Homeopathy Remedy Chlorum

Chlorum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Chlorum …

      A solution, freshly prepare, of Chlorine Gas in cold water, is diluted for internal use.

General Action

      From the few observations hitherto made, it would seem that spasm of the glottis is the marked feature of the action of the drug on the organs of respiration. Compare Bromine; other symptoms may be compared with Iodine.


      Old appearance. Loss of fat. Quantity of chlorides in blood increased, while the carbonates and other salts lessened. Consumption. Sensation at 3 A.M., as before severe sickness. Inclination to lie down, during the headache. Disinclination to rise in morning, and ill humor. Restlessness. Nervous sensibility. Sensibility diminished. Exercise in open air agreed with him.


      Anxiety; he could not speak. Fear of becoming insane, with loss of memory, everything seems confused. Irritability; in morning. The difficulty in recalling names is worse, and of recollecting persons when he sees their names.


      Aching during coryza; A., (<) after dinner; threatened; in l. side before the shuddering, (<) after dinner, at 2 P.M., with necessity to lie down, (>) walking back and forth, a lighter attack next day at the same hour. Crawling shuddering at 11 A.M., (<) at the back, (<) sitting with the back to the sun, then fever. Disagreeable sensation when shuddering. Vertigo and stupefaction. Painful wearing sensation in vertex and down l. side, with inclination to lie down. Pressure in occipital protuberance, with burning.


      Protruding. Lachrymation; on waking; during coryza. Dim during fever. Fantastic images suddenly floated before the eyes and disappeared with lightning like rapidity.


      Ringing in r. (and Dullness in l., which had been deaf for forty years).


      Sticking. Burning pain, with tension and dryness, and in eyes. Eroded sensation in corners. Dryness; with irritation in windpipe to cough, and pressure on chest. Sneezing. Stoppage of l. nostril. Coryza in evening, next morning violent sneezing; C. in evening, (<) lying, sudden dropping of corrosive water, with lachrymation and dryness of tongue, palate and fauces, without thirst, but cold water is agreeable, with stoppage of nose while it flows; C., with headache and fever; with copious yellow discharge. Discharge of mucus; of corroding water; dropping of water from l. nostril; flow from r. nostril, his l. is always stopped. Smell lost.


      Pale, often greenish. Heightened color. Bloated.


      Sensation of fulness in teeth. Tongue dry and red. Articulation difficult. Increased vascularity and minute ulcerations in mouth and throat. Mouth, fauces and oesophagus sore, as if the tongue had been burnt, as if he had eaten vegetable acids, or as if his teeth had been injured by acids. Much mucus. Dryness. Salivation. Saliva altered in quantity and character; acid. Taste febrile in morning, (>) rinsing mouth; not good to tobacco, smoking bites the tongue and causes dryness in mouth.


      Choking sensation. Soreness from uvula to bronchi; S., and in chest, with hoarseness. Inability to swallow.


      Appetite less evenings. Desire for wine increased. Nausea. Vomiting. Acidity. Inflammation. Warmth. Sensitiveness of epigastrium to pressure.

Abdomen and Stool

      Bile altered; increased. Colic. Weakness of abdomen mornings. Diarrhoea; in morning; twice in forenoon.

Urinary and Sexual Organs

      Frequent desire to urinate, but the urine is passed only in moderate quantities. Urine increased. Urine possesses bleaching properties; loses the power to redden litmus paper. Sudden impotence, even sexual aversion.

Respiratory Organs

      Spasms of glottis; of vocal cords. Irritation of epiglottis; of larynx and bronchi. Constriction, with suffocation. Inflammation, and of lungs; of bronchial mucous membrane. Bronchial catarrh. Warmth. Loss of voice; from damp air.

Clinical Some brilliant cures of laryngismus stridulous have been cured by the internal administration of a dilute solution of Chlorine Gas.

Cough; irritation to. Violent. Spasmodic. Paroxysms evenings as if he would have a a cough, as if the pharynx were raw or becoming so. Whistling – Wheezing. Dry, with at each cough soreness in a spot in region of r. bronchus. In exhausting fits, with expectoration. With spitting of blood. With expectoration of thick, white, frothy mucus. Constant, with sensation as if bronchi were filled with thick, tenacious mucus, no relief from expectoration, with sweat on forehead, it seemed as if the effort to raise the mucus would empty the stomach, yet no nausea is felt. Expectoration; of mucus.

Sudden dyspnoea from spasm of vocal cords, with staring eyes, blue face, cold sweat covering body, pulse small and soft, temperature sinking; D., with sensation of a band around lower third of chest. Suffocation; in paroxysms, often followed by catarrh; with violent cough, sensation of cramp in muscular fibres of bronchi, increased mucus, often with spitting of blood. Inspiration comparatively free but crowing, with obstructed expiration, livid face, convulsions of limbs and partial coma; inspiration unimpeded, but expiration impossible from closure of rima glottidis, inspiration crowing, the lungs becoming inflated to a painful degree, it seemed as if air might pass through walls of chest more readily than by larynx, face turgid and livid, partial coma; inspiration easy but insufficient, with prolonged, loud, whistling rales (a combination of many sounds), and each pulsation of heart gives a crescendo diminuendo effect to them; inspiration difficult and attended with rales. Whistling rales, which are quite loud on forced expiration. Anxious respiration. Respiration and heart’s action increased.


      Haemoptysis; and consumption. Pain. Contraction. Oppression, not (>) in open air; O. of lungs, (<) l. Affection of lungs, (<) r. Inflammation of lungs and air-passages. Sensation in lower and inner third of r. lung as if ruptured, a feeling as if the air escaped into the pleural cavity at each inspiration, at each inspiration a rale at the quasi-ruptured place. Soreness internally, (>) cough.


      Frequent. Diminished.

Neck and Spine

      Jerking of muscles, drawing head backward.


      Stiffness. Weakness of lower.


      Cutis anserina; and dry, yellow and shrivelled. Red and painful, becoming swollen and thickened as in facial erysipelas; with bruised sensation, then itching and desquamation. Accumulation of blood in capillaries, with heat. Determination of blood, with papillae close together, which suppurate and vesicate or desquamate, (<) on black, loins, breast, abdomen and arms. Tetters. Inflammation and ulceration. Desquamation. Urticaria febrilis. Nettlerash, white wheals in clusters, surrounded by diffuse redness. Minute vesicles all over skin, on the shoulders their bases nearly touch, then red and livid spots. Sensitiveness. Smarting. Sticking. Stinging, then symptoms as from cantharides, then soreness and bruised sensation, then itching and cuticle coming off in thick scales, as in psoriasis. Stinging as of nettles. Stinging as of insects, with sweat, rush of blood to skin, sometimes pimples or vesicles; intermittent S. as of insects here and there, on arm, back, abdomen and lower limbs. Itching; with increased sensibility.


      Late falling asleep after every excitement, the following days early sleepiness.


      Shivering; in evening in a warm room. Cold shudders over anterior surface of arms from 10 or 11 A.M. to 2 P.M., and over back and thighs, with dimness before eyes, then fever. Heat; when eating and afterwards, with irritability while drinking wine and coffee; of skin. Sweat; in sleep at night; critical.

Clinical In typhus the diluted Chlorine water has been given, especially when the tongue was extremely dry; it seems to relieve the profound prostration, the subsultus tendinum and extreme dryness of the tongue.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.