Homeopathy Remedy Carboneum Sulfuratum

Carboneum Sulfuratum homeopathy drug symptoms from Handbook of Materia Medica and Homeopathic Therapeutics by T.F. Allen, of the homeopathic remedy Carboneum Sulfuratum…

      The pure bi-sulphide of Carbon is dissolved in Alcohol (1 to 99).

General Action

      It produces paralysis, with symptoms of intense congestion of nerve centres. Cerebral excitement followed by depression. General hyperaesthesia, then anaesthesia, etc. (Abdominal symptoms of Sulphur).

Allies. Plumb., all the Carbons, Phosphorus, Arsenicum, Absinth., Gelsemium, Rhus-t., Carbol-ac, etc.


      Emaciation, (<) arms and legs. Awkwardness. Falling; with loss of consciousness. Epileptic attack, then paralysis of limbs. Twitching of muscles. Cramp in muscles. Trembling. Muscular contraction inefficient and tremulous, the fingers could not be closed forcibly, and on extending arm there was trembling of muscular fibres (all the Carbons). Nervous attacks analogous to hysteria, with convulsions of face and involuntary laughter.

Sticking or itching pains in various parts. Itching sticking in various parts all the forenoon; in various parts, especially in tuber ischii and at point of insertion of gracillis and sartorius at knee. Jerking stitches in various parts at 10.30 P.M.; in various parts, especially in muscles of r. eye; peculiar jerking S. at times till after dinner, now in hollow of r. knee, now in abdomen towards spermatic cord. General pains, especially acute in knees. Fulgurating pains and sensations as of girdles about limbs and body. Jerking pain, now in forehead, now in joints of feet, now in joints of arms. Erratic pains. Rheumatic pains in all parts especially in muscles of fingers and toes and in l. hand; in l. upper arm, occiput and nape; wandering. Biting, as of leeches.

Symptoms of cerebral congestion, motor troubles, hyperaesthesia of skin, with finally complete paraplegia, the powers of coordination being almost absent while the perversion of sensibility reached a remarkable degree, the sexual apparatus lost its functional activity (Phosphorus), with darting pains in almost all regions, but chiefly in cardiac zone, where mitral insufficiency was found. Indisposition in evening on going to bed, with discharge of warm flatus. General sick feeling all the afternoon, with nausea, colic, aversion to beer, etc. Wretchedness (>) the gas of the factory. She seemed to herself as if swollen over her whole body (Rhus-t.). Throbbing and trembling after disappearance of anaesthesia. Excitement of whole body. Restlessness (Rhus-t.). Hyperaesthesia.

Weakness; in morning, also on waking; on slightest exertion; especially in back, loins and joints of feet, with bruised sensation; muscular, with in coordination of movement, like motor ataxia. Sinking on her knees if raised from bed and gradually sliding to the ground. Relaxation of muscles. Faintness; then inability to walk or remember anything of her condition, was confused, even demented, on attempting to speak she stuck out her tongue like a child, stretched the lower jaw far forward and gnashed it against the upper one and stared at her hands and fingers with a vacant look. Partial syncope, with convulsive movements of limbs (Absinth.).

Rigidity of muscles. Anaesthesia of various parts of skin (Absinth., all Carbons, Plumb.) and of mucous membrane of mouth, eyes, ears and nose. Paralysis; progressive multiple neuritis, most resembling that of alcohol, without the hyperaesthesia of alcohol. Loss of motion and sensibility of whole r. side (Plumb.). Hemiplegia, sensibility of r. side very slight (Arsenicum, Phosphorus), muscular contractility lost, but contraction, especially of arm, with pain on attempting to extend it. Paraplegia, so that the limbs could not support the body (Arsenicum). Skin, patellar and other tendon reflexes could not be elicited, could not rise from a chair without the aid of his arms, could not rise to his legs from the floor, the steps were very short, the sole brought flat to the ground while the knee, after giving way slightly, was extended, with a jerk before each step, hands very weak, (<) r., could not place his hand behind his head or shave himself, on raising a tumbler of water much fibrillary tremor of muscles of forearm, but the vessel was carried up steadily, although the hand was unsteady in the descent. Senses blunted. Aggravation from tobacco; from wine and beer (Nux-v.).


      Delirium; with incoherent talking (Hyosc.). Raging (in a child), with attempts to bite his father; jumped from the window and hid under shavings. Imagination that he is surrounded by enemies at night, heard imaginary voices and saw strange objects (Stramonium). Excitement; at night; so that he was put in a strait-jacket. Depressing and disagreeable visions. Fancied that he was surrounded by cats. Hallucinations of vision and hearing, splendid spectacles of carriages, with magnificent objects, talking of the emperor, of money, of grandeur, often incoherently. Violence. Beating his wife. Anger. Revengefulness. Impatience. Intolerance of contradiction. Irritability. Screaming. Weeping mood. Sadness; with obstinacy; with preoccupation.

Changeable mood, sometimes extravagant gayety, sometimes unreasonable anger, smashing everything about him. Gayety; changing to sadness and indifference. Desire to laugh and prattle without cause. Loquacity (Hyosc.); with inability to think of the words he wants to use and with stammering. Lack of energy. Disinclination for all work, with sleepiness and pressure upon eyes. Listlessness, would not talk nor be talked to, at times nervous and easily agitated, at others half stupid, losing memory and thinking he was about to lose his reason.

Activity of mind. Peculiar idiocy and childishness (Carbons, Plumb.). Replied by monosyllables or signs with the hands, intellect impaired, he sought solitude, like a child was occupied by objects immediately about him, when not amused was inactive, seemed distrait. Inability to fix the attention. Distraction; when reading. Loss of all desire for study, with absurd reveries. Stupidity. Memory impaired; especially for recent events. Memory lost (Anacardium). Often at a loss for words. Frequently she did not know what to do with the things she held in her hands. Unconsciousness. Coma.


      Aching; beginning about 9 A.M., with confusion of head and difficulty of thought; in forenoon; all forenoon, especially in forehead and over eyes; after breakfast, with confusion; towards 10 P.M., when reading; (<) towards evening; (<) towards evening, with throbbing at temples; (>) afternoon, returning in evening; intermittent, and in frontal region. Throbbing pain all day, (<) moving head. Aching on brushing hair, as if sore, especially on vertex. Constrictive aching. A. as from a tight cap (Gelsem.). Sensation as from an iron band. Compressible. A., especially in root of nose and in temples, with stiffness of neck, coldness of neck, especially over posterior part, pain on turning head, vertigo, with the pain in neck.

Confusion; (>) noon, by sweat from constant walking, with pain, as in catarrhal-rheumatic headaches; with stitches here and there in forehead and intermittent jerking pain in it; as from spirituous drinks. Heaviness. Vertigo; in afternoon while sitting; in attacks while sitting; with partial loss of consciousness; with loss of smell, vision affected so that objects appeared larger than they were. So that he could not stand.

Forehead – Stitches here and there, sometimes with twitching pain. Tearing, extending to temples, (>) afternoon. Digging. Aching; in a spot, and between eyes; on waking; (<) evening, with vertigo and ringing in ears; (<) reading and stooping; with heat; in sinciput; in eminence, extending to l. temple, with tearings in that direction; soon extending to l. parietal bone; from root of nose round head to occipital protuberance. Intermittent, extending towards eyes; intermittent, (<) evening, with vertigo and ringing in ears; flitting, gradually extending to l. temple. Ulcerative pain; with burning in eyes. Confused aching; with nausea. Drawing pain, extending to temples, (>) open air and during rest, with tearing. Tensive pain at 10 P.M.; T. pain, with eructations. Pressure, with sleepiness, and in temples; P. extending to orbits and temples. Confusion; with constriction in cerebral hemisphere. Vertigo; in sinciput, even to falling forward (Petrol.).

Temples – Stitches in l., extending to occiput. Tearing; in l.; in r. when stooping. Aching; (<) r. Drawing pain; in l. Reading pain in afternoon, (<) shaking head or stepping hard. Pulsating pain (migraine) at 6 A.M. on waking, so that he could not lie quietly, (>) breakfast at 7.30 A.M. Compressing pain; and in occiput; from one to the other, with vertigo and agitation; through T., (<) walking, so that each step caused a painful shock in head. Pressure; at insertion of muscles; inward, afterwards extending to vertex.

Pain in vertex. Semilateral headache, returned when walking, with Dullness and confusion of head; pain in r. side. Pain in r. parietal bone as if pressed by a hard body. Fulness in occiput in evening and night, with a humming noise there. Pimples on scalp, painful to touch. Itching of scalp.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.