Homeopathy Remedy Croton Tiglium

Croton Tiglium homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Croton Tiglium…

      One part of Croton Oil (expressed from the seeds of Croton tiglium, L,) is dissolved in 99 parts of alcohol, and diluted for use. (Much of the commercial “croton oil” is obtained from the seeds of Jatropha curcas.)

General Action

      A powerful drastic purge. When applied to the skin it produces an eruption of small pustules with inflamed areolae.

Allies. Jatropha, Gamboge.


      Sudden emaciation. Generally lying quietly on belly, but occasionally tossing about. Tossing about convulsively. Trembling of whole body. Sticking, with sweat on forehead. Nauseating pain, (<) lying. Malaise; (<) bread and butter, she mist lie down. Discomfort after dinner. Dullness of whole body. Uneasiness. Lay in a lethargic state, sometimes drawing himself up as if in pain. Collapse. Faintness; during and after vomiting. Disinclination for every exertion. Weakness; in morning on waking, with weakness of limbs; in morning on rising, with trembling of hands and feet; after stool, with pain in abdomen; with nausea; with ill humor.


      Sadness. Anxiety. Dissatisfaction. Disinclination to speak. Disinclination to work, would rather play than attend to his business. Fretfulness. Thought difficult. Memory lost.


      Jerkings; sticking. Sticking extending to vertex. Aching; when walking, (>) taking off his hat; (<) the middle of the day and a few hours after dinner; as from a disordered stomach; burning. Confusion; on rising; in morning on waking, with heaviness and Dullness; all night; on going into open air; till supper, with vertigo; (<) bread and beer, with pain, throbbing, tension and pressure outward in sinciput; (<) r. side, with pressure downward from vertex, so that sometimes sticking extends below ear, with impaired hearing in r. ear; with Dullness and pressure in forehead; with heaviness of head and crawling in eyes; with pain, then general heat and sweat; with pressure towards forehead and nausea; with vomiting and loss of appetite. Fulness. Heaviness. Feeling as after intoxicants. Vertigo; in the room, with vanishing of vision; (<) open air, with nausea, pallor and weakness; (<) r. side, with pressure in r. eye; and falling down insensible; with roaring in ears and inability of to stand from fear of falling; so that she could scarcely remain sitting, (<) looking up; threatened, when walking in open air.

Forehead. Sticking in brain above r. eye; in sinciput, on walking. Pain; r. side and temple; l. half of sinciput; (>) keeping quiet; with tearing extending to r. temple, where it remains as a sticking; confusing P. in anterior and upper part of head. Tensive pain in sinciput, with pressure and sticking; T. pain above r. orbit, with pressure in r. side of occiput. Dragging in sinciput. Fulness and pressure. Confusion; in sinciput; with pressure and heaviness. Vertigo in sinciput.

Sticking in l. temple. Pain in temples; twining; in l., as if burnt. Tearing towards vertex. Pain in occiput. Confusion of l. half of occiput, as if held tight. Confusion in occiput. Crawling on occiput. Prickling in scalp of vertex.


      Brilliant. Inflammation (local effects); of one and side of face. Sticking in middle of l., then indications of it in r.; S. in l. ball. Pain, then swelling of eye and side of face (local effect). Heaviness and weakness. Lachrymation; with running of, water from nose. Pupils dilated. Redness of l. conjunctiva. Red swelling of a gland in r. lower lid. Twitching of lids. Jerking sticking in r. external canthus, with contraction and twitching of whole eye. Cramplike pain in r. lids, (<) towards external canthus. itching of r. lower lid; of l. upper. Fog before r. eye, then weakness of it. Vision dim; as from smoke in the room. Vision impaired, with staring, glittering eyes. Vision easily vanishes.

Clinical Pustules and vesicles on the eyeball. Ciliary neuralgia, and feeling as if a string were pulling the eyeballs back into the head. The pustules and ulcers in the eye are characterized by excessive photophobia, superciliary pain, and often by eruption about the eyes, on the lids and face.


      Sticking beneath l. Twinging in l.; spasmodic deep within l. Dragging towards orifices of both; with twisting. Roaring.


      Red eruption on r. side of septum, with pain in morning when washing, then an elevated crust, which desquamated, the epidermis continued red and tender and again desquamated. Drawing pain extending through to root and thence into brain. Dryness, and of throat. Burning, and in mouth; in r. nostril, obliging him to rub it. Irritation, and of conjunctiva. Respiration through nose stopped. Mucus. Coryza, with slight discharge. Smell in the room as after an offensive stool.


      Pale and sunken; P. and cold. jaundice colored. Cyanotic. Swollen; and red and covered with vesicles, also eyelids. Expression of distress; of debility; of confusion, with brilliant starting eyes. Lips swollen and sore (local effects); vesicles (local effects); burning in angle, with swelling on outward border; dry and cracked; dry in evening, and tense; tension in corner.


      Tearing in r. lower eye-tooth. Sore pain in last l. lower molar on chewing. Swelling on l. inner alveolar margin of gum; painful, on inner side of r. upper gum. Easy bleeding of gum in morning on washing. Tongue swollen and numb; T. white, showing impress of teeth; coated white; furred and dry; red, smooth, glistening and dry in centre; eruption on root and on soft palate and posterior wall of pharynx; burning and contraction, and in throat; tickling pain at tip; feeling at tip as if electrically sensitive, with sweetish bitter taste; feeling as if too large and numb, without change in its appearance.

Pustules, with burning in mouth and throat. Vesicles on hard palate. Swelling of palate. Inflammation of M., lips and pharynx. Burning scraping extending low down into oesophagus. Burning, and in throat; gradually and successively increasing on palate, uvula, isthmus faucium, pharynx, tongue and lips. Burnt feeling. Dryness; with scraping in throat; with out thirst. Salivation; with profuse mucus; sour. Taste flat; and nauseous; flat and nauseous to water, which causes emptiness; pasty; as after almonds; bitter; sweetish, then bitter and burning; like chocolate, then burning; sometimes burning, sometimes scraping; scraping-burning, with salivation; acrid burning, and in throat.


      Swelling of submaxillary glands, with pain on touch; S. of tonsils, with pain on external pressure. Redness and soreness; R. and smarting; R. of uvula, with elongation. Hawking of mucus tasting like vinegar. Jerking and shooting through T. Sensation of a morsel which he was unable to swallow. Pain. Rawness. scraping; (<) expiration; (>) cold water, with warmth at back of mouth; in fauces, then burning, then tickling in larynx; causing frequent hawking; burning. Scraping tingling. Acrid sensation; and down oesophagus. Tickling of r. tonsil; where hard and soft palates unite, then scraping, then burning.

Complaints that his throat was swelling. Fulness extending up T., with pressure in pharynx. Burning; in pharynx, (>) drinking water; in fauces, (>) inspiration, (<) expiration; and in oesophagus; sometimes extending to pit of stomach; with contraction, and in tongue. Burning pain. Dryness; with irritation in pharynx. Inclination to swallow, with pain as if a ball were pressing out of l. side of oesophagus, (>) by cold water; frequent inclination to swallow, which causes pain as if a ball were pressing through l. wall of oesophagus. Swallowing difficult. Pain in oesophagus. Prickling at entrance of oesophagus. Burning extending up oesophagus; above entrance, with acrid taste at back of mouth.


      Hunger, with rumbling in abdomen; unnatural H.; great, after the pains had ceased; H. without appetite. Appetite diminished; at lunch, and repletion after eating a little. A. lost; with dull feeling, yet he eats his usual allowance at lunch. Loathing of his usual breakfast. Thirst; slight. Aversion to beer. Eructations; with nausea and weakness; empty, (<) afternoon; empty, then nausea; sharp sour; acrid and burning; bilious in evening; of water. Hiccough and yawning.

Nausea; after milk; after every drink, with eructations; with sour salivation; with salivation and chill; with anxiety and oppression, and pressure in epigastric region; with inflation of abdomen and borborygmi in epigastric region; so that he lost hearing and vision; disturbing sleep after midnight, then sudden vomiting of copious sour, strong-smelling fluid, then diarrhoea, with sensation as if fluid were swashing about in abdomen. Retching; with vomiting of food and water; with vomiting, rumbling in abdomen and diarrhoea; spasmodic, (>) by pressing against the washstand; violent, with difficult vomiting of yellowish water, of oily smell and sweetish-bitter oily taste.

Vomiting; especially in women; then diarrhoea; of bile; of bitter mucus; of light and glairy matter; of much strongly- smelling fluid; of water, mucus and food, after eating. Violent vomiting; and copious; of matter containing steaks of a white, shiny, emulsion-like substance, mixed with clear glairy fluid; and frequent, sudden, of whitish-yellow, frothy liquid.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.