Homeopathy Remedy Cinnabaris

Cinnabaris homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Cinnabaris…

      The pure Mercuric sulphide (Cinnabar) is triturated for use.

General Action and Allies

      See Mercurius.


      Nervous thrill through the whole frame, (<) in joints. Excitement of nervous system. Sensation as before typhoid fever. Sensation of having taken cold. Discomfort after eating as if the body were distended, oppression across chest and abdomen. Restlessness. Weakness; in morning; in morning after restlessness sleep and many dreams; on going to bed, with confusion of mind; on any extraordinary mental or physical exertion, so that he must lie down, with palpitation, which was (<) lying on l. side or with head low, pain in head from front to back and down spinal cord to below scapulae, if the exertion was continued there followed nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea and pain in r. hypochondrium. Heaviness, with sleepiness during the day. Aggravation in forenoon; evening; of pains and fever in evening and cold; at night in bed, of all symptoms except sweat. Amelioration in afternoon and evening; in open air and after dinner; after eating and sleep; of pains generally by continuous rest, warm bathing, galvanism and heat.


      Illusion, he considers himself well. Sense of elevation on walking in open air. Exhilaration, with fulness extending form all sides of chest towards stomach and heart, with or followed by similar sensations in all joints. Cross and sullen in afternoon. Dissatisfied with himself; and every one else. Irritable; about noon, and nervous. Troubled by every noise. Nervous, uneasy, desirous of improving spiritually, but disconsolate. Melancholy, cynical. Indisposed to mental labor. Difficult to fix the attention, (>) in open air.


      Occasional darting inwardly through; from out in from and front to back. Aching; (<) sleep, in eyes; (>) external pressure; deep in centre; stupefying, (<) thinking, reading and pressure. Fulness; in forenoon; (>) open air, with pressure as after taking cold, and pain in region of benevolence; with heaviness and with strong pulsations in temporal arteries. Heaviness; and Dullness, can scarcely lift it from the pillow. Dullness in evening, (<) in forehead just over eyes. Weariness as from long mental application. Congested sensation, (<) in forehead. Sensation as of rush of blood; (<) morning, with vertigo and weakness. Vertigo, with lightness of head; V., on rising at 7 A.M., (>) breakfast, with pain in forehead and soreness in eyeballs.

Forehead. Shooting, with heaviness. Sharp pain (<) r. orbital region; in supraorbital region, shooting to ear and side of neck, (<) warm room and moving eyes and scalp. Aching; in sinciput; in organ of tune; region of causality; in morning after waking, (<) lying on l. side and back, (>) lying on or. side and pressing head into pillow, also (>) rising and washing, and in crown; in r. in afternoon, (<) evening; over eyes in afternoon, (<) evening and on motion; all night; with coldness of it, (>) warm hand; heavy; throbbing, on waking, (>) pressing head on pillow. Fulness and pressure.

Temples. Shooting in upper part of l., along ridge, in evening; flashes of pain backward in r. (organ of mirthfulness). Pain in r. Fulness and weight across, (<) motion, with sometimes throbbing over r. temple. Beating burning. Throbbing.

Vertex. Sore pain at 9 A.M., lasting all day, extending to organ of veneration, with sensitiveness to touch and sometimes throbbing. Drawing pain extending to occiput, inclining to or., before going to bed.

Parietals. Sticking over secretive region, becoming a numb pain, extending to r. temple (time and locality), with warmth on r. side, pain extending from r. temple to l., across os frontis, mild in forehead, but violent in organs of time and locality, night and day and on rising in morning. Darting through sides and temples, near outer edge of r. orbit, more frequent on r. side, the pain going from temples to occiput. Pain in r. side; in l. side at 11.40 O’clock and in temple and supraorbital ridge. Throbbing pain in organ of conscientiousness in morning on waking, extending to forehead over eye.

Occiput. Shooting from l. side to forehead. Pain; in l. (organ of amativeness). Fulness after rising, (>) at noon, with pressure, and in nape. Rush of blood, with itching and heat extending to ears, and behind l. ear three hard lumps.

Scalp. Protrusion only during the day. Sore to touch. Skull sensitive to touch, even the hairs pain.


      Surrounded by livid circles. Red, painful, feeling as of sand in them, conjunctiva of lower lid injected and covered with small granulations. (Inflammation of r., itching, pressure and sticking in inner canthus and in lower lid. lachrymation on looking at anything, with fluent coryza.) Sensation as if something were in them. Numb pressing pain. Aching soreness, (<) evening. Sensitiveness to cold open air. Sensation of a cold breeze in afternoon when sitting in the house. Weak, about noon and sleepy; weak sensation in l. Watery sensation in l. Lachrymation; and Dullness, with sticking in l. inner canthus as from a sharp stick in lower lid.

Lids. Sticking about punctum lachrymale, next day a transparent vesicle, sore to touch, on inner edge of lid near where the pain had been. Shooting in r. inner canthus, with burning itching. Pain from r. lachrymal duct around eye to temple; from l. inner canthus across brows. Drawing from r. inner canthus across malar- bone to ear. Puffed feeling on looking up to the wall, as if muscles were too short. Itching; of inner canthus; outer canthus from 9 to 12 O’clock, with stiffness of upper lids; inner and outer canthi, with sticking.

Clinical Inflammatory affection of the eyes, blepharitis, kerato-iritis, ulcers of the cornea, etc., inflammations mostly superficial or characterized by severe pain in the bones of the orbit, especially by a pain running from the inner to the outer canthus, in the bone.


      Aching; in l. meatus, with fulness. Soreness from r. into middle of posterior cervical region, as if glands were affected, (<) evening. Sensation as of a foreign body; of water in l. Noises after eating. Roaring after dinner and in evening before sleep, causing vertigo. Rushing sound and deafness.


      Itching pimples at r. nostril and dark blood from nose after blowing. Sensation on bridge as if touched with a metal. Uneasy creeping and pressive sensation about ossa nasi, as from heavy spectacles (compare Kali-bi.). Epistaxis. Coryza. Discharge of much mucus (Mercurius); flow of mucus from r. nostril. Symptoms of a cold, with much mucus in dirty yellow lumps from posterior nares and lameness in thighs.

Clinical Nasal catarrh, subacute and chronic, with pain about the root of the nose, extending into the bones on each side.


      Flushing of l. cheek. Pain in l. side and in teeth, sores on inside of lower lip; towards the l.


      Aching soreness of teeth. Pain in r. molar. Tongue white; white fur; white fur in morning; sore spot on tip; sore on r. side of tip, and one on each lip; soreness on l. side of root on swallowing, with roughness and stiffness through the night; itching spot on l. side. Pricking in mouth and fauces. Mouth and throat dry, must rinse the mouth every time he wakes; with heat in them and sticking posteriorly under tongue. Peculiar drawing in M. after rising till breakfast. Constrictive burning in palate. Sore; on roof; soreness of roof. Salivation. Great fetor. Taste metallic after tea; M. from 8 A.M. till 2 P.M., modified by continual tendency to hawk and spit, with salivation and much mucus; bitter M.; T. as of tobacco, coffee; T. bad, with mucus in mouth and ptyalism.


      Sore. Contractive pain on swallowing saliva. Dry at 8 A.M., on waking.

Clinical Angina faucium, with accumulation of stringy mucus passing through posterior nares into throat (nitricum acidum, etc.).


      Appetite great; capricious; impaired in morning; lost; aversion to food. Thirst; on waking at 8 A.M. Empty eructation. Nausea; with uneasiness in stomach; with occasional throbbing in l. hypochondrium; with bitter and sour vomiting. The mucus thrown up tastes like old tallow mixed with coffee. Soreness, with tightness in temples. Tenderness of epigastric region. Emptiness two hours after a hearty breakfast. Heat rising into throat and head at night in bed., (>) sitting up. Sensation as if secretions were flowing from S. and from all mucus surfaces, as well as from salivary glands.


      Distention; with desire to have everything loose about it. rumbling, with pain passing from epigastric to public region. Intermittent shooting. griping; (>) two soft stools. Pain; before stool. Soreness. Uneasy, indescribable feeling. Sensation in evening as before diarrhoea. Flashes of heat, with flatulence.

Hypochondrium. Swelling of r., with heat in it. Pain; in r.; sharp P. in from of l., (<) moving and in open air, soon extending round lower border of ribs behind, and to l. kidney, where it is dull and oppressive, soon afterwards in front of r. H.,, extending round to back and r. kidney, where it is dull, then the dull pain is felt alternately in each kidney, the pain in hypochondria (>) bending forward. Burning pain in liver and soreness, with at times suppression of bile; B. pain in r. lobe of liver, with soreness and heaviness there. Throbbing; in region of spleen.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.