Homeopathy Remedy Euphorbium


      Irregular, 150; 78 in morning.


      Jerking sticking. Intermittent sticking in one place in the middle when sitting. Pinching in l. scapula. Spasmodic pain in dorsal vertebrae in morning when lying on back. Pain in muscles; nightly P. in ischia; P. in small of when at rest; in l. kidney, with burning in all urinary organs.


      Rheumatic pains. Shoulder, stiff pain in r., (<)stretching towards the left; tensive pain in r., preventing raising arm high; tensive pain in r., (>) walking, but returning with greater violence during rest; tension in joint like paralysis in morning after rising, (<) motion; painful drawings ion r. Internal painful drawing in arm, with weakness, (<) radius,. humerus and wrist. Pain on outer side of arm above elbow in morning in bed. Sprained pain in r. upper arm, near elbow, on moving arm. Drawing pain in ulna. Paralytic pain in wrist on moving it., intermittent tearing in muscles of l. hand. pinching in muscles of r. hand near wrist, (<) moving it. Spasmodic drawing in r. hand on writing. Pain in ball of. thumb, (>) touch and motion.

Lower Extremities

      Feeling of deadness and coldness in l. when sitting, as if it would fall asleep, not (>) motion, and on walking internal coldness remains, (<) leg and foot. Weakness on walking in open air.

Thigh.– Tearing in muscles of l. hip; in muscles about r. hip when sitting; in anterior muscles of l. thigh when sitting; in muscles of r. thigh when standing and sitting; intermittent, in muscles on outer side of r. when sitting; intermittent stitch like, in muscles of l. hip when sitting. Pain in muscles about l. hip. Sprained pain in hip-joints; S. pain near bend of l. thigh when walking in open air, (>) standing. Pain as from a blow in l. gluteals on motion. Pain in forepart of hip as if crushed, only on moving body while sitting. Burning pain at night in bones of hip and thigh, waking frequently. Tensive pain on stepping forward, extending from l. gluteals to hollow of knee, as if tendons were too short. Painful lameness in r. hip-joint on stepping.

Sticking in inner knee when sitting. Tearing outward in knee. Legs, sticking in r.; hot S. in l. calf, as with a knife, tearing in l. tibia below knee when sitting; T. in forepart of l. leg when sitting; T. in muscles of r. when walking in open air; sticking T. in muscles near ankle when sitting; gnawing T. in in r. calf when sitting and standing; pain as from a blow on outer side of l. calf; frequent falling asleep to above knees, with painful crawling in them and inability to move them; weakness as if they could not support the body.

Tearing burning pain in ankles, with heat of the parts. Cramp of metatarsus, drawing the toes together. Cramplike pain in foot,(<) towards external malleolus, when sitting and standing, waking. Pain in r. heel as if suppurated, when waking in open air. Sprained pain in l. heel, (<) waking. Frequent falling asleep of feet when sitting, with inability to move them, and painful crawling in them.


      Erysipelatous swelling of cheek, and vesicles filled with yellow liquid. red swelling on cheek; with boring, gnawing and digging from gum into ear, and with itching and crawling in cheek when the pain is relieved. Erysipelatous inflammation of face and external head; (<) face and head, with great tumefaction and throbbing headache, (<) forehead and vertex. Erysipelas bullosum, with fever. Swelling of l. cheek, with tensive pain and on touch bruised pain. White swelling of cheeks, feeling oedematous to touch. General swelling, inflammation, cold gangrene, death. Scarlet stripes on l. forearm, which itch when touched but disappear when rubbed, with sensation as of a thin cord under skin. Reddish pimple on chin, painful on touch. Pustules above r. brow, itching, and after scratching exuding bloody water. Vesicles filled with yellowish serum, with diffused redness. Ulcerating, boil-shaped elevations, Gangrene.

Itching, with urging to stool, and stool too soon; I. on back of l. hand. Corrosive I. on thigh; on r. close to hip; on l. leg near knee in morning. Sticking l. on upper arm near elbow. Burning I. on middle knuckle of index; on outer side of l. forearm. Tickling i. on r. sole.

Clinical It seems to have cured erysipelas of the cheek, of the vesicular variety, with violent fever. Abscesses and erysipelatous inflammation. It has been found useful for old torpid ulcers and for gangrene. It is said to be a valuable topical remedy for cancers, and is said to have cured entirely epithelioma.


      Frequent yawning. Sleepiness after midday meal. Irresistible during the day. Stupid slumber in afternoon, from which he cannot arouse himself. Slept with arms stretched far above his head. Sleeplessness, with tremulous tossing about before midnight, roaring in ears and inability to close eyes. Sleep poor and tossing about two nights, afterwards heavy sleep. Frequent and easy waking; F., but immediate falling asleep again. Dreams after 3 A.M., of the transactions of two days previous. Anxious, confused D., without end. Vivid, lascivious, with emission. Vivid, anxious, causing him to cry out, whereupon he wakes.


      Chilliness of whole body in morning; C. when waking in warm open air; C., with sweat; with sensation as if he had not slept al night and were completely washed out, and with disappearance of veins of hands. Cold hands, with heat in face and warm forehead, without thirst. Shivering; over upper part of body; over back, with glowing cheeks and cold hands; frequently in skin, then salivation. Heat; with pulse at 86; all day, the clothes are burdensome, with heaviness of whole body as if he had carried a great load; of face. Sweat in morning on thighs and legs, but not on feet; on neck every morning in bed and on rising; in morning, extending from feet over the whole body, with heat, without much thirst, Cold sweat; on legs in morning.

(Euphorbia corollata has proved valuable in terrible attacks of deathly retching and vomiting, with a feeling of clawing in the stomach and with cold sweat, after Cocculus, etc., had failed.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.