Homeopathy Remedy Carbo animalis


      Yellow. Tearing in l. malar-bone, extending towards temples; in r. jaw, now upper now lower. Lips swollen and burning; corner of lip ulcerated, with burning pain; blisters on lips; cracks; bleeding of lips; dryness in morning, as from too great heat.


      Teeth. Looseness (Carbo-v.)., so that chewing the softest food was painful; L. (<) evening in bed, with tearing; of lower, with pain in gum. She frequently bites the inside of the mouth. Tearing, especially in hollow teeth, even at night, disturbing sleep. Griping in l., (<) open air. Throbbing from cold drinks, then looseness; T. (<) pressure, and in evening. Drawing, with flushes of heat in face; D. back and forth, even in incisors; in a l. lower back tooth as often as she woke at night; in l. back teeth, (<) afternoon; sudden and sticking pains in back T. while eating bread. Nerves sensitive to touch of crowns. A hollow tooth becomes sensitive and feels prominent, it pains on biting, and still more in the evening, in bed with salivation. Teeth too long and loose; r. upper Gums red, swollen and painful. Gums pale and painful as if suppurating.

Blisters on tongue, with pain as if burnt (Caps.); blisters on margin of T. Burning on tip of T., with rawness of mouth (Caps.); B. on side of tongue as if sore. Mouth swollen. Blisters in mouth, which cause burning. Mucus in M. in morning, (>) rising. M. and tongue seem immovable, with difficult drawing or very low speech. Dryness of M. and throat, without thirst. Flow of saliva during sleep. Frothy saliva. Breath offensive.

Taste. Bitter every morning, (>) rising; at times. Sour; bitter sour; slimy sour in morning after waking. Foul in morning; bitter foul. Nauseous in morning.


      Parotids swollen; r. Much mucus, with frequent hawking and raising. Feeling as of mucus in morning on waking, compelling hawking, (>) noon. Scraping-sticking. Pressure, with dryness of tongue; P. extending to stomach. Sore pain and burning like heart burn extending to stomach, (<) towards evening, night and morning, (>) rising, eating and drinking. Rawness almost every morning, (>) breakfast; extending to pit of stomach, not (<) swallowing, Scraping, with salivation. Burning (Caps.). Acidity, but not in month. Swallowing painful; as if a blister were in throat. Soreness when swallowing, with ulcerative pain. Rising into oesophagus and throat, with choking, pressure and rawness.


      Appetite increased. Hunger in morning two hours after a large dinner and again towards evening, then thirst; but he does not relish food. Longing for sour and refreshing things. Appetite for raw sauerkraut, no appetite for other things. Little A., but it returns while eating; soon disappears while eating. Aversion to food; to fat. Thirst even in morning; especially for cold water, with dryness and heat in throat. Aversion to cold drinks.

Eructations. Tasting of food eaten a long time previous. Empty, every time after eating; E., changing to hiccough. Hiccough-like, during dinner. Foul, almost constant; foul, fishy. Inclination to waterbrash at night, with nausea. Waterbrash, with salt water rising from stomach and running from mouth with retching and spasmodic sensation in jaws, then violent empty eructations, with cold feet, then hiccough.

Nausea in morning after rising, with heat, anxiety, eructations of sour water and weariness; N. from smoking tobacco and aversion to it; when he sits down after walking much; long- continued, after eating meat, with empty eructations. Gurgling; in morning on waking. Constrictive cramp. Fulness after eating a little, with good appetite. Stitches in r. side near pit, even on inspiration, (>) walking; tearing, from pit into chest, on rising after stooping. Boring as after fasting, extending to abdomen. Pressure in evening after lying down, (>) pressure on epigastric region; P. after lying down, (>) pressure on epigastric region; P. after eating; even when fasting; with heaviness, fulness and inclination to waterbrash; and in chest and sometimes in abdomen. Sudden pressive pain in pit on deep inspiration. Bruised feeling in pit, as after a violent cough. Heartburn.


      Distention; during menses; after a moderate dinner; with motions and passage of offensive flatus. Protrusion here and there, like a hernia. Rumbling; as from flatus which could find no outlet; in colon, rising to beneath stomach, then passing down again, with gurgling. Fermenting; and gurgling. Motions, with ineffectual urging to stool; M. of flatus, with sensation as if something as if something were moving, as if torn and bruised. Frequent passage of offensive flatus in forenoon; much offensive F. when walking after supper. Much trouble from flatulence (Carbo-v.).

Cutting in forenoon; from morning till noon, with frequent urging to stool and tenesmus, but emission of only flatus. Partly cutting, partly sticking. Griping after stool. G., with uneasiness. Pain as if ulcerating. Pain as before diarrhoea. Painful tension, with pain beneath ribs on touch as if suppurating. Constriction when fasting, with sensation of emptiness, though without hunger and without appetite. Heaviness like a lump, even when fasting. Qualmishness towards evening, with flushes of heat. Heat; when walking. Weakness of intestines after a stool, with pain as if they would be screwed together.

Pinching in r. side of upper when sitting, with stitches; sticking, in upper every morning, (<) in bed. Digging in upper, with twisting. Pressure in liver, even when lying. Pain in liver, almost like cutting, and soreness of region to touch. Boring in r. after eating. Aching in l. side. Stitching pinching above umbilicus and in pit of stomach every morning in bed, as from flatulence, (>) passage of flatus, of stool and of urine, though it also disappeared of itself and was less noticed when walking. Griping in umbilical region; with feeling as if stool would follow.

Hypogastrium. Rumbling and grumbling in r. after drinking warm milk, now in upper, now in lower part, with ineffectual effort to pass flatus. Tearing transversely across pubes and then through pudenda as far as anus. Cutting deep-seated; C. in r. flank, (>) walking and on deep breathing. Deep seated pinching constriction. Pain in r. as if something would be squeezed through. Pain as if sore from coughing. Bruised pain in crest of l. ilium, (<) evening, with pressure, so that she must bend double, and on external pressure pain as if ulcerated.

Groins.- Sticking; at night waking her; as from flatus, with a hard stool. Feeling after sitting down as if a large heavy body were lying there, (>) after pressure by passage of flatus. Dragging at times, like a burning in strangury. Pressing during menses, and in small of back and in thighs, with ineffectual attempts at eructations, chilliness and yawning. Tension and contraction, preventing stretching of legs.


      Large haemorrhoids appear, with burning pain. Haemorrhoids swell very much, with burning pain on walking. Cutting in haemorrhoids during stool. Protrusion, with pain on walking, on motion and on touch. Gurgling. Burning in evening. Scratching after a stool. Frequent but ineffectual urging to stool in lower part. Pressing as for stool, but only flatus passed and the pressure returned. Much urging to stool, which is passed with difficulty; and is hard and streaked with blood.


      Boil. Oozing of sticky odorless moisture. Sticking during stool; S., with soreness. Soreness in evening, with moisture in it. Painful contraction. Drawing, extending through pudenda before stool; cutting, extending through coccyx, between stools. Burning.


      Sticky odorless moisture, behind scrotum. Pinching-biting pain.


      After midnight. Liquid, followed by straining. Soft, preceded by dragging in pubis; S., green, preceded and accompanied by pains in abdomen; with mucus like coagulated albumen. Diarrhoea, with burning in anus, preceded by griping in abdomen.

Hard, then a soft one, with burning in anus; H., preceded by shivering in head as if dashed with cold water; first part hard and difficult, with feeling as if there were more which the rectum could not evacuate; and crumbling, in evening, difficult as from inactivity of abdominal muscles, with oppression of breath; and scanty, in small pieces. Scanty and delayed; S. and light-colored. Frequent, preceded by pain in abdomen. Passage of blood during stool. Portion of a tape-worm passed with a hard stool.

Urinary Organs

      Pain in bladder at night. Urging to urinate after stool (urine very red), then weariness and early sleepiness without ability to sleep, after lying down immediate jumping up, ringing in ears, feeling as if she would faint and a shaking chill; urging, and after urinating voluptuous tickling in urethra; sudden desire. Urine passes on slight pressure, almost against his will. The passage is much more forcible. The stream is interrupted. Frequent micturition; at night, with profuse urine. Burning in urethra while urinating; after urinating; burning sore pain in urethra while urinating (Caps.) Spasmodic pain along urethra, especially its posterior part, in morning on waking, after an emission. Urine profuse in morning after waking; P. after a night fever. Scanty U.; at night, and burning. Yellow U., with a speedy loose sediment. Turbid, orange-colored. Turbid when passed and soon depositing a turbid sediment.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.