Homeopathy Remedy Cantharis

Clinical Inflammation of throat, which feels on fire (Arsen.). Aphthous ulceration of throat, regurgitation of drink, etc. Diphtheritic inflammation of throat, with constriction amounting almost to suffocative dyspnoea, etc.


      Appetite increased. Hunger, waking at night; H. after relief of pains. Appetite diminished. Lost; evening and morning; for supper; lost after coffee. Disgust for food; in evening during the paroxysm, at seeing food or heating about it; for tobacco. Thirst; at 8 P.M., after the shaking chill; at night, with fever; during dinner; during the coldness; after the chill; when not in pain; with burning pain in throat and stomach (Arsen.); with frothy and bloody sputa; but liquids can hardly be swallowed and are at once vomited; loss of T., and water does not taste good.

Eructations; frothy and sour; of frothy, sour mucus, with heartburn, no thirst, the burning in pharynx (<) drinking water; empty; incomplete, almost like hiccough, also passing backward from pharynx towards stomach, before dinner. Hiccough; in afternoon.

Nausea; in morning, with coldness, in afternoon heat; in morning, even to vomiting; towards evening; when eating; on walking and standing; with disgust for everything; with salivation; with trembling of feet; intermittent; in epigastric region on stooping or on inspiration; like a weakness in stomach, after coffee in forenoon. Retching.

Vomiting; with pressing in stomach, then cutting; with pain in hypogastrium and bearing down, urging to urinate, with heat and smarting and ineffectual urging to stool; with strangury, then inflammation of kidney. Of blood; with strangulation. Of greenish, offensive matter. Of mucus; frothy M.; bloody; frothy, bloody; of glairy, tenacious; of tenacious, taking the form of the gullet; of mucus and ingesta, without exertion. Of bile; and ingesta. Of everything. Of herby-tasting food, with stool. Of the water he drinks, with blood. Of membrane; of membranous flakes (morbid secretion of alimentary canal). Of a cylinder mass, apparently inner membrane of gullet.

Lancinations. Cutting; intermittent, in pit and about umbilicus. Pinching in r. epigastric region in morning, with stitching. Gnawing in region, extending into back between shoulders. Cramp; with free emesis. Acute pain in region of S. and bladder, with such sensibility that pressure caused convulsions. Pain; in epigastrium; in epigastric region and in groin; in epigastrium, (<) pressure, and in umbilicus. Pressing, (<) when empty; P. extending backward from both sides into spine, where it seems screwed together. Pressure in pit in afternoon. Drawing pain. Burning pain in region.

Inflammation. Cardialgia, (<) drinking, with sour eructations. Burning; all forenoon, with taste of wine of mouth; at orifice; in epigastric region, with pain. Sensation before dinner as if screwed together. Crushing in pit, (>) as soon as she takes anything warm or drinks anything cold. Heaviness in epigastrium and umbilicus, with heat and smarting. Fulness, with pressure, as if he would eructate; F. in epigastric region and externally. Distress, with nausea after eating, feeling as if a load oppressed him; D., with nausea, then vomiting of the water he had drunk, gasping and general chilliness. Indescribable sensation in epigastric region, she feels hungry without really being so. Weakness.


      Distended; and tympanitic (Terebinth); and tender; with movements as if flatus would pass. Retracted and sensitive to pressure, especially hypogastrium. Rumbling; while sitting; with rattling. Growling, more on r. side of hypogastrium, passing backward; G., with rumbling and shaking. Rolling, with sensation as before diarrhoea. Movements of flatus in evening, with pinching, the pain extending into chest; M., causing lumps, as if a child were there. Movements, with yawning. Emission of flatus; noisy, in evening.

Tearing, with pinching; T., with diarrhoea and pain in anus. Cutting; towards evening, during stool, after the stool shivering (Caps).; from 5 P.M. till morning, with necessity to roll about; with boring in knees, after coffee vomiting of bitter stuff, then bitter taste. Pinching during stool after the stool shivering. Griping; at 3 A.M.; then liquid stool; extending upward and becoming stitches, then stitching backward on both sides, hindering respiration. Sensation as after a drastic purge. Inflammation; of whole alimentary canal, ureters, kidneys and internal sexual organs.

Pain; after coffee; from coughing; before diarrhoea; (<) pressure; (<) pressure, worse over hypogastrium and scrobiculus cordis; (<) during stool, which is increased thereby, with pain in anus; (>) diarrhoea; with nausea and vomiting of ingesta; with urging to stool; in intestinal canal changing to inflammation and gangrene. Sensation after midnight, as if menses would appear. Bearing- down pains. Dragging pains to genitals in afternoon. Sensitiveness to touch. Burning along alimentary canal; (<) morning, (>) several stools, with twisting; internally and externally in morning; as after strong wine.

Cutting in upper. Pain in upper. Cutting in r. side. Pinching in l. side. Sudden gripings in sides when standing, rather externally.

Hypochondria. Incarceration of flatus under short ribs (as of offensive flatus). Stitches in l., and in centre of sternum. Aching below ribs. (Inflammation of liver, with erosion of intestines.) Sensation as if something held her together below r. false ribs.

Umbilical Region. Pinching. Griping below navel before and during stool. Burning pain above navel on coughing, sneezing and blowing nose, whereby the abdomen seems very hot, with yellow spots externally in region of this pain, which spots when touched are more stinging than burning.

Hypogastrium. Fermenting. Sticking in r. groin in morning; in l., groin, extending downward; cutting, in groin, and burning, with cutting when urinating. Cutting in groins, (>) sitting and standing, (<) walking; intermittent wandering C. in H. Gnawing. Griping from morning till 1 P.M., with pressing towards genitals. Pain; extending into lumbar region, most intense just above pubes, with nausea; above symphysis pubis and down ureters. Drawing in pubic region, with tearing. Tension along inguinal canal and testicles, around pelvic region. Compression on sides, but farther downward in l. Heat in pelvis, with constant desire to urinate, then some drops of urine.

Clinical Intestinal inflammation, with burning heat, tympanitic distention (Terebintha).


      Cutting at 8 P.M., (>) emission of flatus while standing and walking, but return of the pain with urging to stool, the pain (>) soft stool. Burning. Crawling. Tenesmus (Caps., Merc-c.) Urging, then copious soft stool; to a hard stool, soon afterwards liquid stool preceded by colic. Frequent urging; with scanty stool. Ineffectual urging; after first stool; during micturition.


      Passage of pure blood, and from urethra; after violent efforts (Merc-c.). Burning after diarrhoea (Merc-c., nitricum acidum); after stool, with stitches. Pain in perineum; seeming to arise from neck of bladder rather than from root of penis. Itching in perineum, with tenesmus at anus.


      Dysentery. Diarrhoea; with burning in anus with irritation in rectum; consisting of blood and mucus (Caps., Merc-c., etc.); mucous; of green mucus after three days’ constipation; frothy; watery; of brown liquid in morning; two liquid yellow stools during the day, with cutting in abdomen after each and biting pain in anus; frequent, with colic.

Constipation. Hard in morning, afterwards soft, with colic; H., with protrusion of rectum; then twinging in anus; and delayed; and difficult. Red, slimy. White tough mucus with the stool, like scrapings from intestines, with streaks of blood (nitricum acidum), seven times in one night. Copious. Scanty, black and tarry looking. Slight. somewhat hard, difficult, with cutting in rectum. Painful. Difficult and insufficient. Frequent; two in morning, with tenesmus. Omitted; but emission of flatus.

Clinical Diarrhoea like scrapings of intestines, reddish, mucous or bloody, flaky; during stool extreme burning at anus, dysenteric bloody stools, with intolerable burning tenesmus, with chill as if water were poured over one (Caps.). Acute dysentery, with unquenchable thirst, even the lips, mouth and throat feel raw and burning, with canker tendency to collapse cold hands and feet.

Urinary Organs

      Inflammation, with bleeding. Irritation, so that he can bear scarcely more than a spoonful of urine in bladder without urging (Nux-vom., Arsenicum). Cutting in uterus, extending towards penis, (>) pressure on glans, with contracting pain, the pains at times passing from without inward. Inflammation of kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra.

Bladder. Ulceration; and of urethra. Gangrene of lining. Discharge dirty purulent matter. Spasm. Pain; with frequent urging, intolerable tenesmus (Merc-cor.); over B. and over uterus and kidneys, and especially over hypogastrium. Pressure downward towards B. Inflammation. Burning; before micturition, (<) as the water left the bladder, continual urging, micturition by drops, urine often bloody (Terebintha), sometimes in clots, causing so much agony when passing urethra that he nearly fainted, about the same several loose stools, with, as the last faeces left the rectum, pain and straining, which soon extended to bladder, causing tenesmus, which was little relieved when one or two drops of bloody urine passed (compare Merc-cor.), afterwards intermittent tearing-boring over region of r. kidney, following direction of ureters, with pain when lying in any position but more comfortable when back was bent, micturition most painful as the last drops passed the sphincter vesicae.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.