Homeopathy Remedy Cocculus

Cocculus homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cocculus …

      A tincture is made from the dried fruit of Anamirta Cocculus, W. and A.

General Action

      It produces violent convulsions and loss of control over muscles; excessive vertigo and nausea. paralysis of muscles.

Allies. Rhus-tox, Zincum met., Nux-v., Plumb., Phosphorus, Arg-nit.


      Starts easily. Inclination to tremble. Fell to the ground, trembled, vomited and became senseless. Convulsions; tetanic; in upper limbs, then general, with frothing at the mouth; tonic and clonic, with severe contortions and shocks of limbs and danger of suffocation, trismus, biting of the protruding tongue, bloody foam from mouth and nose at every expiration, tetanic stiffness of whole body alternating with convulsive shocks when the skin was pinched.

Epileptic attack, intoxicated feeling on sitting down, then staring without answering questions, then fell unconscious, bent himself together with unintelligible cries, passed urine involuntarily, general convulsions, the outstretched hands clenched, with paroxysmal choking in throat, mouth half open as if he would vomit, bubbling foam at the mouth, hands cold, face covered with cold sweat and spasmodically distorted, eyes glassy, protruding, then he stood up, but did not answer questions, showed his teeth and bellowed at those who spoke, endeavored to strike the bystanders, face expressed rage, then groaning and grunting, after recovery aversion to all nourishment. Twitching of various parts of muscles (Zincum met.). (<) lower limbs, as after a long walk. Haemorrhages (compare convulsions with Cicuta and Nux- v.).

Sticking in cold swollen glands, at least on touch, with heat; S. in parts previously inflamed, if touched with fingers; burning S. here and there. (Tearing in hard swollen glands.) Drawing pain in limbs and abdominal muscles, as from taking cold. paralytic drawing in side of neck and in other and in other places, at times almost like an intermittent paralytic pressure. Alternation of diarrhoea, vomiting, sopor and delirium.

Indolence; with taciturnity, also in morning after waking. Inclination to lie down. Avoids the open air. Restless. Want of vital energy. Weakness; general, several days at 9 A.M., with heaviness of limbs, so that she must sleep; from slightest exertion, with exhausting sweat; from slightest loss of sleep; when walking; (<) sitting; so that it is difficult to stand firmly (Rhus-t.). Faintness; on motion, with distortions of facial muscles. Hemiplegia on l. side. Immobility. Aggravation from cold air (Rhus-t.); from coffee (Nux-v.).; smoking tobacco (Nux-v.); drinking, eating, sleeping and speaking aggravate head symptoms.

Clinical General tendency to paralysis, heaviness and sluggishness of the whole body, numbness; sometimes trembling and jerking of various groups of muscles; at times unconquerable drowsiness. Spasmodic affections; epilepsy characterized by cold extremities and numbness; chorea, the patient is exhausted; hysteria, especially menstrual, complaints of numbness and weakness of the extremities; particularly useful in complaints resulting from loss of sleep. General hyperaesthesia of all senses, intolerance of the least excitement. Symptoms of emptiness and hollowness in thoracic or abdominal cavities are frequently associated with the symptoms of weakness of paralysis. General had effects of prolonged insomnia. Nervous exhaustion, with profound weakness of extremities, aching in thighs, falling asleep of limbs, weak, empty feeling in chest or abdomen.


      Mania, irresistible inclination to sing and trala. Weeping. Despair. Sad; as if he had suffered on insult. Sensitive; everything offends him (Nux-v.). Offended at trifles, often to weeping, with contraction of pupils, after weeping loss of appetite. Angry; and peevish, after a few hours lively and jocose. Dissatisfied with himself. Earnest, then breaking into complaints; earnest, little concerned as to his own health, anxious about others’ sickness. Dread of every surprise. Fear. Hypochondriac, (<) afternoon. Anxiety; sudden; as if she had committed a crime; in morning, about the incurability sleep. Discouraged. Intolerance of interruption or noise. No desire to do anything and pleasure in nothing. Time passes too rapidly. Memory lost (Anacardium). Sits in deep thought. Stupidly dumb. Stupefied; when awake, as from asleep. Unconscious.

Clinical It is especially adapted to cases which present a mental condition of stupidity, slow of comprehension or cannot think of words with which to express themselves, the mind feels benumbed, especially with vertigo, nausea, etc. mental derangements resulting from suppression of menses. Melancholy, is wrapped in profound sadness, with apprehension, desire to escape, etc.


      Convulsive trembling (Cicuta-v.). Aching, with nausea; A. (<) cold air; as if bound up; as if brain were bound together by a band; brain feels as if rolled up or compressed into a smaller bulk (Rhus-t.). Pressure through whole, (<) forehead, in forenoon, (<) reading and reflecting, until there is loss of ideas; P. downward in whole, (<) forehead, (<) walking. Aching composed of constriction, burning, tearing, digging and boring. Much affected by thinking. Confusion, (<) eating and drinking; C. and stupefaction; C. in morning, with humming in it as after a debauch. Dullness; and confusion, (<) reading, so that he must read a passage several times in order to understand it; with cold sweat on forehead and hands and aversion to food. Heaviness; with confusion, as after intoxication; sensation as if something heavy were lying on it. (Painful shaking of brain when walking, moving head or speaking.) Vertigo; on rising up in bed (Bryonia, Phosphorus), with nausea, compelling him to lie down; as from intoxication, with Dullness in forehead as if a board were across forehead; when sitting, as from intoxication.

Forehead. Sticking above r. eye; intermittent boring S. in r. side. Headache as if the eyes would be torn out; aching as if something forcibly closed the eyes. Tearing throbbing pain from 7 to 9 P.M. Intermittent pain in l. eminence consisting of raging, throbbing, sticking, afterwards extending as a crawling to r. frontal eminence. Aching in sinciput. Compression in r. half; wavelike, in l. half.

Stitches in l. temple; crawling S. in temples. Cramplike pain in l. temporal muscle. pin in temples as if head were screwed in. Inward-pressure in l. temple; in r., as if a dull instrument slowly pressed deep into brain. Pain in vertex. Stitches in r. side of brain. Shuddering in l. side of occiput as if hair would stand on end.

Clinical Vertigo as if intoxicated is an almost constant concomitant of Cocculus symptoms, generally associated with a feeling of stupefaction of head and numbness and unsteadiness of extremities. Sick headaches, pain, especially seated in occiput, extending down spine, extremely sensitive to external impressions with constant nausea and vertigo (petrol.). Sick headaches, especially brought on by reading in cars and carriages (petrol., seasickness).


      Turned upward. Surrounded by blue rings. (Swelling of one and of half of nose in morning after headache through the night.) Stitches from within outward. Bruised pain at night, with inability to open lids (Rhus-t). Pain, with inability to open lids at night; P. as from dust. Pupils contracted; to their smallest diameter, then as the spasm abated dilated to their fullest extent, and again contracted; to their smallest diameter, then as the spasm abated dilated to their fullest extent, and again contracted as the spasm returned, the spasm produced by touching lids. Lids dry. Pressure in outer margin of orbit. Dim vision. dark spots and objects like flies float before the eyes. Vision of a black object that receded from her, turning with her, but she saw everything clearly.


      Sensation alternately in ears as if closed and deaf. (Heat in r. outer and middle, in morning in bed.) Sound of rushing water, with difficult hearing. Rushing as when listening at a tube. Cracking on forcible yawning. Hard hearing in r.


      Swelling of r. half. pain in anterior angle of nostril, (<) touch; in l. nostril as from an ulcer. Sneezing. Inability to sneeze when walking in open air. Coryza. (Blows bloody mucus from nose.)


      Earthy, and painful expression. Red cheeks in a cold room, with heat in face. Cyanosis. Expression rigid and irritable. Cramp in malar-bone, in masseter muscles. Cramplike pain in masseter muscles, (<) opening jaws. Pressive sensation in l. malar-bone, rather benumbing than painful. Tearing digging in lower jaw.

Clinical Paralysis of facial nerve, involving the lids of one eye and side of face (Causticum, Rhus-t).


      Incisors seemed raised up and heavy as if they would fall out. A decayed, loose tooth feels elongated and the gum about it is swollen. Pain in hollow tooth only on chewing, as if loose, no pain on biting teeth together when not eating. Biting in back teeth as after using much salt, causing a pleasant sensation on biting together. (Gum sensitive and sore.) Tongue coated white, and dry at edges. Tongue dry, with a yellowish coat, without thirst. Pain posteriorly in tongue as if beaten if he protrudes it far. Tongue rough in morning.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.