Homeopathy Remedy Fluoricum Acidum

Clinical Chronic nasal catarrh and ozaena.


      Appears to have become suddenly old, he sees in the glass superficial whitish, puffy folds beneath the eyes, extending towards nose, etc., without discontent threat. Constant motion of muscles. Spasmodic sensation in zygomata at 5 P.M., drawing towards larynx. Jaw, gnawing near angles; pain in r. upper, with heat, reflected in lower; drawing pain in r. lower, towards the middle; peculiar sensation near bone of r. lower in evening, with drawing in entire r. limb; sensation in r. joint as if a spasm would occur; cramplike confusion in joints, (<) l.; warmth in r. upper, with confusion; burning pain on outside of r. lower, near first or second molar; numbness in r. joint, with warmth and sensation as if it would begin to pain. Lips warm; burning like a sore near inner edge of lower, towards the right.


      Teeth. Digging in a r. lower incisor. Pain in l.; l. lower; P. in a r. tooth disappears for a moment and jumps to outer part of l. thigh above knee; in r. eye-tooth in evening; in a r. upper carious incisor in evening from the cold air of the room; so that he could not bite upon the teeth. Drawing in l. lower. R. eye- tooth, which was once rough but afterwards smooth, is now rough and begins to ache, (<) at upper part of root, and along roots of upper teeth there is pain on pressure, (<) evening, temporarily (>) cold water. Bluntness; with sticking, contraction and tension, then the mucous membrane of mouth became whitish and peeled off. Lower incisors feel sharp, as if broken, and pain on touch of tongue. Warm feeling, (<) l. upper, especially incisor and canine, then warmth in pharynx. Acrid offensive taste coming from the roots; acrid putrid T. from root of r. upper incisor, on which an artificial tooth is fixed, in morning; like ink in evening, from a l. lower. Pain where the roots of l. teeth had been taken out. (Painful excoriation near first r. lower molar.)

Prickling of tongue, with salivation, afterwards with smarting of palate as if something acrid had been gargled, tenderness in larynx and soreness in throat on coughing to clear it. Painful ulcer in r. angle of jaw. Contractions, with prickings and sour taste. Pain as from hot water, teeth so painful that he cannot chew. Sensation during a walk as if the passage to nose were wide open. Dryness in evening of l. half of palate roof. Greasy feeling. Salivation (>) after headache began; and a sensation as if head were too heavy and would drop from one side to the other, a pressure outward; tenacious S. on waking at night, before diarrhoea; viscid, tasteless S. on waking at 2 A.M., with burning pinching in stomach and sensation of flatulent distention, (<) emission of wind, after a copious pappy stool the pains concentrate in umbilical region, the pain (>) after the stool but returns, a second stool with pain (>) after the stool but returns, a second stool with pain in umbilical region, and a pasty one at 7 A.M. Taste intolerable; T. salt in morning on waking, till breakfast; sweetish in throat at night; T. of what he has eaten, (<) afternoon.

Clinical Dental fistula, with persistent bloody, salty discharge, which keeps the mouth foul. Several cases of dental fistula and caries of the jaw-bone have been cured by this drug.


      Hawking of bloody mucus from low down. Constriction at first in afternoon, with difficult swallowing; C. in l. side; C., with pressure in stomach and fulness in epigastric region, disgusting eructations and nausea; with rumbling in abdomen, pressure and burning in stomach, eructations, retching, then constipation for two days. Soreness of pharynx, extending below larynx, swallowing bread is painful; S., with difficult swallowing, (>) after breakfast next morning, the same morning hawking from low down of much phlegm mixed with blood. Sensation posteriorly at entrance to oesophagus, (<) on l. side, as if raw, or as if an ulcer would form, in morning and forenoon, and when hawking he thought blood would come from it. Warmth; in fauces in morning. Swallowing difficult.

Clinical Goitre. Syphilitic ulcerations of the throat, with fetid smell, much tumefaction, throat very sensitive to cold.


      Appetite increased; after diarrhoea; voracious. Good, but soon satisfied. Speedy satiety. A. diminished, he wants something “piquant.” Thirst increased; at night. Longing for coffee. Aversion to coffee. Relishes wine no more. Eructations; in evening, with nausea; flat, nauseous, sour; frequent sour, in afternoon, with pyrosis and emission of flatus; sour, bitter after dinner. Nausea; with general heat; with vertigo and headache; with heaviness above eyes; without inclination to vomit, with Dullness of head. Retching. Vomiting; difficult, several times, of clear, viscid fluid, with coagulated white pieces.

Rumbling; after eating, with urging as in diarrhoea Burning pinching before diarrhoea. Burning; with pressure; before eating, (>) eating, then heaviness, and again heat, (<) walking. Pyrosis. Weight between meals, simulating indigestion. Sensitiveness to pressure. Discomfort in forenoon. Sensation as if nausea or a kind of vertigo would set in, but it does not.


      Rumbling; in forenoon, with erratic pain. Frequent emission of flatus and eructations, leaving him more comfortable and feeling as if it were the last, but everything is renewed in the same order, and so on for two or three days, only at longer intervals; much inodorous and noise flatus; offensive in morning; scanty, offensive, before stool; scanty, offensive, like a mixture of carburetted sulphuretted and phosphoretted hydrogen, (<) forenoon, several hours before eating, and in afternoon, two hours after eating. Feeling of accumulated flatus. Pain after eating fish with vinegar; (P. after watermelon); before diarrhoea, (<) after emission of flatus; during diarrhoea, (<) in umbilical region. Warmth at night, with dragging towards bladder. Inclination to draw up muscles, with great appetite. (Unpleasant sensation after eating herring, and discontent.)

Pain in region of spleen. Pinching in region of spleen at 11 A.M.; in umbilical region at 2 A.M., and copious watery stool. Faintness in umbilical region in morning before eating, (>) bandaging, pressure of watch and eating, with desire to breathe deeply, in the evening it is more like a burning, when occupied he does not observe it. Shooting towards r. side in evening, as from wind be discharged, but neither occurred. Jerkings in l. side of lower. Sudden acute pain above l. hip, hindering respiration. Deep-seated pain in inguinal regions. Burning in r. inguinal region in afternoon.

Clinical Numerous symptoms in the liver have led to its use in hepatic engorgement, and even degeneration of the liver in consequence of alcoholismus, and also in abdominal dropsies associated with hepatic disease. With the above, hepatic and abdominal symptoms there is sometimes found offensive bilious diarrhoea, especially in hard drinkers, with great aversion to coffee, desire for highly-seasoned food, soreness over liver, etc.

Rectum and Anus

      Urging and soft stool, next day stool protracted and small; ineffectual desire; indefinite desire, scanty odorless wind and pappy stool, in a tertian type, one day with copious micturition, after the stool better appetite than usual. Constriction of anus on attempting to emit flatus. Feeling as if wind were retained in anus. Determination of blood to A. after drinking wine. Itching in and around A.


      Fluid, profuse at 2 A.M., with pinching. Two watery, immediately after rising in morning. Diarrhoea at 4 A.M. Loose. Large, pappy, yellowish-brown, offensive. Pappy and frequent. Free, twice a day. Hard, twice a day. Constipation. Scanty and delayed; S., intermittent and lumpy. (In lumps and difficult.) (Every other day and every time later.)

Urinary Organs

      Pain in region of bladder; above neck of B. after micturition; in lower part of B. before and after micturition; and on pressure; in region of B., like an electric shock, extending into r. thigh; burning quick, nervous pain from region of B. extending to r. thigh, when in bed. Frequent desire to urinate. Micturition twice at night; frequent M. of light urine, leaving him more comfortable, and during and after micturition elasticity (in muscles?) of urinary organs, then agreeable sensation, he drinks less than usual. Burning in urethra during and after micturition in morning. Urine copious in evening, and of strong odor; c., with the diarrhoea; C. and of clear color; C., then more thirst. Urine diminished; evening and morning, with odor like Benzoic acid. Urine offensive; and acrid. The habitual whitish sediment is mixed with a copious purple one.

Sexual Organs

      Erections, with desire and voluptuousness; E. in morning without desire. Occasional sticking through l. testicles to abdominal ring and spermatic cord. Drawing from l. testicle to spermatic cord. Sensation of pushing towards spermatic cords, in evening. Desire increased; with erections at night in sleep; diminished; lost. Menstruation eight days too soon, copious, thick and coagulated, lasting five days instead of six to seven, the next time at the regular period according to the former calculation.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.