Homeopathy Remedy Capsicum

Rectum and Anus

      Tenesmus. Urging to stool after drinking, but only a little mucus passed. Feeling as if he would have diarrhoea as soon as he drank anything (Crot-tig.), but only a little passed every time. Urging, with pain in intestines and constipation. Haemorrhoids itching a times; blind, paining severely during stool. Discharge of blood. Burning in anus (Berberis, Sulphur, etc.); burning pain. Biting-stinging in anus, with diarrhoea- like stool. Itching in anus.

Clinical Haemorrhoids, with excessive burning as from pepper, throbbing, soreness, with drawing pain in back, etc. (AEscul.)


      Immediately after eating (at noon), with redness of cheeks. Small Small frequent passages, consisting of mucus, at times mingled with blood and causing tenesmus (Merc-c., Cantharis), preceded by flatulent colic in hypogastrium. Diarrhoea, then empty tenesmus; mucous D., with tenesmus. Small S., consisting of only mucus. Soft and glimmering, then burning in anus. Constipation, as form too much heat in abdomen.

Clinical Dysentery, stools bloody, tenacious, mucous with excessive burning and tenesmus, also associated, with tenesmus of the bladder (Cantharis and Merc-cor.); also particularly characterized by excessive thirst, with shivering from drinking (Arsen.) and by severe pain in back after the stool (Nux-vom.)

Urinary Organs

      Tenesmus, strangury, frequent, almost ineffectual urging to urinate (Merc-c., Cantharis). Pressure towards bladder while coughing and afterwards, with stitches extending outward in region of bladder. Frequent desire to urinate, (<) sitting not when walking. Intermittent spasmodic contraction of neck of bladder in morning in bed, (>) micturition, with cutting, without urging to urinate. Micturition difficult and in drops.

Urethra. Stitches after urinating; in forepart when not urinating; in orifice when not urinating. Cutting extending backward, when not urinating. Pain, (<) in forenoon; P. on touch. Burning-biting pain after urinating. Burning in orifice just before, during and after urinating (Cantharis). Gonorrhoea; a purulent discharge.

Urine copious, and she could not wholly control micturition. Scanty, light-colored U. Burning U. White sediment in urine.

Sexual Organs

      Pressure in glans, (<) morning and evening, with bruised sensation. Itching-stinging on glans, as from insects. Erections in morning in bed without sexual thoughts; E. in forenoon, afternoon and evening; violent, in morning on rising, only (>) cold water. Drawing pain in spermatic cord while urinating and afterwards, with pinching in testicle. Coldness of scrotum in morning on waking; C. of scrotum, with impotency (Agnus-c.). Loss of sensibility in testicles, with softening and dwindling, not noticed till reduced to the size of a bean, insensible, hard, drawn up close to abdominal ring and suspended by a shrivelled spermatic cord. Emission at night.

Clinical Gonorrhoea, with chordee, excessive burning (Cantharis), pain in prostate. Impotency, with coldness of scrotum, tendency to atrophy of testicles (Agn-cast.).

Respiratory Organs

      Hoarseness, Crawling in larynx and trachea in evening after lying down, with dry hacking cough. Tickling in trachea, causing violent sneezing. Mucus in upper part of trachea, expectorated from time to time by hawking and voluntary hacking cough. Cough, (<) 5 to 9 P.M.; (<) drinking coffee; painful; frequent, dry hacking; paroxysm about 5 P.M. causing nausea and vomiting. Cough expels an offensive breath form lungs. The exhalation from the lungs on coughing causes a strange offensive taste in mouth.

Asthma, fulness in chest. Dyspnoea; when walking; even during rest, with stiffness of back, which hurt when stooping, with deep sighing from time to time and dry cough; with redness of face, eructations and sensation as if chest were distended; which seems to rise from stomach. Only able to inspire with the body erect, orthopnoea. Frequent necessity to take deep inspirations, whereby all his troubles were relieved. A voluntary strong expiration. Breathing deep, almost sighing.

Clinical Violent cough, with feeling as if the chest would fly to pieces, pains shoot to all parts of body, cough explosive. Threatening gangrene of lung. The odor from coughing is putrid.


      Stitches between l. second and third ribs; between l. third and fourth ribs; between l. fifth and sixth ribs; in side of C. and back when coughing; between l. third and fourth ribs on inspiration; in side on breathing while walking, (>) sitting; in l., arresting breathing.

Drawing-tearing, extending from r. clavicle along arm to tips of fingers. Pain on ribs on inspiration, and on sternum; in side on which she lies; beneath r. arm, if he feels the spot or raises the arm; (in a spot in one rib, (<) touch); throbbing; drawing, in side on coughing, extending to throat; like a pressive on C., on deep breathing and on turning body.

Constriction, (<) slight motion, arresting breathing. Pain when sitting as if too full. Fulness after eating, with anxiety, then sour eructations or heartburn, at last thin stool.

Heart and Pulse

      Stitches in region of heart Pulse rapid.

Neck and Back

      Jerking-tearing in r. cervical glands. Jerking pain in nape. Stiffness of neck on motion; (>) motion. Weak sensation in neck, as if loaded. Drawing-tearing in and near spine. Sudden drawing sticking in middle of spine. Pain in back on stooping. Drawing pain in back. Pain in small of back, drawing-downward, when standing and moving, with bruised pain.


      Cracking and creaking in joints of knees and fingers. Convulsive jerks and twitches, now in thigh, now in forearm. Pain shoots into one or another limb when coughing and sneezing. Joints pain as if dislocated and feel swollen. Joints feel crushed in morning on rising, with a paralytic stiff pain on beginning to move, especially in knees and ankles, (>) continued motion. Joints become stiff after lying down, then crushed feeling in them on rising in morning, especially the lameness of knees and ankles (<) rest; stiffness of joints, (<) beginning to move, (>) continued motion, with pain in them and catarrh and tough mucus in trachea. Weariness, (<) rest and sitting; with heaviness, then trembling of upper limbs and knees, and the hands refused their services. when writing; as if bruised.

Upper Extremities

      Shoulders-joint pains as if dislocated. (Drawing paralytic pain above and below elbow.) Stitches in l. elbow, extending into hand, with flushes of heat, from which the arm felt as if asleep. Grumbling pain in l. forearm. Twitching pain in hollow of l. hand. Deep-seated stitches in ball of l. little finger. Contractive pain in l. index.

Lower Extremities

      Thigh. Drawing digging-sticking in middle of posterior surface of l., (>) motion. Sticking-tearing from hip-joints to feet, (<) coughing. Tearing on inner side of l. Drawing pain in hip-joint (pain like a stiff neck), (<) touch and bending trunk backward. Pain in muscles like a pressure and a sprain. Sprained pain in r., (<) stretching out thigh. Bruised pain in r., (>) walking, returning during rest. Deep, pressing-inward pain in side, on coughing, extending into knee.

Tensive pain in knee. Tension in calves when walking. Internal drawing-sticking in l. leg. (Paroxysmal bruised pain in bones of heels, at times becoming tearing.) Trembling weakness of feet. Stitches extending to tips of toes; S. in r. great toe, (>) stamping.


      Red points on face, and on forehead a tetter with corrosive itching; (red round spots on abdomen and thighs). Painful pimples beneath nostrils; (pimples on l. side of face, with biting as from salt.) Pimples form neck to knees, with itching and burning, (<) at night, afterwards P. became filled with erythematous redness, then vesicles formed, most abundant where perspiration was most confined, as in folds of axillary region, under binding of skirts, etc., the eruption spread to scalp and soles, with swelling, a bagging of cheeks and neck, l. side of face and l. ear being more affected then r., and where the perspiration was confined the skin was raised and broken, as if scalded.

Sticking on wrist. Crawling here and there; in arms and legs, from feet upward to throat. (Itching only after touch); I. in hair of head, (>) scratching, and in spots on rest of body; here and there, mostly in face and nose; sticking burning, especially on chest and face.


      Yawning; after eating. Sleepiness all day; after the heat; (<) eating. Snoring, as if he could not inspire through the nose. He becomes wide awake in the night and cannot sleep again; wide awake after midnight and also later. Frequent waking after midnight. Sleep interrupted by crying and starting as if he fell from a high place. Sleep full of dreams. Dreams full of difficulties. Sad dreams, of past experiences, and on waking he did not know whether it was real or not.


      Aversion to cold air, especially a draught. General coldness. Chill in afternoon, then the skin burned and itched more than before; C. in evening; in evening after lying down, then coryza; (in evening, with thirst (without heat, yawning or stretching), with weariness, short breath, sleepiness, fretfulness, and shivering on slightest motion, without internal or external coldness, and yet he was not too warm in a hot room). Chill at night, general sweat the following nights; C. from a little air in bed. Coldness increasing, with increase of ill humor and of contraction of pupils. Gradual diminution of warmth.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.