Homeopathy Remedy Cannabis sativa

Sexual Organs

      Coldness, with warmth of rest of body. Stitch in r. side of mons veneris. Tensive pain in spermatic cord, and contraction of scrotum, with contractive sensation in it when standing. Swelling of prostate gland. Moisture about corona glandis. Glans as dark red as the prepuce; G., covered with red spots. Penis painful as if excoriated or burnt when walking (with necessity to have it suspended). Pain on r. side near penis like piercing shocks. Penis swollen, without marked erections; S. of glans and penis, a kind of insensible erection. Erections while coughing, then pain in urethra; frequent E., then stitches in urethra; frequent, during the day, only when sitting; excessive, mornings in bed, without desire, with cutting-sticking in orifice of urethra; excessive and painful, waking him at night after an embrace in morning, especially without desire; no proper E. during an embrace in morning, especially towards the last, scarcely perceives the ejaculation.

Prepuce. Swelling of r. side and lower part; of fraenum and P., especially where it unites with fraenum and P., especially where it unites with fraenum. Dark redness, heat and inflammation. Soreness on border and inner side. Burning, and in glans, applications of cold water cause soreness; corrosive, in P. and urethra, in region of corona glandis, with sticking. Excoriation of margin. Itching beneath prepuce and on fraenum, with redness and moisture behind corona glandis; agreeable, on border of prepuce and in orifice of urethra; disagreeable, on r. side near anterior margin, more internally, becoming agreeable during and after scratching.

Dragging in testicles when standing. Strangling pain in l. testicle in afternoon while walking, the epididymis and spermatic cord seem to swell and divide into lumps like soft beans and to fill out the upper part of the somewhat drooping scrotum. Desire excited. Indifference during the day, but after an embrace in evening excessive erections in morning and frequently during the day, (<) in forenoon. Aversion to coition.

Female. Itching-sticking in vagina, and much leucorrhoea after an embrace. Miscarriage at the eighth month, with frightful convulsions. Profuse menses. Desire during morning sleep, but no pleasure during an embrace. Much pleasure during an embrace. Excitement without desire, then out of sorts, with aversion to sexual intercourse.

Respiratory Organs

      Voice frequently inaudible. Voice raised, with anxiety and complaint of pain in back. Voice changed, more like a clangor than the human voice. Tough mucus in lower part of trachea in morning, with ability to loosen only a little which he must swallow, after hawking and coughing scraping in trachea as if raw and sore, finally the mucus loosens itself, and he is obliged to hawk it up repeatedly. Bronchial irritation, with repeated attacks of pulmonary congestion and inflammation, emaciation, premature decrepitude of frame, organic affection of lungs, then phthisis ending the existence.

Breathing oppressed; from tensive pressive pains in middle of sternum, which was sore to touch, with sleepiness; (<) after dinner, (>) sitting down, with anxiety in chest and stitches between scapulae; with pain over whole chest; with weight upon chest. Breathed with great force, with sensation of heat. Breathing rapid. Cough; hacking, from pit of throat, with which a cold salt fluid is felt deep in throat; in violent paroxysms; dry, violent.

Clinical Asthma, with mucous rales, extreme dyspnoea.


      Inflammation of male nipple, with itching and pain on touch, and beside the nipple a pustule which heals without opening. (Inflammation of chest, and lungs); of lungs, with incoherent talk. Stitches in external parietes; burning, in l. side, near ensiform cartilage. Cutting across external parietes. Pinching in lower part, under sternum, (>) bending backward, (<) bending forward, when it was worse on inspiration. Digging beneath upper part of sternum, without oppression of breath. Drawing pain in l. lowest ribs. Oppression, with apprehension in throat and necessity to breathe deeply; tensive O. in l half, with jerkings, palpitation and anxiety. Scraping as from salt in morning, with necessity to loosen and swallow something. Roughness, scratching and dryness. Pushings or beatings in both sides, arresting breathing, most painful in region of heart; P. as with intermitting, dull stitches, a kind of pressing inward in l. side, without oppression of breathing. Throbbing against ribs of l. side. Hammering outward beneath one of the cartilages of ribs, near sternum.

Heart and Pulse

      Cardiac oppression. H. beats as if it would fall out on moving body and on stooping, with warm sensation about it. Palpitation. Pulse rapid; and irregular; and small; small and irregular; slow, scarcely perceptible.


      Stitches in lowest part, as with a knife. Pinching in muscles above gullet. Drawing, extending upward in cervical vertebrae; externally to ear, more like a pinching. Beating in nape.


      Pain, arresting breath. Itching stitch near r. scapula, (>) scratching. Burning beneath r. scapula. Pinching in middle, extending towards abdomen. Slow intermittent stitches in l. side, beneath lowest ribs. Pain in loins, (<) after slightest exertion, obliging him to sit down and rest; at base of spine, extending along sciatic nerve and in hip-joint; on coccyx, as from a dull point; on l. side near coccyx, in bone, as if pressed forcibly by a hard body. Drawing pain in kidney region, extending into inguinal glands, with anxious nausea in pit of stomach. Pain in kidney region as if ulcerated.


      Contractions, as in chorea. Rheumatic drawing in all long bones on motion, as if bruised. Weariness; (>) when walking; after eating, with tearing in l. side, beneath short ribs, and the spot is painful to pressure. Heaviness Stiffness.

Upper Extremities

      Intermittent tearing upon top of shoulder. Pain on pressure between end of clavicle and head of humerus, which extends into fingers. Bruised sensation in shoulder on stretching arm. Sticking in upper arm and in bones of little finger. (Dead feeling in wrist with inability to use it.) Cramplike contraction of metacarpal bones; intermitting cramplike C. of r. hand Stitch in hollow of hand, over carpal bones. Heaviness of r. hand, (>) motion, for instance writing, with falling asleep of it. Sudden lameness of hand, with inability to hold the fork with the fingers while eating, trembling of hand on taking hold of anything and painful loss of power. Cramp in joints of thumb while writing. Stitches in tip of r. hand finger. Crawling in tips of fingers as if they had begun to go to sleep and were numb.

Lower Extremities

      Cramp in buttocks always on stooping. Pain in r. buttock on sitting, as from strong pressure, with going to sleep of r. foot. Pinching, jerking-strangling pain in r. hip. Stitches in flesh of thigh near groin. Pressure in middle of forepart of T. when sitting. Painless cramplike sensation posteriorly in r. T. as if a muscle would begin to twitch. Patella snaps when ascending stairs. Drawing cramp in hollow of knee when walking, extending along inner muscles of thigh. Intermittent prickling- burning in l. knee. Cramp in calf when walking. Bruised pain externally in flesh near l. tibia, then sticking in whole l. extremity. Burning in r. tibia when standing. Sticking in l. ankle, (>) washing with cold water with sore pain. Cramp in r heel. Painful throbbing on dorsa of feet. Painful tensive stretching in instep. Drawing in heel when sitting, with pressure. Heaviness of feet after eating; of feet when ascending stairs, so that he feels them as he lifts them. Sticking in l. little toe, where he formerly had a corn. Drawing in ball of r. great toe; to and fro from l. toes to ankle. Prickling under l. great toe as when a severe cold settles under the nails.


      Pimples on nose, surrounded by red swelling, like acne rosaceae; itching P. on neck, nape and breast; itching, on arms; itching and painful, on chest and back. Papulous eruption on nates and thigh, small white vesicles, with large red, smooth border, burning like fire, (<) lying upon them and touching them, leaving brownish-red spots, which are painful to touch. Vesicles filled with white serum, burning on touch, surrounded by red areola, on head and chest. Pustule on nape, painful at night.

Sticking over whole body at night in bed when he became sweaty from warm coverings, beginning in a few places, when he scratched them it suddenly changed and extended to other places, (>) uncovering, with anxiety of heart and sensation as if hot water were thrown over him repeatedly. Crawling itching biting on face, as from salt. Itching here and there on face; on chin and tip of nose; around knee; on hands and fingers; stinging, in ball of l. great toe; painful, almost sore, about umbilicus, which pained as if sore and was sensitive after rubbing. Vague tingling like the beginning of anaesthesia.

TF Allen
Dr. Timothy Field Allen, M.D. ( 1837 - 1902)

Born in 1837in Westminster, Vermont. . He was an orthodox doctor who converted to homeopathy
Dr. Allen compiled the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica over the course of 10 years.
In 1881 Allen published A Critical Revision of the Encyclopedia of Pure Materia Medica.