Homeopathy Remedy Croton Tiglium

Rumbling, with heaviness on chest. Gastro-enteritis. Cramp, and in upper abdomen. Cutting beneath stomach. Severe turning, then cutting below stomach, then tearing in r. side near ilium. Burning pain. Pressure; in forenoon; in pit; in epigastric region; with anxiety; with tickling, nausea and spasmodic motions as if one would vomit; with discomfort in abdomen; in S. and chest, with fulness; in epigastric region, with fulness; in epigastric region, with constriction; changing into nausea, with salivation. Epigastric region sensitive to touch. Scraping, then nausea; burning S., extending into S. and along intestinal tract.

Constriction; in upper part. Oppression at midnight, with fulness, then nausea, then easy vomiting of the supper, then sweat on face and comfort, after half an hour bitter vomiting, then good sleep till morning. Tension in epigastric region; in region of S. and upper abdomen, with pressure, anxiety and oppression. Weight and heat in epigastrium as after strong spirits, then the heat radiates in every direction, then extends to cardia, (>) barely-water. Repletion; impeding respiration. Indigestion. Emptiness. Sinking, with weakness. Relaxed sensation, with pain on pressure. Burning; and in bowels; in pit. Heartburn; after dinner, with nausea. Epigastrium felt hot and tense.


      Distention, (<) sitting, with tension, tenesmus and emission of offensive flatus; with griping; with griping above umbilicus; with tension and rumbling; flatulent, with heaviness. Swashing as of water. Gurgling, (<) l. side. Rumbling; on l. side; on rising and when writing, with emission of offensive flatus; after supper, (>) emission of flatus, with pain and feeling as before diarrhoea. Movements, with griping. Flatulence; then urging, stool sudden, thin, small, with flatus (Jat.); with intermittent pain. Emission of much flatus in evening; easy E. when walking, with urging to stool; difficult, noisy E.; offensive. Urging to pass flatus when sitting.

Cutting, and about umbilicus; C., with emission of fetid flatus; then frequent diarrhoea; then a stool, at first pultaceous, then liquid mingled with mucus and bile, then three greenish-yellow diarrhoeic stools. Tearing when eating. Twinging; (<) in colon, with cutting; spasmodic, when walking, and about umbilicus. Griping after dinner; G. (<) touch; with pressure towards anus. Pain; in morning after rising, with much offensive flatus; during stool, then pin in rectum; after eating; when walking; (<) dinner; (>) gruel; in walls, especially deep, (<) pressure or deep inspiration; with tenesmus; with loud emission of offensive flatus; flatulent, in evening; flatulent, disturbing sleep, (>) noisy emission of flatus. sensation as before diarrhoea. Soreness; on coughing; (<) pressure. Heaviness and confusion, with retracted parietes. Uneasiness, with griping and twinging. He felt the medicine working downward, causing gurgling, and as it approached the umbilicus twinging. Congestion rising to head, with warmth of skin and sweat. Burning creeping warmth in parietes; febrile excitement across A. Coldness.

Upper. Rumbling, with gurgling and griping, then emission of offensive flatus. Sticking in spleen in evening. Griping. Dragging, movements and retractions, and in umbilical region, then stool; spasmodic D., (<) sitting, then tensive pain. Pain in region of spleen. Tensive pain. Tension between umbilicus and pit of stomach. Throbbing in region of spleen. Heaviness.

Umbilical Region. Gurgling, with vermicular movements. Painful movements, with increased pain on touch or pressure. Sticking, (>) two pasty stools; S. to l. of umbilicus. Tearing after dinner. Cutting; so that she could scarcely breathe, extending to stomach, causing her to bend double, extending thence to l. side of abdomen; as if two knives were cutting towards each other, (>) two stools, then a watery stool. Twinging on going out, with tension and pressure upward to epigastric region and sudden nausea; T. above umbilicus, with pressure. Twisting then tearing in l. side of abdomen. Pain; below umbilicus in evening, with distention of abdomen, then urging to stool; on touch, with rumbling and gurgling; on pressure on umbilicus pain is felt down to anus, where there is constant protrusion; spasmodic, (<) sitting bent over. Griping; extending to l. side of abdomen, with pinching. Tension when lying, with movement and pressure towards anus.

Lower. Sticking in caecum. Tearing in transverse colon; from l. groin up to r. nipple. Griping in transverse colon before every stool. Pinching and cutting in thick intestines. Pain; and in bladder; above posterior superior spine of l. ilium; undefined, in l. inguinal region; tensive, in inguinal regions.

Clinical Gurgling and swashing, as if there were nothing but water in the intestines.


      Feeling as before purging. Tenesmus; after lunch, scanty stool, mixed with mucus. Urging in morning in bed, on rising soft, light-brown stool, then soreness of anus; U. and stool soft, dark brown, offensive, with spasmodic griping; constant U., then sudden pasty, dirty green, offensive, forcible stool; U., with fulness in abdomen and rectum, stool scanty and difficult; sudden U., he was unable to reach the closet, but was obliged to sit long; frequent, ineffectual U.


      Swelling, extending to anus, with burning. Pain, as if a plug were forced outward. Dragging as before diarrhoea. Pulsation, sticking and burning. Sore pain after moving about, with burning. Painful soreness after stool, with feeling as if rectum were swollen and would protrude, urging to stool, compression of abdomen, causing pain, extending into genitals and ending in glans as a stickling, so that he was anxious and oppressed, sweat on forehead, nausea, vanishing of sight and hearing, the pain (<) bending over, (>) quiet, on walking sore pain on outer part of anus, then prostration, ill humor and loss of appetite. Scraping after stool. Scratching on l. posterior wall during thin stool. Constriction on walking, with sticking at times. Itching. Burning; during pasty stool; so that he can scarcely sit.


      Watery; and yellowish, forcible (Jat.); and painless; with emission of flatus; and frequent; frequent shooting away (Jat., Gamb, etc.); and choleric, copious, every few minutes; at first faecal stool, then watery, with sticking in abdomen. Diarrhoea; with urging; with colic; frequent; frequent scanty; frequent yellowish; light yellow, with sweat, crawling in occiput, pressure upon larynx, (<) l. side; grayishbrown, evacuated at three different times and forcibly, with tenesmus, then prostration and colic; involuntary, with streaks of white, shiny, emulsion-like substance mixed with much clear, glairy fluid. Pasty, light brown, after urging, then rumbling and gargling in l. side of abdomen, after an hour a second soft, mucous, urgent, grayish green and dirty brown, forcible stool. Soft; slimy, frequent, with tenesmus; delayed, sluggish, unsatisfactory. Semi-fluid, semi-solid, dirty brown. Half soft, half solid, after the morning stool.

Constipation. Crumbly, difficult. Nodular, mixed with white points (larvae of worms), the second contains long white thread- worms, the other mine stools offensive and bilious, or slimy, and at last watery. Dirty yellow, clayey. Tenacious. Large. Scanty, by efforts of abdominal muscles, without peristaltic action of bowels. Slimy, with tenesmus. With pinching. With rumbling and pain in epigastric and hypochondriac regions. Frequent; the first feculent; the others yellow and green; with sweat, (<) forehead. Copious, with rumbling in abdomen; C., mucous, frequent, with colic.

Clinical A very valuable remedy in diarrhoea, with the general character of sudden expulsion and great aggravation from taking anything into the stomach, stool occurs immediately after eating of drinking, generally very watery and yellow, passed with gush, sometimes associated with nausea and vomiting, sometimes with pain following the colon down to the rectum.

Urinary Organs

      Burning in urethra on urinating. Urging to urinate; immediately after micturition. Frequent micturition. Copious urine; and yellow; and turbid. Pale frothy U. Foaming U. in morning. Turbid. Brown U., soon becoming turbid, and a copious brown sediment. Fiery red at night, and in morning with oily pellicle and flocculent turbid sediment; almost blood-red after standing through the night, with a thick mucous sediment. Pale orange yellow U. after standing over night, with turbid sediment, which is at first flocculent. Pale U., with white sediment. Cloudy sediment, which gradually disappears, and brownish crystals float where the clouds had been and adhere to the walls of the glass.

Sexual Organs

      Inflammation of inner surface of prepuce, with irritation and some secretion. Pain in penis, with redness of glans and sticking coming out of urethra. Burning in glans when urinating. Constant painful erections. No erection in morning, contrary to custom. Retraction of l. testicle, relaxation of r. Drawing in l. spermatic cord, hindering walking. Scrotum shrivelled and itching, disturbing sleep, (>) scratching, which caused a voluptuous sensation. Vesicles on scrotum and penis. Inflammation of scrotum and penis (local effects). Herpetic eruption on scrotum. Phlyctenae on scrotum, with pustules on penis, penis partly denuded, pain at end of penis on urinating urine dark (local effects). Itching of scrotum. Corrosive itching of scrotum and glans; of scrotum, (<) walking, with redness; of scrotum, and a moist, offensive spot on thigh, then desquamation of these places; of scrotum, disturbing sleep, (>) rubbing, which caused erections. Menstruation too soon and scanty.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.