Homeopathy Remedy Fluoricum Acidum

Respiratory Organs

      Pains in forepart of larynx, as if in cartilage, inducing him to swallow. Scraping in larynx, provoking hawking and swallowing. Soreness in larynx when coughing or hawking. Itching in larynx, causing swallowing and hawking. Breathing oppressed deep internally, not (>) deep breathing. Difficult B. as from an impediment in region of pit of throat and upper part of chest, with itching pimples on back and pain in chest below point of scapula. Deep B. as if the breast within and below were full, in forenoon when sitting and writing. Sighing inspiration in afternoon and evening, more observed by others than by himself, he has to bend backward in afternoon on the bed if he wants to take a full breath. Breathing continued after radial pulse had failed and even action of heart had apparently ceased.


      Stitches in side; under ribs to l. of ensiform cartilage in evening; from l. to groins, from 9 to 10 A.M., (<) deep respiration, (<) in groin and back; pain as if a stitch would appear behind heart; burning s. in l. Pain close to r. nipple; in last r. rib, near spine; in centre of sternum in afternoon, after retiring at 10 P.M. a pain in middle of chest lasting till he fell asleep; in l. side beneath skin, on moving and a similar pain in l. shoulder at 10 P.M., next morning on rising P. again in l. chest. Oppression on reclining, with trembling in lower limbs; O., with pain. Tightness as if something were fixed in upper part, more towards the front, impeding inspiration, not (>) deep inspiration. Soreness. Burning from l. breast to groin. Throbbing in C. and abdomen on feeling them.

Clinical Ascites, with great dyspnoea. Hydrothorax, with wheezing respiration, and small, frequent, irregular pulse.

Heart and Pulse

      Heart, aching; soreness; uneasiness; jerking. Pulse rapid and small.


      Cramp in some muscles of l. side and towards shoulder, in forenoon when reposing and when rising, (>) after exercise, the pain changing from one set of muscles to another, but is always in more than one, the omohyoideus is decidedly affected, but not the sterno-cleido-mastoideus. Pain in r. side in forenoon; P. in nape, beneath scapulae and in l. side of chest; extending from nape through centre of head towards forehead, gradually concentrating towards the left, as if throbbing would arise there. Drawing pain along r. side; in afternoon. Constriction of l. side at 9 A.M. Soreness of l. half of nape. Stiffness.


      Burning pricking in l. scapula. Pain sometimes beneath scapulae, sometimes in kidneys; deep seated P. below point of scapula, (<) towards l., (<) when sitting, especially when riding; in os sacrum; in the middle of tuberosities of ischia; deep in l. loin at night. Jerkings in sacrum.

Clinical Neuralgia of the coccyx, excessive aching.


      Rapid growth of nails. Sensation as if shoulders and hips were being pulled out of joint. Pain in bones of r. forearm and knee; in l. arm, leg and hand; intermittent, in bones of forearms and legs, about the centre.

Clinical Synovitis.

Upper Extremities

      Pain extending from r. shoulder-joint into finger, as if air passed down; sudden jerking pain in bone of l. shoulder. Bruised feeling in r. shoulder and upper arm after lying on l. side, with numbness. Cramp of r. arm in morning. Frequent burning, pricking and jerking pain in l. arm as from a slow electric shock, at 2 P.M., (<) inside of l. little finger, with intermittent sticking outward in tip of finger. Pain in r. arm; l.; at 9 A.M.; l., in evening; deeply penetrating P. in arm, (<) about junction of the cancellated with the solid part of r., then l. humeri, then soreness, a similar pain in muscles over head of l. radius. Lameness of r. arm so that writing is difficult. Numbness of r. arm in morning on waking after lying on l. side with heaviness; N. of l. in morning, (>) about noon, with jerking and lameness. R. arm falls asleep at 10 P.M. when resting on it, with paralyzed sensation and pricking.

Pinching in l. deltoid. Pain above l. elbow in morning; P. in r., then l. humerus in afternoon, extending to elbow; rheumatic, in l. humerus, from elbow to shoulder, with lameness. Pain in r. elbow; l. in evening.

Forearm. – Trembling of biceps. Jerks along l. radius to thumb, which moves involuntarily. Pinching in middle of l. in evening. Pressure in r.; P. and paralyzed sensation. Soreness in bones of l., towards the middle. Numbness of l. every forenoon, but every day later and less decided, with paralytic sensation. Numb pain extending to hands. Paralytic pain extending into hand. Asleep sensation in l. forearm and hand at 5 A.M., when lying on r. side; intermittent, in l. forearm and especially in hand, (<) towards medial side, more internally, (<) hand from the time of waking in morning till non, several days, with prickling in ball of thumb on stretching arm and hand.

Wrist. – Pain about r. wrist and finger-joints. Drawing in r. from 8 to 11 A.M.

Hand. – Redness internally; R., (<) in palms, as if finely mottled, with fulness and warmth. Pain and swelling, next day fingers and especially thumb inflamed, the hot bright red skin on the tips discolored, the last phalanx almost immovable, the pain in hands extended to shoulders, and fever, towards evening of second day the pains were throbbing and finger-tips more swollen, on third day the finger-tips were white and thumb was enveloped by a white blister, on which the nail rested, with throbbing pains, on opening the blisters a thick, brown, offensive, acid fluid was discharged, under these blisters was seen on fingers the uninjured true skin, on thumb there was underneath a second blister, upon opening which commencing suppuration was found, the thumb continued to secrete thin pus. Pain in r. metacarpus in evening after a cold from exposure to snowy air, like that formerly in r. leg. Lameness of r. Powerless sensation. Internal numbness in l., different from that produced by long pressure, extending to forearm, not (>) exertion. L. asleep in morning after lying on r. side, lasting all the forenoon.

Fingers. – Jerking in l. thumb in forenoon, extending to middle of forearm. Prickings; in tips of indexes, (<) l. and in r. thumb; outward, in tip of l. little; intermittent burning P. in fleshy part of l. thumb at 11 A.M., passing out at tip; sensation of a splinter under thumb-nail and in cellular tissue when touched, pulsating pain in hand, (<) in tip of thumb, which was sore to touch, the whole hand swollen and hot (Borax); pricklings in tips, then violent pains, with chilliness of l. arm, then of whole body; in ball of l. thumb. Inflammation, (<) thumb, with throbbing pain, then suppuration. Pain in first joint of r. little finger as if being pulled out of joint; jerking P. in l. middle; intermittent, in l. index as if in bone, during the day, the whole finger is painful internally, (<) in evening; frequent throbbing, in bones of tips, like a contusion, in evening. Soreness in l. index. Burning about bone of r. middle, amounting to pain about first joint, with itching prickling in skin; jerking B. in tip of l. little, at 10 A.M. Paroxysmal painless sensation as if something were working its way out beneath l. nail, in forenoon. Sensation of a hair on back of l. little, in forenoon, till 2 P.M. Numbness of r. in forenoon, with rigidity.

Clinical Inflammation of the phalanges of the fingers, (<) index, like a felon; indeed most violent inflammations of the index finger, with purulent discharges and terrible pain, have been relieved. The nails become crumbled or have longitudinal furrows. In panaritiums the pain is violent and throbbing, sometimes with sharp stitches when the nail is pressed upon.

Lower Extremities

      Trembling when reclining. Sticking in r. hip-bone, spreading over nates. Burning shooting downward in r. hip, as if in a nerve, (<) inside of knee. Pain in r. hip; in head of l. femur; in fleshy part of l. thigh, on outside; in r. ischiatic nerve in afternoon; burning itching P. in back part of thigh. Bruised pain in muscles of thighs; B. pain in thigh, (<) posterior and inner part; in l. hip, (<) morning and on getting in and out of bed, with pain on motion. Lameness of l. hip. Numbness of r. thigh in evening when crossing legs.

Knee. – Tearing upward in r. Pain; on inside of r. in evening; in outside of l. at 8 P.M., (>) friction; penetrating, on outside of l.; drawing, in hollow of r. in forenoon, extending down calf to tendo-achillis. Dull feeling in r.

Leg. – Trembling. Deep-seated pain below r. knee in evening. Drawing pain in l.; and foot. (Lameness of r., with pain in femur, tibia and fibula. ) Tired and heavy. L. falls asleep easily; in morning when sitting after resting it over r. leg, and the back of the foot feels like a cushion, yet motion is unimpeded; falling asleep of r. in evening on crossing it.

Ankle. – Pain in r. external in evening; drawing P. in r. during a walk in evening, spreading gradually over whole leg, causing lameness in knee and ankle, (>) rest. Sprained pain in l. when walking; s. lameness in afternoon, passing all around the joint, (<) stepping.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.