour; in evening in bed; every five minutes from 9 P.M., till morning; before midnight, (>) during the day; waking him at night; on playing the violin; after eating, from tickling; from tickling in throat; from tickling in larynx, with hoarseness (Brom). Tickling C. C. that affects the chest, from tickling in throat (Phosphorus). Suffocative C. at 5 A.M., as from dryness of larynx, with cramp in chest so that she could not speak, redness of face and general sweat. Racking C., so that she loses her senses. Violent C. in morning fasting, (>) breakfast. V. in morning, causing vomiting; V. every evening after lying some time. Paroxysmal, C. amounting to retching, causing sore pain in vertex, then exhaustion. Fatiguing C. in evening. Scraping, scratching C. Hacking C. in afternoon and next forenoon; H., (<) night and morning, with expectoration and coryza. Dry C. from tickling in throat; D., waking at night, with acute pain in chest on coughing, little C. during the day; D., almost only at night, with sticking in larynx; dry, suddenly coming and going. C., with expectoration; in morning, (<) evening; of bloody mucus; C. loosens mucus, which cannot be expectorated.

Expectoration of small round lumps of mucus (Stannum); E. of mucus at night; E. of sourish taste.

Dyspnoea; when writing, with short breath. Breath short in morning. He felt as if there were no air in his chest. Arrest of breath wakes him at night. Inclination to take a deep breath.

Clinical Chronic or subacute catarrh of the air-passages, sometimes with dyspnoea, suffocative breathing; the cough is generally dry, or the expectoration is very scanty, regularly (<) 3 A.., at times paroxysmal and suffocative. Cough, with sharp cutting or sticking in sides of chest or around the hypochondria. Asthma recurring every morning about 3 or 4 A., especially (<) sudden cold changes. Chronic pneumonia or chronic inflammation of the upper part of the lungs tending to tuberculosis, the cough regularly (<) 3 or 4 A.., with sharp sticking in chest, with constant taking cold from the slightest exposure; the patients are weak, short-breathed, they have the swellings under the eyebrows and the gastric symptoms of the drug; it is almost as frequently indicated as Calcarea carb., through the Kali patient is worse from cold, while the Calcarea patient is worse from dampness; the chronic troubles requiring Kali should be sent to a warm climate, though moist; those requiring Calcarea should be sent to a dry climate, though cold. The expectoration of this drug is scanty and difficult to raise; it is very apt to remain adherent to the pharynx or slips back when partially expectorated. It has something of the stringy character of Kali bich., but is less tenacious and less profuse. Like all the Kalis it is frequently indicated in asthma, which seems to be constitutional and hereditary, the patient wakes at 3 or 4 A.M., with dyspnoea, wheezing and sharp pain in chest on breathing; (Kali-nit. is particularly indicated by burning in chest and freer secretion of mucus). Whooping cough is sometimes, but rarely, treated with it, the paroxysms occurring at 3 or 4 A.M. Chronic pleurisy, with sharp pains, dry cough, asthmatic breathing at 3 A.M., etc.


      Rattling at night when lying on back. Trembling in forepart, or twitching. Bubbling twitches in upper part of r. breast. Sticking in r.; in l.; beneath l. short ribs; beneath r. ribs in morning; beneath breasts in afternoon after lifting a heavy weight, then griping in sides of upper abdomen, extending forward; in sternum, in front of r. breast, in evening; in r. or l. side at night; in l. breast, in region of heart, after midnight, at times extending into back,(>) lying on r. side, (<) lying on l. side, next night early waking, sticking in chest, short breath when lying on l. side, intolerable except when resting in highest possible position, (>) lying on r. side, reappearing third night when lying on back; S. in l. on deep breathing; in r. on inspiration; in sides on inspiration; beneath last r. ribs on inspiration; in l. during cough; between r. middle ribs when siting; S. beneath l. breast, at times extending from low down in chest, also in evening; S. extending into C. below l. clavicle, in evening, transiently (>) pressure; intermittent S. in r.; beneath last r. ribs, not affecting respiration; sudden S. in sternum during eructations and on swallowing liquids; pinching S. in r. Burning sticking in r. on rising from stooping; in l. when sitting, (>) rising; in costal regions in afternoon. Cutting stitches beneath r. clavicle, with pain as if a thorn were sticking there. Tearing sticking in breasts; in l. costal region, taking away the breath.

Cutting in evening after lying down, she does not know how she shall lie, (<) lying on r. side; C. in l. lower part, with sticking, the C. extending into l. hypochondrium; in lower part, (<) l. side, extending into upper abdomen, leaving sticking in l. chest; in morning, (<) about pit of stomach, as from incarcerated flatus. Tearing in breasts; on last l. ribs; in sternum above l. side of pit of stomach in evening. Pinching in r.; P. in pectoral muscles. Sharp pain behind sternum on breathing, swallowing liquids and eructations. Boring deep into l.

Pain in whole l.; in r. margin of sternum in morning on rising, with pain to touch; on breathing; in ensiform cartilage on coughing and on deep inspiration; in middle and drawing downward; starting from epigastric region, which is painful to touch; intermittent, in forepart, (<) r. side, (<) inspiration, (>) eructations; jerking P. externally in l. lowest rib; spasmodic, (>) eructations. Sore pain,(<) talking; in upper part on breathing, touching and lifting anything heavy. Bruised pain. Drawing pain across C. Scraping caused by wind; tearing S., during cough. Intermittent biting now here, now there. Oppression, with deep moans; O., with difficult respiration; with distention of abdomen. Throbbing in l. near pit of stomach; sticking T. in one r. rib, opposite pit of stomach. Tension in r. or l. side at night; T. across C. on expiration when walking. Anxiety towards evening. Tickling in r. breast. Weakness; from rapid walking. Affected by loud talking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.