Homeopathy Remedy Cantharis

Scalp. Hair falls out on combing. Stitches in r. side of occiput, then tearings in l. parietal bone. Head and hair feel stiff to him.

Clinical Neuralgia of head and face from taking cold, with loud screams and jerking of muscles.


      Turned towards nose. Protruding. Sunken; and surrounded by blue rings. Red and lustrous. Inflamed; causing blindness. Lustreless. Sticking in l., with itching. Tearing in r. Cutting while writing. Pressing; in afternoon, so that lids close. Pain on writing; on exertion; as after excessive weeping. Smarting in r. in afternoon; S. as from salt. Itching in r. in afternoon. Heat.

Lachrymation; in open air, with necessity to close lids, if he opened them pain as if margins were sore, like raw flesh; with tension of upper lids. Painful drawing in r. ball before dinner. Pupils dilated; with dim vision; contracted. Lids closed more than usual, eyes looking small. Twitching of lid; of l. lower; of r. upper at 2 P.M.; of r. lower, with stitching. Smarting of lids on closing; of lids and around balls, with burning. Conjunctiva suffused. Spasmodic stitches in brows, drawing down to chin, with heat in palate as from eating something burning. Pain in l. orbital arch as if pressed by a blunt instrument.

Vision dim; (on writing, then headache). Inability to distinguish an object until he nearly closes the lids and shakes the head two or three times. Vision yellow in morning. The letters on the paper are green and yellow.

Clinical Acute inflammation of eyes, with biting and smarting as from a burn.


      Stitches; in l. Tearing externally in r. meatus, then in l. shoulder; deep in r. ear with tickling in l. Tearing in r. mastoid process; in evening, with stitching; sudden, in r. mastoid process, extending into lobule of ear, with stitching in ears, (<) rubbing; in r. mastoid process below ear, as with a knife, even at night, with headache in forehead like a heaviness. Painful drawing in r. mastoid process. Pressing behind r. ear. Hot vapor issues from either alternately. Drumming. Roaring after supper. Ringing before, with humming.


      Swelling, with internal redness and soreness; with redness and sensation as if it would fester, especially internally, the pain (<) touch and talking. Redness, with heat and a pustule. Inflammation, with spots sore pain and pimples; I. of tip; on edge of r. wing, especially towards end, appearing at irregular intervals red and shining, with swelling and pain. Pimple in l. nostril, burning on touch.

Stitches in nostrils; outward in l. wing. Pain, with tension, throbbing, swollen sensation and pain on touch. Pain on top at 3.A.M. as if he had pressed it, then tension and erysipelatous inflammation and swelling from back of nose down sides into cheeks, (<) r., like redness of cheeks, becoming white under pressure of finger, then rapidly again red, hard to touch, afterwards desquamation, then similar inflammation, especially on r. upper lip, sides and tip of nose. Soreness of nostrils. Drawing in r. nostril with tickling and ineffectual irritation to sneeze. Itching in nostrils, uvula and throat.

Sneezing; then sticking in l. wing; violent morning. Catarrh, with much tenacious mucus from nose, hoarseness, painful hawking of tough mucus from chest and nightly dry, cutting stitching along trachea. Mucus mixed with blood. Bleeding. Constant stench before nose, passing down throat.


      Deathly look during and after pains in afternoon. Suffering expression. Sallow and puffy. Yellow, also eyes. Hippocratic. Pinched. Cyanotic. Pale; in afternoon during and after pains; during the chill; and covered with sweat; sunken and expressive of terror; with flushes. Sticky, with dim eyes surrounded by dark rings. Anxious countenance. Red; on stooping, blood shooting forcibly into head, even head becoming hot when sitting, not when walking; in spots. Glowing of r. side while l. is waxy yellow. Swollen; r. half; r. side, and tense; r. cheeks S. and inflamed, with drawing pain in upper teeth. Disfigured. Animated expression. Sore pain in bones, extending into ear, (<) r. side.

Lips. Swollen. Eruption in corners. Pimples on margin of upper in evening. Inflammation and blisters on lips, tongue, palate and pharynx. Desquamation; and of mouth. Cutting in middle of margin of lower, ending behind r. ear. Soreness, and tongue loosened from its upper skin and arch of palate dark brown. Burning, and of tongue and palate. Dryness, without thirst (Apis); D. during and after the pains, with thirst.

Jaws. Mouth wide open, with chewing motions of jaws. Twitching in middle of l. lower while speaking. Stitching in upper in afternoon, somewhat on r. side. Tearing in r. lower in morning while walking; in l. lower, in afternoon, extending backward; in middle of r. lower, and in a tooth there. Gnawing in middle of r. lower; in middle of lower, spreading to teeth. Sore pain on inner margin of lower, where there is an itching tetter, the pain (<) speaking and touch.

Clinical Erysipelas of face, and with burning biting heat and urinary symptoms.


      Teeth. Looseness. Rising up of the root of a r. lower, and it can be drawn out easily, when the tearing ceases. Tearings in r. lower molars; in r. lower carious molar. Drawing pain in upper in afternoon, (<) eating. Drawing, then sticking, (<) evening after lying down, preventing sleep.

Gum. Swelling and of mucous membrane of cheeks; with redness. Red spot above carious root of upper incisor, painful, if pressed discharging pus from an opening in centre. Red spot above l. upper incisor, painful, becoming elevated, inflamed, yellow- reddish, sore the pain (<) external pressure, with swelling of upper lip. Blister, with red points, with swelling of upper lip. Sudden tearing, and in l. lower incisor. Pain. Painful drawing in r. extending outward on r. upper incisor, with sensation as if something were drawing across lip. Quivering in G. of l. upper eyetooth.

Tongue. Swollen and coated. Sublingual glands swollen. Coated, red at edges. Coated white; down centre. White, with bitter taste, nausea and aversion to everything. Bleached along sides and tip blackish brown in centre and swollen. Red at edges, with yellow coat on its anterior two -thirds. Bluish-red covered with white blisters, containing bile-like fluid. Painful blister along centre. Part of T. and back of mouth excoriated part covered with blisters. Festering, and of throat and gum. Aphthae covering margin and gums (Tarent.). Trembling. Stitch in tip, as if she had bitten it. Burning, and on palate. Dryness in morning and mucous coat; D. and pallor. Tickling on tip.

Mucous membrane red and covered with blisters (Borax, Sul-ac.). Back of mouth swollen and red, the the tissues crossed by enlarged veins. Purple swelling near last lower molar, discharging clotted blood. Inflammation and ulceration; I. and swelling of mucous membrane, with salivation. Excoriation; of mucous membrane from mouth to anus. Blisters and in pharynx; white, on palate, gum and tongue. Slimy in morning, with white tongue; S. in morning, and bitter; at night on waking. Much tough mucus drawn into M. through posterior nares. Mucus and blood from M. and nose. A clot of blood comes into M. towards morning.

Biting pain in palate, (<) after eating. Sensation on r. side of M. as if its membrane were raised by a needle. M. and tongue seemed deprived of mucous membrane. Tension, with dryness, thirst and pains in limbs. Burning pain, and in throat and stomach (Arsen., Arum triphyllum) Burning, and in pharynx and stomach. Dryness; and of nose. Salivation; in morning; with redness of gums; with mucus from mouth; with constant spitting of mingled mucus and dark saliva; so that he must lie on his side; without coppery taste; disgusting sweet. Offensive breath. Breath like cedar pitch. Taste as of cedar pitch; nauseous; foul on rising; foul afternoons; bloody; bitter; insipid, as of sweet cheese; sour; unsalted, to food; lost.


      Swelling, with erysipelatous flush and turgid veins across fauces; S. of tonsils. Redness, with pressing, which on swallowing changes to sticking. Inflammation and covering of plastic lymph; I. of tonsils. Aphthous ulcer at back part, covered with a whitish adherent crust, and a similar one on side of r. tonsil (Merc-cor.). Abrasion, with blisters. Relaxation of uvula.

Pain in pharynx during hunger; burning, and constriction. Burning soreness, with inflammation. Scraping, with necessity to hawk up mucus after meals; burning S. in pharynx, with sweetish, disgusting taste on tongue and in mouth as far as pharynx. Roughness; in forenoon, with hoarseness. Constriction at back part, with pain; C., even to suffocation. Burning; in pharynx on swallowing; (<) pressure, and in pit of stomach; especially at entrance of oesophagus, extending to epigastrium. Dryness in afternoon, without thirst; D. in pharynx, with occasional sticking. Swallowing difficult; impossible.

OEsophagus. Constriction. Burning; (<) while drinking.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.