Homeopathy Remedy Carbo animalis

Sexual Organs

      Relaxation and weak feeling. Itching. Lack of the usual morning erection. Sticking on both sides of scrotum. Desire wanting, even on provocation. Emissions at 4 P.M.; E., with voluptuous dream, without erection; frequent; frequent at night.

Tearing from pudenda into abdomen, with stool. Leucorrhoea; coloring the linen yellow; watery, when standing and walking. Menses profuse. Menses scanty the first day, more copious than usual the second, the blood dark. M. too early, preceded by headache; too early, with pain in sacrum and groins. M. shorter than usual and late. M. lasting longer than usual and flowing only in the morning.

Clinical Chronic metritis, with induration of the neck of the uterus. True scirrhus of the uterus; painful induration in the mammary gland, with stinging pain. Induration of r. ovary, which feels like a heavy ball. Sometimes indicated in disorders following suppression of the menses with feeling of goneness, desire to be alone, etc. (compare Sepia). The pains in the sexual organs are generally burning or sometimes tearing, with heaviness and pressure. Sometimes indicated in syphilis, with copper-colored eruptions or with buboes, which have a blue look (Tarent. cub.). Old buboes which will not heal, but which secrete an offensive ichor. Scirrhus nodule in mammary gland, skin looks bluish and mottled, axillary glands involved, with burning, drawing pains.

Respiratory Organs

      Pain as after much coughing. Tickling in trachea, (>) after eating, with cough. Hoarseness in morning after rising, with rawness and dry cough; H. (<) evening; during the day, then loss of voice at night, awoke with coldness, swelling of pit of stomach, violent cough, difficult expiration, anxious sweat and inability to get her breath.

Cough, which impedes the breath. Suffocative, in evening after going to sleep. Rough, with pain in throat as if sore. Tickling; with constriction of larynx and chest. Hacking, in evening, (<) in bed; from tickling in larynx. Dry, day and night; in morning in rising and nearly all day, shaking abdomen as if everything would fall out, she is obliged to hold the bowels with the hands and sit down, loose rales in chest until something is coughed up; in evening, from tickling in larynx; only at night when lying on r. side. Cough in morning from dryness of throat, (>) expectoration of mucus. The former dry C. becomes loose. C., with expectoration; purulent expectoration. Cough arising from a small spot in r. side of chest, with greenish, purulent expectoration. Greenish, purulent expectoration after dry cough. Thick, greenish, purulent expectoration from a vomica which formed in r. thorax. Whitish yellow mucous expectoration.

Fear of suffocating in evening while lying with closed eyes, (>) sitting up and opening eyes, it prevented sleep all night, with mucus in throat. Dyspnoea after eating. Breath seems arrested in chest. Catching of breath on inspiration, with oppression of chest.


      Rattling in evening in bed, with piping. Trembling, like a crying. Stitches in side from coughing; S. in r. cavity; in r. lower, extending into axilla; under l. ribs; in upper part of l. side and sometimes in r. side; in morning, now in lower portion of l. chest, now in r. shoulder-joint, now in r. flank, (<) dry cough, with oppression of breathing lower portion of female breast, (<) pressure, arresting breath; below r. breast, so that she could not sit still, when sitting and writing, (>) after rising; in r. side; in morning, now in lower portion of l. chest, now in r. shoulder-joint, now in r. flank, (<) dry cough, with oppression of breathing; in lower portion of female breast, (<) pressure, arresting breath; below r. breast, so that she could

not sit still, when sitting and writing, (>) after rising; in r. side on every breath, as from something sore there; (burning) in l. side, even when sitting; in sternum as with knives, (<) motion.

Digging-pinching in upper part, with tension. Pain in side ceases after a dry cough. Pain as if it would burst, with sore pain in it. Painful twisting in and beneath it. Anxiety in morning; A. after eating. Oppression in middle; with oppression of breathing. Compression in morning when sitting, with arrest of breathing. Constriction; in morning in bed, with suffocation, she thought she would die, with stitches in heart on speaking and sensation on moving arm as if heart and chest would be torn to pieces; with feeling as if whole chest were oppressed or over- fatigued; sudden on deep breathing. Burning, with pressive pain; B. especially r. side. Cold feeling. Speedy fatigue while eating, and of organs of mastication.

Clinical Pneumonia in a late stage, with ulceration of the lung, suffocating, hoarse cough, the expectoration purulent, extremely offensive (Cap.) and feeling of coldness in chest.


      Pressure almost like pinching. Palpitation in morning on waking and necessity to lie still without opening eyes and without speaking; P. in evening without anxiety; after eating; when singing in church; and every beat of the heart is felt in the head.


      Cervical glands swollen. Stiffness; of l. side. Tension. Feeling as if skin were raised in a spot.


      Anxiety and uneasiness after eating. Pain on l. side nights so that she cannot lie on it. Stitches between scapulae. Sprained pain between scapulae, and in forepart of chest on moving arm. Painful tension between S., (>) rubbing. Sticking tension in r. S. Stitch in sacrum. Pain in sacrum during stool, with distention of abdomen extending into chest. Pain in lower part. Pain as from an ulcer skin, on lowest end of spine, (<) sitting and lying.

Stitches just above loins on deep breathing; in loins, extending into thigh, with every breath; alternating S. above r. hip. Sticking-picking in region of kidneys. Pain in loins; on rising after sitting sometime; in region of kidneys when walking; in loins when sitting, as before menses. Drawing pain in loins when walking, standing and lying, and feeling as if broken. Drawing across loins, (<) every step. Stiffness of loins. Jerks in coccyx towards bladder, compelling her to urinate. Dragging bruised pain in coccyx. Pain in coccyx, on touch it became a burning.

Clinical The pain in the coccyx has led to the successful employment of this drug for injuries of the coccyx and for neuralgia of the coccyx.


      Cracking of joints. Internal trembling on going to sleep in evening, with twitching of knees, legs and feet and necessity to draw them up. Joints are easily sprained. Joints feel broken. Pinching pain here and there. Pain in joints at night; in ligaments of elbows and knees when lying. Bruised pain, (<) motion. Tearing-drawing pain in fingers and toes. Pain as from pressure of a finger on arms and limbs. Numb sensation, especially also in head. Heaviness; in morning of legs and arms, with trembling. Stiffness after sitting. Frequent sensation in arms and feet as if they would go to sleep. Arm goes to sleep when resting upon it and the leg when riding it over other; now r. arm goes to sleep in evening in bed, and now r. foot.

Upper Extremities

      Tearing in shoulder, (>) motion and rubbing. Shoulders are heavy and tired. Shoulders and chest seem oppressed and loaded on walking. Tearing in r. upper arm on raising arm; in middle of r. upper arm after midnight when lying on that side, preventing sleep; in r. humerus towards elbow. Burrowing in arms, extending down bones, (>) lying on arm and hands.

Drawing-sticking in tip of elbow, the skin is painful as if sore on slight touch, but not when grasped tightly. Burning and twinging pain in r. elbow in evening. Sticking below bend of l. elbow, extending to palm. Burning in l. forearm, sometimes extending into shoulder, with stinging, only transiently (>) rubbing. Boring in condyles of wrists. Sprained pain in wrist. Tensive pain in wrist on moving it.

Hand – Tearing. Stitches in l. palm and in ball of r. hand. Drawing stitches in outer margin, where the skin is painful on slight touch as if sore, but not on pinching. Numbness of l. in morning in bed, (>) rising. Falling asleep daily; falling asleep during rest. Chilblains on little finger. Stitches in fingers; in tips; in tip of index like the sting of a wasp. Tearing on back of fingers and in bones, (>) rubbing. The middle finger-joints pain on motion. Tension in first joint of middle F. on motion. Falling asleep of F., then of whole hand.

Lower Extremities

      Tottering, as if caused by some external power. Cramp in thighs and legs at night. Stitches in l. hip when sitting; burning, here and there in thighs and loins; tearing, in middle of r. thigh, on inner side, in evening when standing. Tearing below hips from morning till evening, (<) forenoon and when sitting; above knees, as if in bones, only transiently (>) rubbing; in outer side of thigh at night, (>) rising; in l. thigh, as if in marrow, while standing during menses, (>) sitting. Pinching in r. hip when walking. Boring in upper part of r. femur after a restless night, with drawing. Twitching pain in thighs. Drawing in muscles of thighs, with tearing. Weariness of thighs before and during menses.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.