Homeopathy Remedy Croton Tiglium

Clinical Valuable in eczema of scrotum and penis.

Respiratory Organs

      Laryngeal catarrh. Mucus in larynx; with tickling and irritation; rattling of M. in evening. Mucus in bronchials, which he cannot remove. Mucus in trachea, provoking cough. Speech low. Voice hoarse. Voice hollow; with constant hawking. Cough and frequent hawking; constant C.; C. in morning, with expectoration; in evening, with white mucous expectoration and oppression of chest; with difficult yellowish expectoration and spitting of blood. Expectoration of much tenacious, sour-tasting mucus. Sensation as if he could not get air enough into air-cells. Dyspnoea, (<) ascending stairs. Difficult respiration; and anxious; with constriction of chest. Short breath after stool; S. and hurried. Show respiration; and powerless.


      Catarrh. Sticking in l.; through middle of l. in afternoon; in r. lower third during inspiration. Tearing along edges of ribs, extending backward and to small of back. Pain; on touch; and in l. chest, l. hypochondrium; in l. with oppression. Pressure over sternum; deep within at middle of chest. Fulness, with burning sticking in l. chest and towards scapulae; F. with pressure and burning; F. impeding respiration. Oppression; in evening; on deep inspiration; with anxiety. Feeling of mucus in lungs, which could not be removed by hawking, with difficult breathing and whistling on deep breathing. Throbbing bubbling in r. between sixth and seventh ribs. Throbbing in r. posterior part; sudden, in region of aorta. Hollow feeling. Burning. Malaise, and in abdomen; forcing him to stretch and yawn.

Clinical Nipples very sore, with excruciating pain running through to scapulae on nursing.

Heart and Pulse

      Sticking in praecordial region; on expiration. jerking in l. side. Palpitation; in afternoon; after dinner, (<) lying. Pulse rapid; and weak; and small. Pulse full. Pulse feeble. P. small; and weak, then strong and full.

Neck and Back

      Sticking between nape and occiput. Pain in muscles of l. side of nape on nodding. Pressure and drawing in cervical vertebrae. Tension in r. side of neck. Sticking in l. renal region; in afternoon, impeding breathing. Pain in small of back; in back and lumbar region, in the space between lumbar vertebrae, false ribs and ilium.


      Trembling of hands and feet. Pain. Weariness; of arms and legs. Tearing in r. shoulder. Sticking in l. shoulder-joint. Pain in r. shoulder joint. Tearing in r. arm, extending to upper arm, then to fingers. Heaviness of arms, with weariness. Tearing in r. upper arm, then in r. shoulder-joint; sudden, in l. upper arm, (<) deltoid. Rheumatic pain in l. upper arm, waking him. Pain on inner side of l. upper arm. Tension, weary pain in upper arm; in r. extending to hand. Heaviness of upper arm, with lameness. Boring in l. elbow at noon. Tearing in l. forearm. Drawing in r. forearm; above r. wrist in evening. Swelling of hands. Jerking of l. middle and r. ring fingers. Tearing in r. finger-joints. Drawing in l. middle finger, with tearings.

Lower Extremities

      Swelling of nates where they approximate by the anus, after moving about, with burning. Tearing in l. thigh. Pain in thighs; sore, between l. thigh and scrotum; tensive, in l. hip-joint, (<) by rising from a seat. Weariness of thighs, with tensive feeling. Heaviness of thighs on waking after midnight. Paralyzed feeling in l. thigh. Cramplike pain in r. knee. (Tearing in knee, with crawling.) Pain in legs and feet. Sticking on r. outer malleolus; extending to forepart of foot. Heaviness of ankles in evening, with pressure. Cramp of l. sole and inner side of foot. Jerking in l. foot when sitting; J. in l. sole, with tearing. Sticking in l. heel when sitting, as if sprained; on margin of l. foot. Sprained pain in l. foot. Rheumatic tearing in l. foot. Nervous weakness of feet. Feet failed him on ascending stairs. Sticking in lower part of great toe, l. then r. When walking sticking and tearing as if sprained, (<) in metatarsal bone of l. great toe, so that he could not step fairly upon it. Rheumatic tearing in r. great toe. Pricking in r. great toe, where the nail enters the flesh, with sticking.


      Face, hands and toes cyanotic. Pimples on face; red P., with corrosive itching and sore pain when touched or rubbed; on a red base, hard, burning itching, about neck. Erythema of face, often symmetrical. Erysipelas; erysipelatous phlyctenulae on face, ending in desquamation. Redness; with coldness, then warmth. Red spot on l. thigh opposite scrotum, with offensive exudation, painfully sore on touch or walking, which also causes biting.

Redness of affected part, with smarting, heat and white, glossy, tense pustules, then desiccation, leaving a yellowish spot or crust, then intra-epidermic pustules, the dermic or sanguino- purulent pustules and a two story pustule, when the scabs fell off from the scratched pustules they were succeeded by pits, while the others were still elevated, so that the hand perceived a roughness, brownish discoloration after the scabs, pustules and inflammation of walls of abdomen, then desquamation.

Redness, then burning, next morning when lying on l. side throbbing, tension and jerking in l. upper arm, extending, to fingers, red-pointed and roundish pustules, the itching and burning (<) touch, motion or rubbing, heaviness of arm and shoulder, redness and roughness of whole skin, the small pustules disappeared as whitish, the large pustules, red, then whitish desquamation only noticed on rubbing, itching continued, and also an alternating heaviness and tension of upper arm.

Tingling, with red points, then little pustules in apices, many formed patched filled with white opaque fluid, the eruption died away like smallpox. Pustules; on scrotum and face, those on side of scrotum were flattened and became suppurating ulcers, the other pustules dried and desquamated; with red areola, on abdomen, itching began in the night and disturbed the sleep, the P. became pale and disappeared without crust or desquamation, then pale red spots; dark red, with itching and burning on movement, (<) touch or uncovering, with roughness of the whole spot, elevation after the small pustules had disappeared.

Vesicles on labial commissures, r. upper lid and l. buttock (local effects); itching, on chin, which coalesce and form a crust, which is moist on pressure, then desquamation, then a red spot. Brick color, (<) face, scalp, larynx and chest, in the order enumerated, (>) abdomen, more on muscular parts of arms and legs than where the bones are more superficial, then swelling, then vesicles, differing in size and shape, some confluent, at first containing limpid serum, then pus, and ending in scabs (local effect).

Prickling in first r. toe; in lower third of l. leg. Formication on face; in lumbar region; knees; r. little toe; jerking, in r. great toe. Itching, then painful burning; I., or rather smarting, as of vermin, on public region and on glans; prickling, on r. sole, with burning.

Clinical Vesicular and pustular eruptions, with painful burning and redness extremely like herpes and especially like herpes zoster.


      Yawning; in forenoon. Sleepiness; towards noon, but on lying down after dinner inability to sleep, with palpitation; with weakness. Easy falling asleep, then chill across back. Sleeping on the back and sudden waking after an emission. Deep sleep after vomiting. Sleeplessness, with anxious tossing about. Difficult falling asleep. Frequent waking. Sudden waking. Twitching of thighs during midday nap. Uneasy sleep; with many dreams. Light sleep, disturbed by many dreams. Dreams; anxious; anxious, interrupted; in afternoon nap, about the occurrences of the day: heavy, till 1 A.M., then sudden waking from headache.


      Chilliness; with shivering; with weakness; in afternoon, obliging him to go to bed. Easily chilled. Chilliness extending, (<) over back. Cold skin. Coldness, (<) lower limbs, so that she seemed covered with gooseskin, (>) in bed. Cold limbs. Sudden C. and pallor of hands, with shrivelling of fingers. Cold feet and legs; as far as calves. Cool skin, then hot, then sweaty.

Heat; with sweat and rapid pulse; with salivation; with the pustules; with anxiety, so the he sought for a chair; general, then coldness in abdominal vertebrae; in flushes; prickling. Heat of face; r. half, starting from r. corner of mouth; in cheeks. Warmth starting from lumbar vertebrae. Heat of skin,(<) hands, with swollen veins. Itching burning in middle of l. thigh; in lower third of r. tibia.

Sweat; cold, clammy; on forehead; on forehead, in drops, with nauseas.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.