Homeopathy Remedy Dioscorea

Dioscorea homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Dioscorea…

      A tincture is made of the fresh root of Dioscorea villosa, L,

General Action

      The most prominent effect of the drug is its pain. Pain in every part of the body shooting and cramplike these pains usually resemble the neuralgias of the various preparations of Magnesia and Pulsat., they are generally relieved by motion in the open air. Most useful in practice hitherto have been the abdominal pains, here again comparison may be made with the Magnesias and Colocynth.


      Trembling, with faintness at stomach. Sharp pains in various parts at 4 P.M.; darting from one part to another in evening; darting cramping pains in limbs and various parts in morning. Cramping pains after going to bed, in stomach, abdomen, arms and legs, Occasional pains in bones. Feeling in forenoon as if he had taken a bad cold, pains in bones, head, r. temple and r. lung, with chilliness, in afternoon and evening pain in occiput, the throat feels sore but is not on swallowing, pain in r. lung, in back, hips and legs, (>) t. side, sharp pain in l. hand and fingers, chilliness, yet easy sweat, dryness of mouth, at night restlessness and chilliness, then sweat but no fever or thirst, and sharp pain in heart. Nervous, easily troubles. Great desire for the open air at 5 P.M. Restlessness; at 4 P.M.; 4 P.M., (>) walking; at night.

Weakness; in morning after a restless night; on waking, with disinclination for mental exertion; in evening; (<) ascending stairs, with pain at head of tibia; with trembling of hands and legs; with restlessness; but relief of pains on moving. Desire to lie down and keep still. Faintness; at 3 A.M.; after going to bed; at night on waking, with numbness, the faintness (<) sitting up in bed, the numbness (<) lying down and (>) lying on back and pulling the hair in front of the ears; at stool. Aggravation on lying down. Amelioration in open air, and especially when moving in open air (Pulsatilla, Magnes.); of all pains in morning, except the headache, by motion; of symptoms, except those of the abdomen, by riding or walking.


      Irritability; with Dullness and desire to be alone, usually an found of the society of ladies, but now they seem repulsive. Conversation is troublesome. Call things by the wrong names in evening, write r. for l. Stupidity; in afternoon.


      Aching; in morning; in morning on waking; at 5 A.M., with vertigo; in forenoon, (<) through temples; at night in bed; after dinner, (<) occiput; with nausea; deep in centre. Confusion; during stool. Dullness; with heaviness and occasional quick pain through it. Fulness. Tightness as if squeezed after breakfast. Heaviness; at 8 P.M., with pain between eyes and on side of head near top of ears; at 9 P.M., with feeling as if it would be crushed when it rested on the hand. Bad feeling till after dinner. Discomfort as from a cold. Vertigo; in morning; 7 A.M. with rumbling in abdomen; in evening, with headache; when eating; with inclination to go to them right; sudden, in afternoon and evening, with heat of head.

Forehead. Intermittent cutting along r. side at 9. 30 A.M., shooting to ear, (<) pressure and cold air. Darting pain over l. eye at 10.30 P.M. P.M. (>) motion. Boring in morning, extending to occiput. Sharp pain in morning; over l. eye; over eyes in morning; over r. eye in morning; over r. eye at 1. P.M., extending to occiput; over r. eye at 2 P.M.; over l. eye at 10.3- P.M. Pain; in morning; in evening, and in l. side of head; at 9 P. M.; at night; at 11 P.M., occasionally sharp, and in vertex; extending into nose, with nausea and symptoms of a cold and fluent coryza; at 8 P.M., extending to occiput, as if he would lose consciousness, with inclination of head to fall backward;m over eyes; over eyes, sometimes one, sometimes the other; over r. eye in morning; over r. eye at 2 and 5 P.M.; over l. eye at 7 P.M.; over r. eye r. eye to occiput; between eyes and over r., (<) afternoon. Pain as if lifted up, and in temples. Heavy pain over r. eye at 1 P.M., extending to temple.

Temples. Darting in l.; at 5 P.M. Digging cutting in l. at noon. Digging in l. at 10 A. M.. Sharp pain; in r.; l.; l at 6 A.M.; l. at 8.3. A.M.; r. in morning in afternoon: in I. in evening at 10 P.M.; in I., with nausea and chills beginning on back, (<) over I., scapula in sudden shocks in I. in evening; occasionally in r.; in r. and over r. eye, in morning, occasionally darting to I. temple. Twisting pain in r.; I. Grinding pain in I Squeezing pain at 5 A.M., with nausea, chills and dryness of mouth, but no thirst; S. pain in r. in morning, extending to angle of jaw, sometimes sharp; sharp, in r. at 9 P.M. Pain; I; r. at 7 A.M., then I., at 9 A.M. in both, (<) stooping or walking; in forenoon; r. in forenoon; at noon, (<) r.; r. at 5 P.M.; in evening; r. in evening; after dinner; (>) pressure; in I., (>) pressure, which causes heat in I. nostril, pressure after the pain; in r., over a large surface externally. But concentrated to a point internally. Stupefying pain; at 1 P.M., (>) during pressure. Unpleasant feeling through temples.

Sides-Pain in I.; pain in morning: 7 A.M.; before and behind ears at 3 A.M.; before and behind I. ear at 11 A.M.; above and before ears at 5 P.M.; as from a band at 6 A.M., with coldness of head.

Occiput-Sharp pain in I. in afternoon; suddenly in I. protuberance at 5 P.M., (>) pressure. Sharp twisting pain in I. at 7 A.M., (>) rubbing. Intermittent cramping pain in r. in evening. Pain; in morning in I. in morning; forenoon, (<) r.; afternoon and evening; 2 P.M., extending through to front of head; deep seated in I. Pulling pain; at 7 A.M.; in I. in morning. in I causing a stupid sensation. Heavy pain in afternoon, and in shoulders.


      Redness in morning. Smarting; (<) r.; in morning, with stiffness of lids; in morning, (<) r., (<) on edge of upper lid; at 10 A.M., with weakness so that he could not read coarse print; in evening; after going to bed, as if hot air came out of them and passed over face. Sharp pain in. at 8.30 A.M.; in I. at 2 P.M., (>) pressure, with necessity to close it. Aching In. in evening. Feeling as if stickiness were in them; at 10 P.M. Feeling as if a large smooth substance were in them; at 8 P.M. Feeling as if dust or eyelashes were in them. Feeling in I. at 7 P.M. as if dirt were in it. Feeling in forenoon as if a foreign body were in them,. (<) r. Soreness; r; morning, (<) I: r. in morning, (<) lower lid; in morning, with agglutination of lids; I. at 8.30 A.M., extending to a. temple: afternoon : r. in evening; in evening, with smarting and with smarting lachrymation of r. so that it must kept closed; at 10 P.M.; in might. Itching in morning in evening; r. at 2 P.M. Weakness in morning; at 4.20 P.M. 9 P.M., with soreness and smarting; 10 P.M.

Lachrymation from r. Lachrymation in open air. Sharp pain in r. ball at 7:30 P.M. Stye on r. lower lid. Smarting at inner angle (<) r. Pain over inner angle of., below outer angle of r. at 11 P.M. Soreness of r lid; at 7 A.M., but they don’t look sore. Lids feel stiff. Desire to keep lids closed. Itching of I. inner canthus in evening. Vision blurred.


      Balls of wax fall out of r. Darting behind I. in evening; in morning, extending in front of ear and to angle of jaw. Sharp pain behind r. in morning; in front and behind both in morning; behind I at 7 P.M.; in I. at 9 P.M. over r. at 9 P.M. deep-seated behind r. Twisting pain in front of I. at 11 P.M., causing a numb sensation in head. Squeezing pain of front of both, extending to angles of jaws. Pain in I.: in I. in afternoon, from blowing nose; r. in evening; in front of both; in front of both; in front of r.; in front of r. after going to bed. Pulling pain in front of both as before vomiting. Soreness internally in I. in afternoon; internally on touch at 8 P.M. Itching in evening; I. internally on touch at 8 P.M. Itching in evening: I. internally; internally In. at 1 P.M. internally at 10.30 P.(>) Stopped feeling; suddenly at 8 P.M. Buzzing in morning. Ringing at 4 P.M., (<) r.


      Pain from nose and forehead to occiput at 9 P.M. Smarting inside nostrils; at 6 P.M. Soreness on I. side, afterwards on top and r. side and swelling of r. side; soreness inside nostrils at 9 P.M. inside at 7 P.M., with dryness. Dryness at 11 P.M., with bad smell in it. Irritation in passages. Itching in r. nostril at 3 P.M. Sneezing; violent, with vertigo. Stoppage; inclination to at 7 A.M. Watery discharge from I. nostril: constantly at 9 P.M. discharge of bright blood in moving, with spitting of blood; bright blood from I. nostril at 11 A.M.; bright blood from I, nostril, then a dark clot and spitting of blood. Bad smell; at 7. P.M. Smell as of bilious fever in morning: at 10 P.M. Smell as of bilious fever in morning; at 10 P.M. Smell as of bilious faeces; in morning.


      Sharp pain in L. cheek or in lower part of temple, then dr cough. Lips sore at 9 P.M.; I corner of lips sore at 9 P.M.; corner of lip sore. Lip burn at 9.P.M. spasmodic action of jaw in evening Spasmodic closure of jaws. with biting of tongue. Jumping, darting pain at angle of jaw at 7. P.M. Grinding pain at I. angle at 6.30 A.M. in I. lower jaw, between teeth and angle, at 7 P.M. Digging at I. angle at 5 P.M. Sharp pain in I angle of lower jaw at 10 A.M. Pain in jaw near teeth in afternoon; at angle at 6 P.M.; pain at r. angle of lower. Drawing pain at angle of jaw. Sore pain at I. angle of jaw in morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.