Homeopathy Remedy Clematis

Urethra. Mucous discharge. Sticking; in orifice; in navicular fossa. Twinging in evening on standing, (>) sitting and at night in bed; in evening. Painful to touch. Constriction, micturition only in drops (Cantharis). Burning on urinating; B., (<) beginning to urinate, with biting and with sticking on urinating (Cannab.), and when not urinating irritation in forepart of penis; in navicular fossa (Petros.) in morning on urinating; anteriorly, then urging to urinate, with hot tickling in orifice, after micturition itching tickling, which after half an hour gave way to the former condition, to be renewed after micturition, thus alternating till 1 A.M. Burning pain in orifice on passing the last drops of urine. Coldness. Tickling; (<) navicular fossa. Itching in navicular fossa.

Urine. Copious; and red; and turbid; then diminished. Scanty; and dark red; and thickish, of peculiar odor; saturated, offensive. Hot; and saturated, smelling of violets. Red; dark. Odor like Russia leather. Milky, with floating flocks of mucus and thick froth. Deposit of many crystals of urate of soda.

Clinical Inflammation of the neck of the bladder, great pain on beginning to urinate, feeling as if the urethra were contracted, has to strain to pass a few drops, dribbling after micturition. Stricture.

Sexual Organs

      Pressing. Formication. Burning sticking in fraenum preputii after a warm bath, with soreness, and in orifice of urethra, with burning pain on urinating. Stitches at base of penis. Burning pain in penis on emission during coition. Burning, irritable sensation during emission. Erections frequent; strong E., with sticking in urethra; long-continued E., with aversion to coition. swelling of r. half of scrotum (Pulsatilla), which is thickened and hangs down with r. testicle. Scrotum drawn up. Scrotum, and itching.

Sensitiveness of r. spermatic cord, with drawing up of r. testicle. Pain in r. spermatic cord. Painful drawing in spermatic cord on urinating, extending into abdomen. Drawing pain in l. S. cord. Tension in r. S. cord.

Testicles. Swelling (Rhododendron, Pulsatilla), Hanging down, heavy, sensitive. Sensitive; in morning in, bed, and in spermatic cord; on walking, enlarged and hanging down, (<) l. Pinching, with pain on slightest touch (Spo.). Bruised pain on touch (Rhododendron), with drawing and tension in inguinal region, l. thigh and scrotum, in which there is pinching when touched and on walking. Drawing- upward pain, and in spermatic cords (Berberis). Pain in morning in bed, and in spermatic cords. pressure in r., then in both. Intermittent burrowing in r., then in both. Heaviness in l. at 11.A.M.

Excitement; when talking with women. Desire, more of a mental nature, without erections or emissions. Dread of desire, even during an erection, as if satisfied to excess. Emissions at night and during midday nap.

Menses profuse; and early; early, lasting two days, on second day about noon griping below umbilicus, then pasty stool and emission of much flatus, after two days return of menses.

Clinical Inflammation of testicles, pain greatly (<) at night by warmth of bed; with the swollen testicles there are numerous symptoms of distress in urinating; see above. Orchitis from suppressed gonorrhoea. Corrosive leucorrhoea and shooting pains in the breasts, (<) when urinating. Induration and tumors in mammary glands (scirrhus?), very painful to touch.

Respiratory Organs

      Tickling in larynx and irritation to cough. Dryness of trachea, (<) smoking, motion and in open air, with burning. Cough during the accustomed tobacco-smoking; violent C., with respiration sometimes rapid, sometimes slow; dry; rough, barking, leaving burning along inner surface of sternum and sticking in lungs; irritation to C.; irritable C., with scanty expectoration; with mucous expectoration. Expectoration frequent; mucous E. Inclination to sigh. Expiration weak. Breath almost arrested at 1 P.M. on slowly ascending a little hill, with heat in chest and sensation as if he would spit blood, which afterwards was only a white frothy saliva, the same next day after walking, over an uneven road.


      Hardened gland below nipple, painful on touch. Sticking stocks in l. chest and l. side of abdomen, so that he must cry out. Sticking in lungs; in r. chest during inspiration and expiration; (<) respiration; (<) inspiration; in r., (<) inspiration; in l. intercostal muscles, with cramplike sensation; sudden, in l., beneath ribs, so that he must hold his breath, bend to l. and press against the place. Sticking, jerking, contractive pinching in l. intercostal muscles at 7 P.M. tearing externally above heart. Drawing, tearing, prickling over l.

Pain in r. intercostal muscles; P. in chest not affected by breathing; in upper part of l. half on inspiration; in l. upper part, (<) inspiration, extending on deep breathing through whole l. side of chest to the scapula, preventing full inspiration and causing involuntary crying, the pain (<) violent motion upward or backward of l. arm, pressing l. scapula against anything, bending body to l. and walking in open air, (>) sitting quietly and breathing superficially. Tensive pain across, (<) at 10 P.M. to a cramplike pain. Constriction of C., with pains in lungs, making him uneasy. Oppression; in evening; with deep respiration; in praecordial region. heaviness. Sensitiveness of breasts; with sticking at times and on touch sensation as if they would suppurate, and sensation as if fuller and heavier. (Compare intercostal pains with Ranunculus).


      Sticking outward in praecordial region. Intermittent oppression now at base, now at apex, till 2 A.M. when he fell asleep exhausted. Palpitation preventing lying on l. side. Pulse rapid; and strong and full; and full and irregular; and small and soft.


      Tearing in nape, with drawing Drawing in side, with pain on touch and turning head or bending body backward, and below knee. Tension in glands and muscles. Sensitiveness of glands. Pain in glands (previously indurated).


      Bruised feeling, and in arms and thighs. Sticking behind and beneath tip of r. scapula, impeding respiration. Pain in l. scapula, (<) raising arm; between scapulae and in lower part of chest.

Lumbar Region – Sticking in r. when not breathing. Sticking constriction alternating with burning, itching drawing pain, and in shoulders and upper arms, more in bellies of muscles. Pain in l. kidney. Pressure, (<) stooping, with tension, and in kidneys; frequent P., extending higher. Drawing pain in vertebrae, extending around lower part of chest. Bruised pain, and in kidneys; above kidneys, extending to gluteals and thighs, (<) motion and touch, especially stooping. heaviness, with painful swelling of haemorrhoids. Painful weariness.


      Stretching even on rising. Sticking in palms and soles. tearing in l. arm and l. ankle; in bones of leg and in l. elbow. Boring in joints, with pain and weakness. Pain in joints of hands and feet; in joints, making motion difficult; rheumatic, in knees, ankles, elbows and wrists. Sensation in ankles, toes, knees, shoulders, elbows and upper arms as if twisted or drawn asunder. drawing and tension; in joints. Drawing in joints of hands and knees; in wrist and tarsal joints; tearing, in r. arm and knee, both ankles and r. toes. Sensitiveness of ankles and wrists. Weakness; (<) morning, (>) motion in open air, with bruised sensation. heaviness; during the day; in morning on waking; on waking and ascending stairs.

Upper Extremities

      Pain in r. axilla. Drawing pain from shoulder to elbow. Weariness in muscles of shoulders and upper arms, afterwards involving pectoral muscles. Bruised pain in arms; after eating. Heaviness of r. arm, with pressure through it. Twitching of r. upper arm. tearing in l. upper arm in evening. Burrowing in l. upper arm, (<) shoulder, hindering motion. Oppressive pain in upper arm.

Tensive sticking in elbows and wrists. Pain in bend of elbow on stretching out upper arm. Bruised pain on outer side of l. elbow, (<) pressure and motion. Pressure and boring in r. elbow and above and below it. Sudden sticking below l. elbow. Drawing stitches in l. forearm. tearing in l. forearm. Pressure in r. forearm. Drawing pain on r. side of forearm, extending from elbow downward, with impeded motion. Drawing sticking in wrist on walking in open air. Rheumatic pains in metacarpal bones and fingers. Hands feel too thick, dry and hot. Sticking in joints of r. thumb. tearing in r. finger-joints, (<) sudden or rapid motion. Drawing tearing in r. thumb.

Lower Extremities

      Drawing downward towards soles. heaviness even in bed; H. in evening after waking, with weakness in them. Tearing in r. thigh when sitting and lying; in hip-joint, with sticking; intermittent T. in l. hip-joint and in bones of small of back. Pain in hip; on anterior surface of thigh. Sticking drawing in r. hip; on anterior surface of thigh. Burning tensive pain posteriorly in thigh. Sticking drawing in r. hip-joint, extending into r. inguinal region. Drawing and tension in r. thigh, sometimes extending in painful jerks deep into penis. All muscles in gluteal region affected. Weariness of thighs and knees.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.