Homeopathy Remedy Dioscorea

Pain below I. nipple at 10 P.M.; behind top of sternum at 8 P.M.; in middle of sternum a 9 P.M. in lungs. Pain in. lung; in morning, then in I.; at 3 A.M.; at 5 P.M.; through r. at 6 P.M.; through top at 9 P.M.; in centre in the morning; in centre in evening; back central part at 10 P.M.; above nipple at 8 P.M. as if i would arrest the breath, but by, deep inspiration. Pain in I. lung below nipple at 9 P.M. as if it would arrest the breath, but by (>) deep inspiration. Pain in I. lung in morning through top at 4 P.M.; in upper part at 2 P.M., then in upper part of r. at 4 P.M.; upper posterior part at noon back part in morning; back part at 5 P.M. back part near lower part of scapula at 2 P.M.; in centre posterior at 9.30 P.M.; back lower part in morning; parallel with and at side of nipple; above nipple in morning; frequent pain through; above nipple in morning; frequent pain through I. lung at 9 P.M.

Flying pain in chest and back (cervical part). Drawing pain in r. lung at 7 A.M. Sore pain in centre of r. lung; S. pain in upper part of both lungs in evening and in back part of I. burning pain behind evening and in back part of I. Burning pain behind top of sternum at 7 A.M. Drawing below I axilla at 2 P.M. Distress in I. lung near heart at noon; D. across chest and in upper part, causing difficult breathing. (>) deep inspiration. Tightness across upper part at 11 P.M. Burning in I. lung in region of nipple at 2 P.M. Cold sensation extending from end of sternum to navel, about an inch in width, with almost burning around navel.


      Sticking in evening. Darting at 4 P.M., arresting breath. Catching pain in evening. Sharp pain; and to left of it; at 8 P.M., with faint feeling in it; arresting motion in morning and in forenoon; frequent, in morning. Pain in morning; with faint feeling. Faint distressing sensation. the beating can be heard after walking a little. Hard, slow beating shaking the chest and waking suddenly.


      Pulse 80.

Nape and neck

      Sharp twisting pain at 3.30 A.M. in I. then r. side. Pain in morning; evening pain extending to occiput and shoulders, (<) I. Pulling pain in morning, (<) I. side; P. pain in vertebrae at 1 P.M.


      Pain; at noon, and in middle of r. lung. Lameness (Berberis); in morning. Weakness of spine, with soreness. Tearing through scapula and lung. Cutting in I. scapula. Sharp pain at lower part of I. scapula at 1 P.N.; at 3 P.M., extending through lung; Pain in I. scapula and through lung; at 7 A.M.; at 5 P.M.; through r. scapula and lung. Drawing pain between scapulae. External soreness over r. scapula at 9 P.M. Sharp pain in dorsal region. Pain in dorsal region. Lameness of dorsal region at 6 A.M.; in morning, (>) motion. sudden sharp pain in I. side at tenth rib, in afternoon.

Lumbar Region-Darting in r. Cutting on bending spine. Cramping pain at 5 P.M.; C. pain in r. sacral region. Sharp pain in r. in morning; S. pain in muscles in morning; in I. at 9 A.M., (<) stooping hindering motion; in r. at 3 P.M.; in evening; in morning, extending to testicles; in r. in afternoon, pulling me over backward and to the right, and in I., pulling me over backward and to the right, and in I., pulling me over backward and to the left. Sharp drawing pain in I. at 7 A.M.; at 7 P.M. Pain; r.; in region of liver in morning; ion r. in morning, with soreness; at 6 A.M.; in r. at 9.30 A.M.; in I. at 5 P.M.; in evening; in evening, with lameness in upper part on bending spine; (<) bending spine; (<) walking or stooping; (<) stooping, and in hips. Heavy pain, (<) stooping. Pulling pain in I. at at 1030 P.M., (>) motion. Lame pain, hindering motion; L. pain in afternoon extending to legs. Lameness in morning; in morning, (<) r. side, with pain; at 1 P.M.; 2 P.M., with pain; 6 P.M.; 9 P.M., with stiffness; 9.30 P.M., with pain; 6 P.M.; 9 P.M., with stiffness; 9.30 P.M., 10 P.M., (<) stooping; 11 P.M., with pain in I. inguinal region; (<) by stooping or pulling (holding a horse) in region of liver in morning, so that turning in bed was almost impossible, (>) walking. Soreness in morning. Weakness, (>) standing and walking.


      Nails of fingers and toes brittle. Aching in wrists, hands, fingers, ankles, feet and toes; with stiffness; A. in hands and feet; in elbows and knees; in r. elbow, then in r. knee; in morning, in r. knee, r. ankle and r. elbow; in morning, in I. arm, I leg and I. foot; in hands, fingers, ankles, feet and toes, (>) exercise, with stiffness of them. Frequent pains in joints; in morning; at 6 P.M., in knees and elbows; in evening, in elbows and knees. Lame pain in I. elbow at 1 P.M., alternating with pains in knees. Stiffness of hands and feet.

Upper Extremities

      Axilla. Sticking in I. at 9 P.M. Sharp twisting pain below I. at 10.30 P.M., (>) motion. Sharp pulling pain below I. at 4 P.M. Sharp sore pain in r Pain in I.; with soreness; in r., extending down arm, (<) walking, with soreness.

Shoulder-Sharp pain in r.; I. joint; frequent, in r.; on top of I. in morning. Sharp jerking pain in I Pain in I.; in r; in top of I.; in morning, (<) I.; on top of I. in afternoon; on top of I.; in morning, (<) I.; on top of I. in afternoon; on top of I.; at 1 P.M.; in I. at 7 P.M., (>) motion, with lameness; in top of I. at 7 P.M., extending into neck; in I. at 11 P.M. Frequent pain on top of I.; F. pain in I. in forenoon; occasional pain in joints in forenoon. Pulling pain in r.; through shoulders in morning; on top of I., extending to neck and head, (<) at attachment of sterno- cleido-mastoideus muscle; sharp, in r. at 7 A.M., extending to back part of lung; frequent, in I. and in neck. Weight on top of r. at 4 P.M.

Arm- Pain in I. at 3 A.M.; P. in I. arm and elbow, passing into forearm. Numbness, and of hands. Weakness, (<) elbows. Cutting in I. above elbow at 5 P.M. Sharp pain in middle of I. humerus. Pain in middle of I. humerus in evening l; in r. upper arm at 3 P.M.

Elbow-Sharp pain in r.; in I. in morning; in r. in forenoon; in r. at 7 P.M. Sharp cramping pain in r. at 7 A.M. Grinding pain in morning; in I., at 8 A.M.; in r in evening; I. at 7 P.M. at 9 P.M.; I., as if out of joint. Pain; in morning; I. in morning; 6 A.M.; r. night. Drawing pain in I. at 9 P.M.; D. pain in elbows, wrists and fingers, at times very sharp in fingers; from I. down ulna towards wrist, at 7 A.M. Lameness of I in morning, with stiffness.

Forearm-Sharp pain in middle of I. radius. Grinding pain in middle of I Pain in r.; below I. elbow; in middle; in bones; in middle of I. ulna; in middle of I., between ulna and radius; in morning; middle of bones in morning; under side of I. at 2.30 and 5 A.M; bones of I at 10 A.M.; in middle of r. at 10 A.M; I. at 2.30 P.M.; r. at 3 P.M.; bones of I. in evening; I. at 10 P.M.; middle of I. ulna at 10 P.M.; in ulnar side of lower third of I., extending to little finger; intermittent, in middle of r. in evening. Drawing pain, and in wrists.

Wrist-Sharp pain in r. in evening. Sprained pain in I. Pain in I.; at 9 A.M. and lameness; in r. at 9 P.M.

Hand-Sharp pain in r. Darting sprained pain in r. in evening. Cramping pain in r. at 3 P.M. Grinding pain in r. at 9 P.M. Pain; in r.; I.; in bones in morning, (<) I. in night; frequent, between third and fourth metacarpal bones of I. in afternoon. Drawing fourth metacarpal bones of I. in afternoon. Drawing pain; in I. in morning; sharp. ion I. in morning. Weakness in morning; sharp, in I. In morning. Weakness of I. at 7 A.m. pricking in index: N. at 7 P.M., (<) I; of I. hand and forearm as if asleep, (<) little finger.

Fingers- Sensation of a brier in middle, I. then r., with throbbing pain, darting stinging next to the bones, and tenderness on pressure. Cutting tearing. Cutting in r. index. Sharp pain in I. little; I. thumb; r. thumb; r. thumb at 7 P.M.; in bones of one, then of another in afternoon. Grinding pain in first joint of r. thumb in morning. Pain; in a sport of back of I thumb, between first and second joint; in. first joint of I thumb; first joint of r. thumb in morning; r. thumb ad 5 P.M.; I. little, at 6 P.M.; first joint of r. thumb at 8 P.M.; I. thumb in evening; I. index in evening. Stiffness; Numbness of r. in morning, with tingling.

Lower Extremities

      Occasional cramping pains in back sides of legs at 1 P.M.., (<) above knees. Pain in whole length of r. leg, (<) buttock and heel;. difficulty in getting out of a chair at 2 P.N., (<) buttock and heel. difficulty in getting our of a chair at 2 P.M. and in walking. Tearing in r. hip, hindering walking. sharp pain in r. hip-joint. Pain in r. hip; in morning; in I. hip in r. hip-join. Pain in r. hip; in morning; in I. hip in evening; in r. hip in evening, extending down front of thigh nearly to knee, causing limping; in I. hip, heel and sole in morning. Lameness of r. hip as if gluteals were too short, (<) walking, (>) rest.

Thigh-Cramping pain midway between hip and knee, I. then r.;C. pain posteriorly in r. as if muscles were too short, (<) walking. Pain like an electric shock from I. to vertex when lying in afternoon after dinner. Pain in r.; in I. in morning above I. knee at 7 A.M.; above r. popliteal space at 4 P.M.; above r. knee in evening. Drawing pain on inner and back side: D. pain above r. popliteal space at 10 P.M.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.