Homeopathy Remedy Euphorbium

Euphorbium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Euphorbium…

      A tincture of the gum-resin of some african species is used.

General Action

      All the species of Euphorbia have an acrid, milky, juice which seems to exert a pretty constant effect; namely, most violent vomiting and purging, or if the dust of the gum be inhaled most violent irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane of the air-passages. The juice of some species even produces vesication, like croton oil. Numerous subjective symptoms have been developed by Hahnemann’s provings. See the skin symptoms and compare Anacard. and Rhus tox.

Generalities and Mind

      Starting as from an electric shock at night when awake. Relaxed and tired in the whole body. Faintness. Anxiety; as if he had taken poison. Apprehension. Quiet and earnest; Q., reflective, seeking quiet inclined to work. Dull, listless and feeling not at all like work.


      Sticking, (<) forehead; pain; as if it would be pressed asunder; as from a disordered stomach. Screwed-in sensation in brain and zygomata, with toothache. Tension, (<) forehead and cervical muscles. Vertigo, even to falling to the left, when walking in open air; V. when standing, everything turned about and he threatened to fall to the right. Sticking in l. side of forehead. Vertiginous tearing in l. side of F. on moving head. Frontal pain; r. side; above l. orbit; externally above l. eye, with lachrymation and inability to open eye on account of pain; stupefying. Stupefying pain in forepart of r. side of head, extending into forehead. Sticking externally in temples; S. beneath r. partial bone. Pressure in l. half of brain; P. in occiput. Bruised pain in l. occiput, preventing lying upon it.


      Sticking extending into inner part. Biting, with lachrymation. Aching; as from sand. heat and smarting. Glutinous sensation ion r. Gush of tears on raising lid, which was difficult. Pupils dilated. White of eye pale red and puffy, cornea dim, pupils small, drawn upward, insensible, the inner vascular zone dark brownish-red, vision prevented by photophobia and lachrymation. Swelling of lids, with tearing above brows on opening eyes. Inflammation of lids and nightly agglutination. Agglutination of r. lids in morning on waking. Hardened mucus in r. external canthus. Pinching in l. external canthus. Lids dry and pressing on eyes. Heaviness of lids, irresistible closing and vertigo. itching of l. lower lid; of l. external canthus, (>) rubbing. Tearing sticking in orbit, extending across brow and lid, both lids hot and swollen, the upper hanging down immovable. l. brow and temple swollen, red and hot, upper mild hanging down over lower, oedematous, immovable eyes watery, with sticking in them and vision of sparks. Photophobia; and intolerance of noise. Vision dim and short. Double V. Everything seems too large, so that he lifts his legs too high. All objects appear in variegated colors.


      Aching in open air. Ringing, also when sneezing. Roaring at night. Chirping in r., as of crickets.


      Fluent coryza, without sneezing. Stuffed, (<) r. nostril. Discharge of purulent mucus; profuse discharge of mucus, with suffocative biting, extending to frontal sinuses, so that she could draw no air through the nose. Increased discharge of mucus without coryza. In l. nostril ineffectual irritation to sneeze. Sneezing; with fluent coryza and full feeling in head; frequent S., without coryza.

Clinical It has been prescribed for influenzas with chill, headache, m watery discharge from eyes and nose, with burning and cough. The juice of some species is said to be valuable for warts; it must be applied two or three times a day.


      Swelling. Pale, sickly looking. Jerklike tearings in muscles of l. cheek, almost as in toothache. Tensive pain in cheek as if swollen. Sore pain in vermilion border of lower lips as if he had bitten it.


      Sticking in last l. upper molar; in first l. lower molar. Gnawing tearing in teeth on beginning to eat, with chilliness, headache as if shattered by the toothache and a screwed in sensation in brain and zygomata. Pain in second l. upper molar; in last l. lower molar, (>) biting teeth together; in next to last l. upper molar, (<) touch and chewing; P. in hollow tooth as if screwed in, with jerking as if it would be torn out; pain in tooth like a boil on touching it. Tongue covered with a thick mucus. Coated tongue and almost mall the concomitants of nervous erethism. Inability to speak intelligibly. Much tenacious mucus after midday sleep. A membranous pellicle peels off upper part of palate. Burning on palate, Dry sensation without thirst. Salivation; with salt taste on l. side of tongue; with nausea and shivering. Taste bitter; and foul, (<) back part of tongue, after beer that he had relished; T. as of mouth were covered with rancid fat; T. flat after breakfast, with white-coated tongue.

Clinical It has cured toothache; with throbbing pain, sensitiveness, etc.


      Profuse discharge of mucus from posterior nares. Scraping and rawness. Burning; extending to stomach, with mucus in mouth; extending to stomach with trembling, anxiety and heat in upper part of body, nausea, flow of water from mouth and dryness of cheeks; and in stomach, as if a flame streamed out of it, with necessity to open the mouth. Inflammation of oesophagus.


      Great hunger, with a lax stomach, hanging down and sunken abdomen. Thirst; for cold drinks. Incessant eructations; empty E. Hiccough; frequent. Nausea during the day; in morning; N., with shuddering. Vomiting; incessant, of watery fluid; with diarrhoea. Spasmodic contractions, with empty eructations. Inflammation. Griping as if it would be compressed, then salivation and nausea; G. in l. side with clawing then constriction of cardiac orifice, with salt salivation and shuddering in skin. Pain in pit; spasmodic pain in S. Bruised pain in S. on touch. Pressure on l. side. Constriction from all sides towards the middle, with salivation and nausea. Burning; in pit after eating, with pressure. Agreeable warmth as after spirituous drinks.


      Rumbling; in l., then emission of flatus. Emission of much flatus. Griping, then a thin stool, with burning itching about rectum. Pain; with tympanites; in one spot; flatulent,(>) resting head upon elbows and knees, after which flatus was emitted; spasmodic flatulent, in morning in bed, accumulation of flatus in hypochondria and chest, causing spasmodic pressing asunder and constriction, (>) turning about, but returning on lying quietly. Uneasiness, with heat. Emptiness in morning, as from an emetic. Agreeable warmth, as after spirituous drinks. Sore pressure outward in l. flank and after micturition also in r. Pinching on posterior part of ilium. Tearing in l. groin as from a sprain, when standing. Sprained and lame pain in l. side of pubis on stretching limb after sitting, extending to thigh. Pain in inguinal region. Anxious sore aching in lower A.

Rectum and Stool

      Burning sore pain about rectum. Fatal dysentery. Diarrhoea several times a day, with burning in anus, distention of abdomen and pain as from internal soreness; profuse D., preceded by itching in anus, with urging; profuse, with vomiting. Loose, large S., with tenesmus and sore feeling, as if dysentery were coming on. Thin S. after pressure at last three hard lumps without difficulty. Soft S., scanty, mixed with small lumps, delayed. Pasty S.; and yellowish. S. at first natural, then fermented and watery. Clayey S. preceded by itching in rectum, with urging. Hard, difficult. Constipation.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Discharge of prostatic fluid from the relaxed penis. Frequent desire to urinate with scanty discharge; urging, micturition by drops, with sticking in penis, then a natural discharge. Strangury. Itching sticking in forepart of urethra when not urinating. Much white sediment in urine. Intermittent cutting sticking in glans when standing. Erections at night without emissions or lascivious dreams; E. without cause when siting. Voluptuous itching of prepuce, with discharge of prostatic fluid. Pinching burning pain in l. side of scrotum.

Respiratory Organs

      Irritation to short cough in upper part of trachea. Cough day and night as from dyspnoea d shortness of breath, then in morning much expectoration; C. from burning tickling in upper part of trachea; almost uninterrupted dry C.; dry hollow C. from trickling in chest during rest; hacking C. from crawling in throat. Dyspnoea as if chest were not wide enough, with Tensive pain in r., pectoral muscles, (<) turning upper part of body to rate. Deep inspiration hindered by sensation as if l. lung were adherent.


      Sticking in l. on walking in open air, so that he must stop; in sternum when sitting and standing; in l. when sitting and standing; in l. when sitting, (>) when walking; intermittent S. in l. when reading. Tensive pain in l., (<) turning upper part of body to right. Spasmodic pressing asunder in lower part. Warmth in middle as from hot food.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.