Homeopathy Remedy Capsicum

Trembling on account of shivering. Shivering after every drink, with chilliness (Arsenicum, Veratrum, China, Asarum europaeum); S. over hairy part of head, then burning-itching on scalp, which was (>) by scratching, but returned with increased severity. Coldness of feet as far as ankles in morning. Shivering and coldness in back in evening, then sweat without heat or thirst. Sensation in thighs as if covered with cold sweat, when walking in open air (as if a cold wind blew against sweaty parts), but the thighs did not sweat.

Heat over whole body after pressure in stomach, with increased redness of face. Heat, with shivering and thirst; H. and sweat without thirst, then shivering at 6 P.M., with chattering of teeth, thirst, anxiety, uneasiness, loss of senses and intolerance of noise, next day at 7 P.M. similar shivering, with coldness and thirst. (Internal heat, with cold sweat on forehead). Heat of ears towards evening, with hot, red tip of nose; H. of hands, (<) morning on washing in cold water; of face, with redness of it and trembling of limbs; glowing hot cheeks two days at noon after eating, with coldness of hands and feet; (burning hands, feet and cheeks, the latter swollen). Burning on skin, with itching. Corrosive burning on tender portions (lips, mouth, nose, tip of nose, wings of nose, eyelids, etc.).

General sweat in morning. Sweat so acrid that it caused the hands of any person who touched the patient to burn and tingle. Sweat on forehead; under shoulders; cool, on hands.

Clinical Intermittent fever, chill begins in the back (Eup-purp.), (>) heat, thirst, but chill after drinking, with the chill excruciating pain in back and limbs, heat and sweat often commingled; generally less thirst during the fever and sweat than during the chill; the thirst begins even before the chill (Eup- per., China, Nat-mur.). In scarlet fever, with corrosive discharge from nose, great fetor of breath, general tendency to coldness. Sometimes indicated in typhoid fever. Occasionally in pyaemia, with high temperature and profuse sweat, easily chilled, (<) drinking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.