Homeopathy Remedy Carboneum Sulfuratum


      Distention; after eating; with soreness. Rumbling. Movements. Emission of flatus; when walking, with eructations; with itching in rectum; noisy; fetid. Increase of peristaltic motion. Flatulence. Stitches here and there. Tearing; here and there. Cutting in evening after salad, then urgent, knotty stool. Griping, (>) stool; G., with rumbling and rolling, as before diarrhoea; here and there, with emission of flatus. Flatulent twinges. Feeling as before diarrhoea; at 10 P.M.

Pain; at 4 A.M., with wandering swellings as from flatus, the pain increasing to sticking on inspiration, the pressure becoming seated in coecal region, the pain (<) turning from one side to the other or doubling up; on pressure; after eating; after dinner; before soft stool; before insufficient liquid stool; (>) stool; while sitting and writing, (>) open air, seeming to cause attacks of nausea; with diarrhoea; intermittent jerking, in muscles in afternoon. Soreness of walls (Sulphur). Constriction, with discharge of flatus upward and downward. Tension. Discomfort after coffee; D., with nausea in it, then soft fecal stool; paroxysmal, also after stool.

Discomfort in upper, with salivation and paroxysms of nausea. Griping in small intestines, with emission of flatus. Stitches in l. side; pinching S. in r. side.

Hypochondria – Sticking after long sitting; jerking, at 9 A.M. in r., then in l.; paroxysmal, in region of small lobe of liver before stool. Stitchlike jerkings in l. Paroxysmal cutting by r. false ribs at 6 A.M. Pain in region of l. lone of liver.

Umbilical Region – Stitches in r., extending into coecal region, in morning in bed, with emission of flatus; itching S. on r. side below navel, before a semifluid stool. Tearings from r. side to bladder, returning till dinner. Cuttings after dinner, with nausea. Griping, with urging to stool, then nausea and salivation. Pinching twinges in a spot to r. of navel.

Coecal Region – Jerking sticking; itching sticking; pinching sticking; pinching sticking in coecum after stool.

Hypogastrium – Sticking on pressure. Stitch like twinges in l. Cutting; after drinking coffee, then partly softish, partly crumbly stool. Pain as before diarrhoea, at 10 A.M. Acute pain in groin. Discomfort, (<) stooping or motion, with paroxysms of nausea.


      Stitches. Urging to stool; at 5.30 A.M. on waking, with copious, thin, yellowish stool, then burning at anus as from acridity (Sulphur); at 8 P.M., stool pappy, accompanied and followed by a feeling of weakness and tremulousness.


      Burning, with itching; in anterior commissure in afternoon after stool, with soreness to touch (Sulphur).


      Diarrhoea; after breakfast; frequent, with smarting in anus; sudden, after dinner, repeated twice in afternoon, with colic; fetid; fetid, alternating with constipation (Sulphur); slimy, in afternoon; semi-fluid; watery; of yellow, frothy, sour-smelling fluid nights, with pain in abdomen, especially in umbilical region, with retraction of umbilicus and tenesmus; profuse. Pappy; with discharge of blood; and involuntary in afternoon during micturition; in part, crumbly in part, then soon a fluid one. Stool with mucus and discharge of cherry-red blood (with the headache).

Constipation; alternating with diarrhoea. Dry. Solid at first, then liquid, with burning in anus, then pasty, with burning in anus; S. at first, then soft, then rumbling as if another stool would occur. Scanty and pappy; S. and soft; and hard, with urging; in evening, small and even if fluid still difficult from inactivity of rectum. Frequent. No stool; for three days, then soft, with discharge of cherry-red blood.

Urinary Organs

      Sticking crampy pain in bladder and neck of bladder at midnight during micturition, after a glass of wine, extending into urethra, with similar pain in anus and rectum. Urging to urinate; with emission of two or three drops at a time, also with burning in urethra and tenesmus of neck of bladder. Sudden desire to urinate arising from fossa navicularis, without real urging or necessity to urinate. Inability to retain urine any length of time, passed with pain and difficulty; inability to retain urine above an hour, micturition often attended by scalding and followed by a discharge that stained the linen. Micturition involuntary (Arsenicum). Painful and slow micturition; P., with burning pain (Arsenicum); with tenesmus and frequent desire to urinate, and bloody urine (Arsenicum).

Urethra – Cutting during micturition. Smarting during micturition. Burning during micturition (Arsenicum). Irritation of mucous membrane. Tickling in forepart, with sensation as if something would run out

Urine – Increased. Highly colored. Red, containing abundance of carbonate and phosphate of lime. Albuminous, red and turbid (Arsenicum, Phosphorus, Plumb., etc.). Turbid; and pale. Smelling of sulphur. Increase of carbonates and sulphates.

Sexual Organs

      Relaxed. Chilled. Stitches in l. spermatic cord in evening. Sticking-burning pain in spermatic cord, running deep into abdomen; evening in bed. Shrivelled penis. Erections, with nightly emissions; difficult erections; violent erections, with burning in urethra. Shrunken and painful scrotum. Itching on scrotum. Testicles small; with diminished sensation on pressure. Swelling of l. testicle and epididymis; of l. testicle, with hardness and pain. Jerking sticking in l. testicle. Uneasiness in tumor testiculi. Impotency; with atrophied testicles.

Excitement; with loss of power; with rare erections, coition too long, ejaculation short and incomplete; with constant fatiguing erections, speedily changing to impotency (Pic-ac.). Desire increased (in both sexes); increased, then diminished till lost, at times an incomplete erection resulted in indefinite coition without emission, or at times difficult but profuse ejaculation. Loss of desire; and of power (Phosphorus). Emission copious; at night (Phosphorus).

Miscarriage. Uterine catarrh. Ovaries almost obliterated. Menstruation too early; profuse M.; irregular M. Sexual sensation disappeared (in a woman).

Respiratory Organs

      Irritability of larynx. Heat of larynx. Hoarseness; at noon, as from catarrh; with irritation to hawk, especially on posterior wall of larynx, seldom provoking cough. Voice feeble. Voice altered in tone. Voice deep bass.

Cough; from scraping in throat; caused by heart-burn; tormenting, with irritation in bronchi. Dry C.; and hard, after lying down, from tickling in posterior part of palate; convulsive, at 10.30 P.M. on lying down, from tickling as if snuff had lodged upon uvula, straining chest and making it sore. Inclination to C.; arising from bifurcation of bronchi.

Respiration – Rattling (after respiration). Difficult on ascending stairs. Oppressed after much exercise; O., with pressure on sternum (Phosphorus). Gets out of breath easily. Accelerated. Expiration prolonged; over posterior part of lungs. Inspiration deep and slow. Almost stertorous.


      Emphysema of lungs. Congestion of upper lobes of lungs (Arsenicum, Iodium). Stitches, and below l. short ribs; near l. side of sternum after coffee; under middle of sternum, extending upward like lightning; periodical, in l. half; paroxysmal, in region of last r. ribs at 5 P.M.; jerking, in lower r. side; itching, in r. nipple. Aching in r. side; tensive A. in chest, stomach and abdomen. Pressure under sternum. Oppression; (<) impure air and unventilated room, when it is associated with anxiety. Fulness and oppression of breathing seem to arise from anterior part of r. side of diaphragm. Constriction, as if expiration were impeded, (>) deep respirations in open air. Sensitiveness of anterior wall in evening, when sneezing. Warmth. Periodical burning in l. half beneath sternum. Symptoms, (<) ascending steps.


      Anaemic murmur. Murmur of first sound extended along the great vessels. With the first sound there was a prolonged murmur, which extended along vessels of neck. Accelerated action. Palpitation (Arsenicum).


      Rapid; and hard; and weak. Slow. Feeble, compressible.


      Peculiar venous murmur in vessels. Intermittent bruit de souffle in vessels. Itching sticking in r. sterno-cleido-mastoid. Drawing pain in r. sterno-cleido-mastoid. Pain in nape, with tension, then anthrax, which was arrested by crucial incision, then profuse suppuration, then cure of the paralysis and general condition. Stiffness; (<) turning to the left; of nape.


      Pain. Feeling at noon while walking as if a weight were lying across shoulders, weighing him down, so that his head sank forward.

Lumbar Region – Jerking stitches in r. at 7 P.M. Tearing, with pressure. Pain; (>) morning; in morning on waking, and in sacrum; in kidneys; over base of sacrum; in r. tuber ischii in afternoon when riding, and in flexor side of foot; obliging him to lie down; haemorrhoidal; dislocated, in r. at 10 P.M. Drawing in afternoon. Tension, (<) ascending steps, with occasional jerks extending towards hip-joints.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.