Homeopathy Remedy Euphrasia


      Distention before dinner, as without flatulence. Rumbling at 10.30 A.M., with hunger that was satisfied with a bit of bread; r. as from hunger and emptiness. Griping (in the morning he had had a difficult, unsatisfactory and delayed stool; G., with three soft stools and rumbling; G. waking at night, and rumbling, (>) emission of flatus; paroxysmal G. Pain; burning, extending transversely across. Distress. Sticking in hepatic region at 6 P.M., extending to back; S., extending sometimes to abdomen, sometimes to r. lung; in spleen in morning. Griping in umbilical region in afternoon; G., with nausea, then rumbling in abdomen. Sudden sticking drawing pain along l. inguinal canal on rising from seat, extending into testicle.


      Swollen and tense haemorrhoids; sticking in H. after stool, with burning; pain in H.; burning in H. in afternoon, also (>) cold sitz bath; itching in H.; the itching in h. becomes boring sticking. Pressure when sitting. Painful crawling in evening.


      Diarrhoea three times in a day. Pasty in part in evening, after a nodular one in the morning; P., thick, delayed, preceded by flatulence, with urging, followed by burning in anus. Constipation. Hard and scanty; and at an unusual time; H. and sluggish; H. and difficult; H. nodular, unsatisfactory, delayed, followed after two hours by itching in anus; H. at first, then pasty. Scanty. Profuse and formed, twice a day. Delayed. omitted two days.

Urinary Organs

      Frequent urging at night. Frequent micturition; in evening, with profuse urine; at night. Urine increased; and pale. Urine scanty.

Sexual Organs

      Cramplike drawing inward in evening in bed, with pressure above pubis. Sticking on tip of glans; voluptuous itching S. on glans when sitting, painful after scratching. Voluptuous itching on margin of prepuce, and after scratching and pressure pain. Heat in glans. Testicles drawn up and crawling in them. Menstruation delayed. Scanty and shorter then usual.

Respiratory Organs

      Irritation in larynx causing cough, then tension beneath sternum. Pressure in larynx after prolonged reading in evening, as if its calibre were diminished. Hoarseness in morning. Cough, (<) during the day; with mucus in chest which cannot be loosened; profuse expectoration of mucus by voluntary hacking cough. Sudden violent C. from tickling in larynx. Suffocation suddenly walking from midday nap (apparently from mucus in posterior nares), so that he must sit upright and cough. breath lost when coughing, almost as in whooping cough. Respiration difficult; even in the room; inspiration is difficult even when sitting. Breath short; on lying down in bed, with sobbing.

Clinical It is sometimes indicated in acute colds with cough, associated with severe coryza and running from eyes; the cough begins in the morning on rising, and continues through the day, not troubling the patient at night; in some cases the cough is dry and tickling, but usually there is a free expectoration, and in nearly all the cases the characteristics symptoms of influenza will be present.


      Sticking in r.; in r. pectoral muscles; in lungs; l. lung; in r. lung in region of nipple at 8 P.M., always renewed by deep inspiration; beneath sternum, (<) inspiration. Sticking pulsation in l. lung in region of nipple. Pain beneath sternum, forenoon, with sticking here and there in chest. Pressure upon chest. Tension, (<) l. side at night, with sleeplessness till midnight.


      Sticking. PAin in afternoon, with palpitation. Palpitation on rapid walking.


      Sticking alone spine mornings on waking, (>) movement about., Cramplike pain; intermittent. Pain when sitting and walking. Rheumatic drawing from uppermost dorsal vertebra to l. clavicle in afternoon, with pain on touch. Heaviness in small of back in morning on rising, changing to sprained pain, so that he could hardly forward and could not bend to right, (>) forenoon, extending into l. hip, where there were similar heaviness and straining, (>) dinner and disappearing in evening.


      Weariness in evening; W. and generally almost febrile condition.

Upper Extremities

      Sticking in r. shoulder- joint – joint in afternoon. Sticking in arm. Pain in r. arm in afternoon, extending to fingers. Arms asleep. Sticking in r. upper arm; benumbing S. in l. Rheumatic drawing and sticking in r. elbow, wrist and hand in evening, which latter is hotter than l., with distention of veins, the pain extending to middle finger and thumb, then suddenly jumping to larynx, (<) to l. side, then suddenly returning to hand. Tearing in elbow and wrist. Sticking in l. forearm close to wrist. Pain in r. forearm and hand as from being asleep. Cramplike pain in wrists. Paralysed sensation in r. wrist, extending to elbow. Piercing pinching on back of hand. Cramplike pain in metacarpus; alternately violent and slight C. pain in l. hand, changing to fingers. Hands fall asleep. Pinching in l. fingers at 9 A.M. when siting; P. in metacarpal phalanx of index. Cramplike pain in fingers, (<) l. joints. Pain in finger-joints and knuckles as from being asleep, (<) towards outer side. Numbness of r. index and middle finger; and thumb and parts affected by writers’ cramp, on going out. Deadness of r. fingers.

Lower Extremities

      Sticking in r. natis, in l. hip-joint when walking; in anterior muscles of r. thigh when standing; posteriorly in r. thigh when standing; in fascia lata of l. thigh, with burning. Sticking drawing from upper part of thigh into groin, (<) sitting. Pain in adductor of r. thigh when walking, corresponding with the pain she had nine months previously, when she pushed with the foot something standing on the ground. Burning pain in r. thigh and glutei. jerking sticking in l. knee on walking. Tension of tendons under knee when walking. Weariness of knees. Boring sticking upward in tibiae. Pain drawing upwards nd downward in periosteum in front of l. tibia when sitting. Cramplike pain in calf on long standing, with heaviness. Cracking in l. external malleolus when stepping. Tension from outer malleolus, near tendo-achillis, to calf when walking and sitting. Sticking in heel in the beginning of the night; frequent S. in ball of r. foot in afternoon, becoming a burning when sitting; lancinating S. in l. os calcis at 6 P.M. when sitting. Numbness of l. foot, with an unpleasant sensation when the circulation returned. Sticking in l. great toe in evening and when walking. Tickling crawling in l. toes and after rubbing pain.


      Pustules on wings of nose. Formication beneath l. scapula in afternoon. Frequent biting and itching over whole body. (Sticking in the condylomata when sitting, (<) walking, with sore and burning pain when touched.) Itching sticking here and there at night, with tossing about and coldness. (Itching in condylomata). Voluptuous itching on r. calf in evening when walking; on forepart of thigh when walking in open air, and pain after scratching.

Clinical Measles; very frequently indicated in the catarrhal symptoms of measles, inflammation of eyes, photophobia, cough, running from the nose, headache, etc.


      Yawning; when walking in open air; with sleepiness, but inability to sleep; then nausea, (>) a glass of water; in short, then in attacks; frequent, at 5 P.M.; frequent, with sleepiness sleep only about 11 P.M.; incessant, in evening, without weariness; spasmodic, before she had completely yawned a second yawning began, without weariness, with lachrymation, humming in ears and pulsation in theory, then indistinct vision in l. eye. Desire to stretch when sitting ad reading. Sleepiness during the day; in afternoon; early in evening; with activity; which begins in eyes, overpowering, in afternoon; overpowering, at 8 P.M.

Late falling asleep. Sleeplessness till midnight after going to bed early. Frequent waking as from fright; frequent W. from feverish dreams, with chilliness, frequent urging to urinate and copious micturition. Waking every moment after 3. A.M. for three mornings, then stupid sleep at 6 A.M., on waking from this sleep pressure on upper part of chest, heaviness of head, nausea, general sweat, vertigo, (<) motion, even to falling sideways, limbs weak and tremulous, on rising the upper part of the body seemed too heavy, as if the limbs could not carry it, the attack gradually diminished till noon, with depressed mood. Tossing about at night, the bed seemed harder than usual. Uneasy sleep, with many dreams and frequent urging to urinate. Sleep unrefreshing with tossing about and frequent micturition. Sleep interrupted, then in the morning confusion of head, (>) cold bath, with heaviness of eyes. Dreams frightful and uneasy; frightful, of fires and conflagrations from lightning. Confused D. Disagreeable



      Chilliness; internal in forenoon, but in afternoon internal and external chilliness of arms. Cold skin at night. Cold hands, with flushes of heat and red face, without thirst. Heat in evening; H. of head, with pressure; H. suddenly changing to orifice of stomach and then ending in lower part of oesophagus with spasmodic constriction. Sweat at night in sleep, (>) waking; of strong odor at night in sleep, (<) chest, on rising chilliness. Distressing dryness of skin.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.